Thinking Of Trying An Acrylic Case: Anything I Should Be Aware Of?

The Doc

Jan 2, 2005
Hey, everyone. Well, I'm thinking of switching to an acrylic case. what that been said, what are some of the potentional issues or problems that go hand-an-hand with this type of case?
Dust, stripped screw holes, noise, and no EMF shielding. No EMF sheilding interferes with some wireless mice. (like my MS wirless mouse)

I've had a Acrylic case for awhile and would not get another one.
Case is made of acrylic plastic. If you ever had a window mod on your case and notice the acrylic window it's super staticy when you rub your hand or sleeve accross it, well think of that as your whole case.
yeah, wire management is a pain in the ass with those cases.. and you can feel the "force field' around them with all the static electricity. I think they look ok if you can keep them super clean inside (wires and dust etc) but overal a big pain in the ass.
when you go to poke around in your case like i and most of the [h]orde do daily, your gona have to find somthing to ground yourself to since there is no mealtle(sp)
get the sunbeam one, I had it and you can swap the side panels, flip the back panel, and have the cool upsidown motherboard thing.
Handle it with kid gloves too...they tend to scratch up as easily as iPods...but most light scratches can be "polished" out with the proper solvents. Other than that most of the "issues"
have been noted.

Screw too hard or handle it roughly, the thinner pieces crack...
Are the Logisys acrylic cases decent enough or should I buy a Sunbeam acrylic case and spend an hour or so putting it together?
JohnleMVP said:
Dust, stripped screw holes, noise, and no EMF shielding. No EMF sheilding interferes with some wireless mice. (like my MS wirless mouse)

I've had a Acrylic case for awhile and would not get another one.
i thought that whole OMGF0rXZBBQ dont use phones near an open case EMF MAN EMF D00D!!! was all fake

untill i put my brothers cell phone right next to my CRT, and dialed.......when i did, the moniter blinked near the phone, and the phone cut in and out with reception :p

The Doc said:
Was that comment meant as a joke or were you being serious?

Well, I had fun putting it together. I guess if you're not too big into the whole doing work thing, you might not like it :p
SomeoneWhoIsntMe said:
Well, I had fun putting it together. I guess if you're not too big into the whole doing work thing, you might not like it :p

How long did it take you to put together?
I spent alot of time on wire management, but was pleased with the end result.
Grounding only seems to be an issue on the ones with an acrylic backplane (on the metal ones run a small ground wire to the psu from the backplane) and as far as groundiing dricves if you buy decent cables they should have a ground wire on the cable itself.
If you take the time to do one of these properly, its quite rewarding in the end.
And if your going to use multiple lighting colors, no more than 2 colors, and pick colors that go well together (mines red and blue, with blue uv reactive acrylic)
Acrylic case looks awesome. Heres my old setup


The only annoying thing about the case are the DUST! also misquitoes(sp??) I dont' know how they got in but 2 did!!

Scratches wasn't an issue since i dont' ever move my case around.