Things to do with a huge widescreen monitor


Limp Gawd
Nov 27, 2007
I recently got a 22" LCD widescreen monitor and it's huge compared to my old 15.5" laptop. I'm trying to figure out fun things to do with it, besides watching movies and hooking up my 360. Anyone have any fun ideas or neat wallpapers?
turn it sideways, that's always a good two minutes of pure delight :D
turn it sideways, that's always a good two minutes of pure delight :D

2 minutes? I leave my monitor vertical for the majority of the time. Considering about 80% of what I do is internet/website related, its a lot nicer to be able to fit a lot more on screen. Especially when most (non-scaling) websites are designed around a 1024x768 resolution anyway, so much space is wasted on the sides of a bigger monitor. Solution, turn it vertical! :D
yeah, I believe u. It was more of a smarty pants comment to make a point :)
If you can't come up what to do with your screen ...

... you clearly don't need one.

Fucking noobs having stuff they don't need at all -_-
If you can't come up what to do with your screen ...

... you clearly don't need one.

Fucking noobs having stuff they don't need at all -_-
There's a first time for everything, Mr. Fucktard.
Download the new version of Winamp (it comes with MilkDrop2) and watch the visualization fullscreen. Thats always fun.
Well, I've pivoted a 30" to horizontal and thrown a towel over it in order to make a picnic table for my daughter... That got a laugh out of her.
Just use the space like your desk, now you don't have to maximize all windows and swithc between them, you can arrange them :)