Think your ready for Crysis 3? Think again


Aug 28, 2008






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read about this from anandtech and i was :eek:

its an alpha...

Probably not optimized at all - they are simply looking for bugs and feedback.

In other words, it proves nothing.
Yeah from my understand this game has already been patched quite a bit and should run a lot better.

Runs similar to BF3 gpu power wise.
is it bad that the first thing that popped in my mind was..

"so.. it's a very bad console port, woopdeedoo"
Cevat Yerli said C3 was going to bring this current gen down.


And by the looks of things... the next 2 gens LOL.
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Looks fine to me.

1920x1080, High Quality, 51fps min 68fps average on a stock GTX 680. My 680 is overclocked quite a bit so should put me at right around 60fps minimum and average in the 70s.

Plus add in a bit of performance optimization and remove the alpha debugging code and you should gain a few more FPS there too.
Looks like multi-core will help greatly in this game as well. At medium settings 1080P, a 2500K performs almost 50% better than a i3-2100. And a 3930K performs about another 20% better than a 2500K. Good stuff. I can't wait for this to bring my system to its knees. It's about time something other than a heavily modded Skyrim did.
Looks fine to me.

1920x1080, High Quality, 51fps min 68fps average on a stock GTX 680. My 680 is overclocked quite a bit so should put me at right around 60fps minimum and average in the 70s.

Plus add in a bit of performance optimization and remove the alpha debugging code and you should gain a few more FPS there too.

That's what I'm hoping for. Hopefully that's with vsync, though. Benchmarks don't mean much to me with it off.
this and Metro: Last Light might be GPU killers in the vein of the original Crysis...I'm betting the GTX 780 will be released in time for these games
Man I hope this is true. I want to upgrade my GPU so bad I can't stand it but really can't justify it since the only game I can't play on max settings is BF3 and I'm in the upper 20's to low 30's on it. I would love to see Crysis be a rig killer so we have something to build to.
So a 6950 beats a 6990 in almost all scenarios? I guess I should hang on to mine then.../sigh
Anyway this is in response to the engine being optimized for consoles to run @ 30fps?

Just doesnt scale well otherwise? I cant imagine they spend all that much time making the PC version run effectively on the current cream-of-the-crop hardware.

its an alpha...

Probably not optimized at all - they are simply looking for bugs and feedback.

In other words, it proves nothing.

First off, I've been playing the Alpha. With my rig, Very High Q kicks your ass. I can only run on High with for what I would consider to be playable. Mostly 50-60 fps with dips in heavy, heavy fighting.

And it looks great.

Now... as to your comment. What makes you think all of a sudden they are going to re-write the fucking code of the game so all of sudden it runs better than the Alpha?

How many bugs are they looking for with one map for the Alpha?

This is how it's going to run on your computer when Crysis 3 comes out. Period.
First off, I've been playing the Alpha. With my rig, Very High Q kicks your ass. I can only run on High with for what I would consider to be playable. Mostly 50-60 fps with dips in heavy, heavy fighting.

And it looks great.

Now... as to your comment. What makes you think all of a sudden they are going to re-write the fucking code of the game so all of sudden it runs better than the Alpha?

How many bugs are they looking for with one map for the Alpha?

This is how it's going to run on your computer when Crysis 3 comes out. Period.

I think he said optimize not rewrite.

You know for a fact it will run the exact same and not any better or worse? I then assume you work for the game developer and on this project?

A map could expose lots of bugs, thats why they have people try them?
I think he said optimize not rewrite.

You know for a fact it will run the exact same and not any better or worse? I then assume you work for the game developer and on this project?

A map could expose lots of bugs, thats why they have people try them?

Yes I do know. Because there is always someone making comments like this when Betas and Alphas come out and it's always bullshit. They said the same things about the BF3 Beta and Crysis 2 demo.

They have people play the Alphas for some feedback, but mostly to get people buzzing about the game.

A major gaming company isn't going to put out a shit Alpha, unless the final product they plan to release is shit.

And all the whining about Crysis 2 being a console port that's easy on PCs- Now Crytek is showing some love to PC gamers by putting out the Alpha and showing us that Crysis 3
is going to challenge modern gaming PCs, now all of a sudden people want "optimized.":rolleyes:
this and Metro: Last Light might be GPU killers in the vein of the original Crysis...I'm betting the GTX 780 will be released in time for these games

Hopefully Metro: Last Light gets made. News just came out that THQ stock just dropped 40%. They just delayed Metro and South Park the other day. Not a good sign :(
First off, I've been playing the Alpha. With my rig, Very High Q kicks your ass. I can only run on High with for what I would consider to be playable. Mostly 50-60 fps with dips in heavy, heavy fighting.

And it looks great.

Now... as to your comment. What makes you think all of a sudden they are going to re-write the fucking code of the game so all of sudden it runs better than the Alpha?

How many bugs are they looking for with one map for the Alpha?

This is how it's going to run on your computer when Crysis 3 comes out. Period.

Alpha builds for software typically have a lots of debugging code enabled. This is a bunch of data watching and data collection code that does a bunch of extra work.

All they have to do is switch the compiler flag and re-compile the application to remove all of the debugging code.

Debugging code could make the game run 1% slower, it could make it run 50% slower. It depends on how much debugging they have in there and what kind of logging it's doing.
Lol...Based on those benchmarks, no one will be ready for it for another few years...

You know, when hardware that can actually play it properly comes out.

My guess is that it's heavily unoptimized right now.
Yes I do know. Because there is always someone making comments like this when Betas and Alphas come out and it's always bullshit. They said the same things about the BF3 Beta and Crysis 2 demo.

They have people play the Alphas for some feedback, but mostly to get people buzzing about the game.

A major gaming company isn't going to put out a shit Alpha, unless the final product they plan to release is shit.

And all the whining about Crysis 2 being a console port that's easy on PCs- Now Crytek is showing some love to PC gamers by putting out the Alpha and showing us that Crysis 3
is going to challenge modern gaming PCs, now all of a sudden people want "optimized.":rolleyes:

A major gaming company is going to put out a INVITATION ONLY ALPHA to get lots of people to try it out, but more importantly for feedback/bugs. What exactly made you think that it was "shit" or that anyone thought it was shit? I don;t know if you noticed, but performance for those two games that you mentioned improved GREATLY because of OPTIMIZATION and updates - its kinda why these alphas are there..

I really have no idea what you are talking about man.. you are holding on to some hope that the devs will produce some sort of pc-killing game, but they are going to do it in one of two ways:

1) They are going to optimize and SQUEEZE every bit of performance out of these pc's, making sure they are doing everything they can to run them at their max.. or..

2) They will make a great looking game that kills pc's not because of all the cool graphics, but because the software behind it is bloated and its not OPTIMIZED.

Now... as to your comment. What makes you think all of a sudden they are going to re-write the fucking code of the game so all of sudden it runs better than the Alpha?

How many bugs are they looking for with one map for the Alpha?

This is how it's going to run on your computer when Crysis 3 comes out. Period.

LOL, what the hell do you know? He said optimize for start never mentioned a rewrite. And alpha is a hell of a lot further away from release than a beta is.

And you know for a fact that it's not going to run any better? lol show me one shred of proof.
Anyway this is in response to the engine being optimized for consoles to run @ 30fps?

Just doesnt scale well otherwise? I cant imagine they spend all that much time making the PC version run effectively on the current cream-of-the-crop hardware.

i doubt this will come out for current gen consoles... i just dont see it happening
A major gaming company is going to put out a INVITATION ONLY ALPHA to get lots of people to try it out, but more importantly for feedback/bugs. What exactly made you think that it was "shit" or that anyone thought it was shit? I don;t know if you noticed, but performance for those two games that you mentioned improved GREATLY because of OPTIMIZATION and updates - its kinda why these alphas are there..

I really have no idea what you are talking about man.. you are holding on to some hope that the devs will produce some sort of pc-killing game, but they are going to do it in one of two ways:

1) They are going to optimize and SQUEEZE every bit of performance out of these pc's, making sure they are doing everything they can to run them at their max.. or..

2) They will make a great looking game that kills pc's not because of all the cool graphics, but because the software behind it is bloated and its not OPTIMIZED.


Noobs have been calling Crysis a poorly optimized game for years. It's just a game that kicks PCs asses. That's it. No bloat. No poor optimization.

People make excuses when their $2500 rigs can't run a game as well as they want it to. And I'm sick of seeing it on forums. Don't be a noob and make excuses. Either turn your settings down, like I had to for the Alpha, or buy Quad SLI.

Just don't tell me that magically a game gains 50% optimization from the game maker going from Alpha to release. It just doesn't happen.

From what I've seen from Crysis 3, there will be tweaks, there will be DRIVER optimizations, better SLI and Crossfire profiles... but the game as it is now, is what it will be.

And when Crysis 3 comes out, I want you to come to this thread and digitally kiss my ass when everything I've just said turns out to be exactly as I predicted it would be.

And you say "Invitation only Alpha" like i'm priviledged or something. Like my feedback is so important to Crytek that they need me to help test their game. Or did I get a key just because I have Origin and it's a reward?:rolleyes:
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Now... as to your comment. What makes you think all of a sudden they are going to re-write the fucking code of the game so all of sudden it runs better than the Alpha?
They aren't going to completely wipe out the codebase and start from scratch, but they will rewrite certain portions of it. Even if you write micro-optimized code the first time (which, from a productivity standpoint, is generally frowned upon), assertions you make about what your codebase is going to be subjected to change as the project evolves and demands change. That's just software engineering in a nutshell.

Optimization occurs at every stage of the development process.
im glad people have the right response...its an alpha. im actually in the alpha and i can tell you the game is very poorly optimized especially with certain effects on like water/shaders.

turn these off and you are solid.
Noobs have been calling Crysis a poorly optimized game for years. It's just a game that kicks PCs asses. That's it. No bloat. No poor optimization.

People make excuses when their $2500 rigs can't run a game as well as they want it to. And I'm sick of seeing it on forums. Don't be a noob and make excuses. Either turn your settings down, like I had to for the Alpha, or buy Quad SLI.

Just don't tell me that magically a game gains 50% optimization from the game maker going from Alpha to release. It just doesn't happen.

From what I've seen from Crysis 3, there will be tweaks, there will be DRIVER optimizations, better SLI and Crossfire profiles... but the game as it is now, is what it will be.

And when Crysis 3 comes out, I want you to come to this thread and digitally kiss my ass when everything I've just said turns out to be exactly as I predicted it would be.

From what I've seen from Crysis 3, there will be tweaks, there will be DRIVER optimizations, better SLI and Crossfire profiles... but the game as it is now, is what it will be.


What exactly have you seen? The developer plans? How about software code? Maybe a daily lunch schedule for the people @ Crytek? All you have seen is the alpha - hell, all you could have seen is a youtube video of the alpha.. You don't know SHIT, sir.

Also, 50% better? wow.. If I remember correctly, all I EVER said was.. these graphs are meaningless because we don't know what the final product will be. But while you're all fired up, PROVE to me that it won't gain 100% better performance. Go on, i'll wait. PROVE IT.

I don't want the game to run at 60fps on a GTX 660 - I don't think anyone ever mentioned that. Hell, I want the game to bring a $2500 machine to its knees - but FOR THE RIGHT REASONS - not because the water effects takes up 95% cpu processing power cause its POORLY OPTIMIZED.
LOL, what the hell do you know? He said optimize for start never mentioned a rewrite. And alpha is a hell of a lot further away from release than a beta is.

And you know for a fact that it's not going to run any better? lol show me one shred of proof.

I have the proof. It's called common sense. I don't listen to game companies when they lie and mislead about games. Like all those of lesser intelligence who believed Bioware about Mass Effect and the in-game choices actually making a difference to the end of the game.

They say "Alpha" I say, limited release candidate to get people talking. Exclusivity gives it a "do want" appeal. Gets people lathered up. Just because they call it "Alpha" don't mean it's a buggy mess that Crytek desperately needs people to provide testing and feedback for.

And when I'm right when the game comes out, you can come back to this thread and kiss my tuckus too.
Guess we'll have to wait for the beta. Still, I'm hoping that something brings this generation down, and I'm not talking about The Witcher 2 with its Ubersampling SSAA stuff. I'm talking honest-to-goodness shader-demanding, fillrate-limiting, polygon ass-beating goodness.

The fact that we need triple displays to push our current generation is a travesty.

. these graphs are meaningless because we don't know what the final product will be.

These graphs will be completely accurate to the final product. Just like Crysis 2, when all the nay-sayers said "oh it's not the final product" and BF3 "oh it's not the final product".... guess what?

I've played them both and they weren't ANY different from beta to final release. A bug fix here or there. No more than bug fixes AFTER release. Just like i'm playing the Cry3 Alpha now.

im glad people have the right response...its an alpha. im actually in the alpha and i can tell you the game is very poorly optimized especially with certain effects on like water/shaders.

turn these off and you are solid.

Just like it will be on release.:rolleyes:
But can it run Crysis 3? :eek:

j/k when the game is optimized and drivers come out from both manufacturers we'll get a better picture of what to expect.

I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy this one.
I think people use different definitions of optimization.

If Crytek put full-on ray tracing in Crysis 3, it would run incredibly slowly. Even if they used the most completely optimized ray tracing algorithm it would still run really really slowly.

So in a sense it doesn't lack optimization, there is just a ton of math to do to perform ray tracing that even the most optimized code would still take forever to execute.

The only way to improve performance would be to remove the ray tracing completely, but removing something is not the definition of optimization. Optimization is changing the way something is done, but still completing the task.

Crytek is no doubt using some newer and more advanced rendering techniques which are probably optimized as best as they possibly they can be. Just because they are completely optimized doesn't mean that there isn't a substantial amount of mathematical calculations that need to be done.

So in this sense, Crysis 3 could be completely optimized, they just might be using rendering techniques that modern hardware is simply too slow for.