Thinking of switching to a 24 inch Alum Imac


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 23, 2001
I can't believe it, but I am seriously considering it. I hate to say it, but gaming is just not something I do anymore. Its not really fun anymore. I much rather do something else. About the only thing I play right now atm is World of Warcraft with my girlfriend and a few friends. I am also still looking forward to Starcraft 2. I can't lie. Huge, Huge SC fan. Good thing that all blizzard games run on mac os. I have been a computer enthusiast since the early socket A days when both AMD and Intel where in a race to reach 1GHZ. Tweaking and overclocking has been a long time hobby, but today I just do not find it fun anymore. I guess I am growing up? Does anyone else feel like this? My sister has one and this thing is just down right fantastic. The screen is gorgeous. Apple uses an LG H-IPS panel which you can't find but in high end NEC models. The hardware is decent, Its plenty fast, and best of all its 100% silent. Another plus is the keyboard is really good. Mac OS will take time to get used to but from the time I have used it on my sister's machine, its fine. I plan to run VMware with XP Pro 32bit for apps that I just can't live without, and to help me transition over. I am looking for feedback. I am trying to be objective about this. Maybe a basic SFF system would be better and grab a nice 30 inch LCD. Ideas are going through my head atm. My system in my sig is going for sure, I am just not sure what will replace it.
I replaced a dual-Opteron monster with a Mac mini. I loved OS X right away, I sold the mini and bought a Mac Pro. I game every now and again, so I use Boot Camp. OS X rocks, and this Mac Pro is amazing. You'll love the iMac.
Currently trying to figure out how to sell my current rig so I can fund the Imac ;)
I went almost all Mac recently with my MacBook Pro. I love it. I stopped gaming too so there wasn't any reason to keep using both Windows and OS X. Except for Microsoft Money which I won't switch frm because I can't stand Quicken.

edit: Now that I think of it I should try out a few games on this thing. It's got the horsepower. Never occurred to me. :p
I went through the exact same stages you had been through. :D CPU/MEMORY/FSB tweaking, air cooling to water cooling... all of the good stuff.

I got rid of all my PC hardware and started with a Mac Mini (the first Intel PC version) for about 2 years now. I no longer depend on any windows based software since Mac has an alternative version of what we all use in Windows.

The reason I started with a Mini was I didn't know if I was gonna like it. If I knew I could get use to OSX so quickly I would probably started with a MBP.

In terms of gaming, yes SC2 is also what i'm waiting for. And yes, I think my Mac Mini will not run well with it by the time it's released. I think the iMac will do you well for the next little while :) GOOD LUCK!
Good to know I am not alone in this. I do have my 360 and I will shift my gaming habit over there. Much cheaper, I can rent games, and HDTV--> monitor.
That's what I did. Never used my gaming PC for gaming, so ditched it got a MacBook, and now use my 360 for all my gaming needs :)
I still need a desktop. Vmware user, and still a power user, just not gaming anymore. Plus I want Mac OS X.
I dont have any input for you as I have never owned a PC (on my ninth Mac), but im going the other way. Been using Vista on my iMac and it runs really great, then I found this site which has me wanting to build a gaming rig. I think consoles are a waste of money and you can get much more use out of a computer. Talk about opposites!
The digital photo lab at my school has about twenty of these and they all look and perform beautifully. The panel they use on the 24" Imac completely blows away my Westy in terms of color accuracy, vibrance, and black level performance. Granted part of this is due to the glossy panel but most of it is from the awesome IPS panel used. It's not quite as fast as a custom pc and bogs sometimes during heavy use in CS3 but it never really seems to struggle too much and it runs dead silent. If I had the money, I probably would pick one of these beauts up! It's too bad Apple doesn't just sell the monitor by itself. :(
I can't believe it, but I am seriously considering it. I hate to say it, but gaming is just not something I do anymore. Its not really fun anymore. I much rather do something else. About the only thing I play right now atm is World of Warcraft with my girlfriend and a few friends. I am also still looking forward to Starcraft 2. I can't lie. Huge, Huge SC fan. Good thing that all blizzard games run on mac os. I have been a computer enthusiast since the early socket A days when both AMD and Intel where in a race to reach 1GHZ. Tweaking and overclocking has been a long time hobby, but today I just do not find it fun anymore. I guess I am growing up? Does anyone else feel like this? My sister has one and this thing is just down right fantastic. The screen is gorgeous. Apple uses an LG H-IPS panel which you can't find but in high end NEC models. The hardware is decent, Its plenty fast, and best of all its 100% silent. Another plus is the keyboard is really good. Mac OS will take time to get used to but from the time I have used it on my sister's machine, its fine. I plan to run VMware with XP Pro 32bit for apps that I just can't live without, and to help me transition over. I am looking for feedback. I am trying to be objective about this. Maybe a basic SFF system would be better and grab a nice 30 inch LCD. Ideas are going through my head atm. My system in my sig is going for sure, I am just not sure what will replace it.

It is an awesome machine. I replaced my old G4 tower with one for Final Cut Studio 2 and it is great. I've built my own gaming PCs for almost 12 years now and I have to say, that iMac is probably my favorite computer I've ever owned. The good thing is that it actually has enough horsepower to run Valve games in Boot Camp really well. Someone I play TF2 with does it on a previous gen 20" iMac and it runs great for him.

So yeah, I don't think you'll regret the purchase. :)
Yea I don't think so either. Just now matter of selling my current desktop to fun the 24inch Imac. It should last several years as a desktop. Also do you guys know of a good site that lists alot of the commands or less common stuff about OS-X. I want to start reading up on a few things.
Short answer: Mac OS X Hints

They should have a common shortcut list, but to get started, just note that Command-C, -V, and -X do the same copy/cut/paste commands as the Ctrl variants in Windows. Command-Q is also handy to know as it quits the currently selected app.
I went through the exact same stages you had been through. :D CPU/MEMORY/FSB tweaking, air cooling to water cooling... all of the good stuff.

and now I've come full circle. went from a win pc and a win laptop to two apple laptops an imac and two apple tvs. this past xmas i built a pc to mess with because i miss the tweaking - but now i do it with *midgrade* components, more fun that way. pc is for gaming only. hard to break the futzing habit but i will never use windows for my main computer again
Currently trying to figure out how to sell my current rig so I can fund the Imac ;)

Me too. My Macbook sold me on OSX. Leopard rocks, so smooth and quick. Everything is built in. Unfortunately I have to use Windows XP for work on my MacBook.
Good thing that all blizzard games run on mac os.

see, that's what's so great about Intel based Mac computers. you can run Boot Camp while running XP (or God forbid Vista) and still play most games flawlessly.

like me, I have XP installed on my MacBook Pro (details in sig below) and it runs games like HL2 silky smooth all day long.
see, that's what's so great about Intel based Mac computers. you can run Boot Camp while running XP (or God forbid Vista) and still play most games flawlessly.

like me, I have XP installed on my MacBook Pro (details in sig below) and it runs games like HL2 silky smooth all day long.

We have the same setup :p

These new MacBook Pro's are sweet huh?
I was thinking I could get a MBP and sell both my windows based systems off. A notebook and a desktop.
I was thinking that but I also could use the 24inch screen. I am in my last leg of college and my trusty X30 Thinkpad has held up well. When using the two machines, the Imac 24inch would be the better buy. Its cheaper, and has the same amount of power. I wonder when the Imacs will receive 45nm Core 2 chips. If anything for a slight boost in speed and reduced temps. I think either way I would be happy, but Large Single screen, plus my X30 when I travel or need to look up stuff on the internet would be the best combo.
The 24" Imac is beautiful. I have the 24 as well as the 15" Macbook Pro, and they're both great in their own regards, but wow. With the brightness cranked up on the iMac, its better to look at then any other computer I've ever used.

MBP with a 24" external screen works great too, but theres something about having everything in that iMac package thats so sexy.

I sold my windows desktop with 24" lcd to buy the imac and never regretted it. Its still fast enough to game if you want, and just nicer in general.
I was thinking that but I also could use the 24inch screen. I am in my last leg of college and my trusty X30 Thinkpad has held up well. When using the two machines, the Imac 24inch would be the better buy. Its cheaper, and has the same amount of power. I wonder when the Imacs will receive 45nm Core 2 chips. If anything for a slight boost in speed and reduced temps. I think either way I would be happy, but Large Single screen, plus my X30 when I travel or need to look up stuff on the internet would be the best combo.

iMacs should be getting Penryns soon:

And yeah, you'll be looking to ditch your Thinkpad once you get used to OS X. Lenovo notebooks are very nice but unfortunately you are limited as far as OS selection goes there. :/
I pretty much did the same as everyone else. Decided I don't game that much anymore, bought a Mac Mini to test the waters. Decided to sell the Mini after about 8 months and bought a G5 2.0DP off craigslist. I upgraded the ram and videocard in the G5 and it keeps up with the 20" C2D 2ghz iMac I have at work.

Only PC I have right now is my laptop(Work issued..). And if I had the money, it'd be replaced with a Macbook.
im lookin to do the same...ive had my macbook since it came out in early '06 and love it,im lookin to find a buyer for my current windows rig...i wonder how much its worth:confused: i want to get a 24" imac also