Things To Avoid on Craigslist

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I think it is safe to say that, of all things you can get on Craigslist, this should never be one of them. The police have cut this guy’s criminal career short but they are still looking for additional information / tips from the community.

"He had a mini operating room type atmosphere set up at his house and he wore a laboratory coat, and he was even able to administer a local anesthetic before the procedure," said Lt. Kevin Kelley. It is unclear why the individuals wanted circumcisions but they all consented.
That is awesome. Sheople are stoopid! The best was the guy that commented that it was a cosmetic surgery that cost a lot of money.
Performing circumcisions without a license? There's a special license for that?
Performing circumcisions without a license? There's a special license for that?

Yeah, and if you don't pay the government for the license they call it illegal circumcision and arrest you for it.
Even including people with religious reasons, I just don't see the appeal of circumcision.

For certain conditions or in certain countries with poor hygiene, yes, then I can understand how this might be essential. But the idea of just nipping off the skin there and then it being something that a lot of people consider normal is just beyond my understanding, even as a multi-cultural Brit. Or maybe it's to do with my proximity to Europe, where this isn't so common in the general population.

In any case, if it's for religious reasons, then clearly one should believe one's God put it there for a reason and not tinker with it.

If it's for sexual reasons, to do with increased sensitivity and whatnot, okay, but it's still akin in my eyes to a woman having an operation on her own downstairs equipment. I just hope it wasn't done out of pressure by partners or anything like that. I mean, if any partner of mine tried to guilt trip me into having such a thing done just because they didn't like the look of an uncircumsized penis, they'd very quickly become an ex-partner.

That's how I feel anyways. I don't expect everyone to agree with me and I respect the views of those who think differently to me.
Even including people with religious reasons, I just don't see the appeal of circumcision.

I don't know. Too me it just makes more sense purely for the hygiene reasons. It's odd, I think you are the first person I have known that would say being circumcised is weird instead of the other way around. Guess that's just the difference in culture though.

So glad my community could make a front page news post on HardOCP, for some messed up reason.
In any case, if it's for religious reasons, then clearly one should believe one's God put it there for a reason and not tinker with it.

Well, this just shows a lack of understanding of why they do it for religious reasons. Not saying I don't agree with you, but it dates back to Abraham who is a big figure for pretty much all of the monotheistic religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam). I mean that's probably half of the world right there. Out of which Christianity is the least likely to perform circumcision, but it's a bigger deal to Jews and Muslims (and as Islam continues to take over Europe you will see it more).
circumcisions help desensitize the penis from what I understand.
Did you know the person performing the circumcision is called a Mohel? Pronounced mole?

Learned it from Seinfeld
The guy should have paired it with a barber's shop.

"Can I get a little off the top and..............a little off the top?"
There's an interesting Bullshit! episode regarding this. I'm pretty sure they said it was all BS, lol.

I don't know, but I'd probably trust the WHO over Bullshit. I mean, they have more resources at their disposal to do research.
Wow, something within 20 miles of me made the forums.

Unfortunately, something extremely creepy.
Did you know the person performing the circumcision is called a Mohel? Pronounced mole?

Learned it from Seinfeld

It is pronounced like m-o-y-a-l. The ceremony is called a Briss. Come on guys, I was raised Roman Catholic and even I know this stuff. As a member of the mushroom brigade, I can't say I give a damn one way or the other. :D Since I fortunately, don't have any memory of the specific occasion, I tend to not dwell on such things.
Did you know the person performing the circumcision is called a Mohel? Pronounced mole?

Learned it from Seinfeld
Only if you're Jewish (since circumcision after birth is a ritual aspect of Orthodox Judaism,). And it is pronounced moyle.

For everyone else, it's usually performed by a licensed physician. I believe a mohel needs some sort of dispensation as well.
Oh, and I believe it's a bris (one "s"). But then again, I'm not Jewish either (Protestant).
Oh, and I believe it's a bris (one "s"). But then again, I'm not Jewish either (Protestant).

From what I was taught. It can be spelled in a number of ways and has been used both ways in past and contemporary literature. I'm no expert at all. So don't take my word for it. Anyone here a Rabi?