Thinking of a XFX780i

Furious Salesman

Limp Gawd
Aug 31, 2007
I know there are tons of threads already about the new 780i's. But with all the delay's happening with video cards and cpu's I succumbed and I am considering a new build.

For the motherboard I am leaning towards a 780i. However, I am not sure from which company to buy from. The EVGA 780i seems to be the most popular. It rose in price the quickest and sold out over the internet first. Then there is the XFX 780i which is sold out online but my local Fry's has a few in stock at a much more reasonable $265.

Will I missing out on something by buying the XFX 780i? Also, can anyone confirm that the XFX 780i can do 1600fsb? And finally, what is better about the EVGA version?
Got Mine Thursday Last Week at Fry's and have it up and running with little issues. Had to do a Voltage increase on CPU to 1.35 and MCP to 1.3 to get it to run and game at 3333 GHz with 8GB RAM.

Since then, been running well.

So far seems to be a nice board.

What are you experiences so far.