Thinking about Debian...


Limp Gawd
Dec 26, 2005
I currently use Ubuntu 8.04 LTS on my Linux box, but I was really thinking about using something different. Being that Ubuntu is Debian based, I figured that would be a good try. I've never used Debian before, is anyone out there using it and if so could you tell me what to expect? I know it's a very stable version of Linux, that's the main reason why I'd like to get used to using.
This would do better in the Linux subforum, methinks. You can ask a Mod to move it there...

But if I had to answer, I'd suggest Arch Linux. It kicks some serious ass, and it's a blast to use (and I am anything but a Linux user on a more than fairly casual basis, too)
People are saying Linux Mint is very good. I downloaded the .iso 2 days ago but don't know when I will get around to installing it as Ubuntu is doing everything I need from it right now and is rock solid.