THG has a review of the VP930


Jul 16, 2005
I recently noticed that a few people have been searching for a review on the 19" LCD that is the replacement of the VP191B.
Here is the linkage:
You're welcome..
He states that it is an excellent monitor and the overall uniformity of the panel was very good. There have been several complaints of backlight leaking with the VP930, but I seem to not have that problem on mine.
There is a small amount in the corners of a totally black screen but not anything like some of the pics I've seen floating around! No X shaped bleeding across the screen by no means! Not even noticeable in the darkest areas of FPS games...
I hate that some people are having the backlight issue because it is a great monitor. :confused:
gjwild said:
You're welcome..
He states that it is an excellent monitor and the overall uniformity of the panel was very good. There have been several complaints of backlight leaking with the VP930, but I seem to not have that problem on mine.

I've seen the pics of the bleeding and really have nothing like them on my VP930b. Sure, I have some slight bleeding in the corners in a dark room with a black screen, but that's bound to appear with any LCD frankly, and those circumstances will possibly make it look worse than it is.

I watch movies on a regular basis, letterbox or widescreen, and haven't noticed the nasty bleeding shown by others. No issues with games or otherwise either. I have also checked to see if I saw any color differences with dark colors as opposed to just testing an all-black screen, and no problems there either.

I do have one important note, which may be relevant. The default settings have it at maximum brightness, which makes the screen unbearably bright for normal usage. I recalibrated it with the software provided. It is possible that this also reduced the bleeding, but if so, I won't consider that cheating as I'd never use it in its default "blinding light" settings anyhow.

I'm sorry for those with the problems, but I don't share them, and am as happy as can be with the monitor.

I do have one important note, which may be relevant. The default settings have it at maximum brightness, which makes the screen unbearably bright for normal usage. I recalibrated it with the software provided. It is possible that this also reduced the bleeding, but if so, I won't consider that cheating as I'd never use it in its default "blinding light" settings anyhow.
I in return have not used the default settings from the get go, and like you mentioned the recalibration with the software provided may definately help w/ the bleeding effect.
gjwild said:
There is a small amount in the corners of a totally black screen but not anything like some of the pics I've seen floating around! No X shaped bleeding across the screen by no means! Not even noticeable in the darkest areas of FPS games...
I hate that some people are having the backlight issue because it is a great monitor. :confused:

Same here. It's limited to just the extreme corners (no X on mine). With mine the bleeding is most noticeable in the upper right corner. But even at that it's hardly noticeable except on a totally black screen. The rest of the corners show very minimal bleeding.

All I know is I'm enjoying mine. Games, video, graphics, and DVDs all look excellent. Oh, and the colors! Sweet. :)
Thanks, OP! It would have been another month or so before I saw that on my own. Looks like the VP191b has been officially pulled. First sign of a great monitor: you never see it on a [H]ot Deals page anywhere.

Tom's site is clueless at times. Right off the top Benoit says pulling the VP191b was an unfathomable decision by ViewSonic and now they are under pressure to come up with a replacement. Come on, Benoit, what rock have you been living under? The VP930b was released as an almost-direct replacement of the VP191b and the plan was well documented over the summer. The review concludes little has changed. It's a tad slower in response time, but blacks are blacker. The only people surprised by this ViewSonic switcheroo are the folks over at Tom's Hardware. Actually, I'm impressed they got the review out as fast as they did. It is thorough, as usual with Tom's place. Their technical methods and evaluations are exemplary.
After spending a good bit of time on the VP930 lately, I'm really liking it... :)