Think I stripped the screws on the H90 cooler


Jan 22, 2002
Using the ones for the 1150 socket. They turned so easy with a screw driver after using thumb. But its still tight. But think damage is done. Didn't think the screws were so fragile.

Still seems to be cooling fine though. The thumb screws turn, and get tight if I try to turn the other way. Then go back and they get tight as well. With just a little lose inbetween.

Should I just try to get a new backplate and replacement screws?
Sounds like the treads is screwed up in the mounting plate.

Contact Corsair and hopefully they will send you a free replacement. Might as well do it while your computer is running fine. The next time you take it off, more than likely it won't mount snug enough.
Support already sending me replacement parts free of charge.
Starting to think I may not have stripped it. But the adhesive that I put on the backplate may be getting squished down which would explain why they were so easy to tighten with the screwdriver.
Not going to mess with it now since its cooling fine. Once the parts come I'll take it apart and see.