Thinking of WoW


Sep 29, 2004
I am curently playing city of heroes it is a really good game no doubt about that but i just have to many problems from game crashing to not opening. I am thinking about maybe switching to WoW after my current game card is up. Any thoughts on which game is better?
I played a little bit of CoH beta and I liked it. I never really got to deep into any MMO's until I started playing WoW. Its the only game I play at home now. Totally worth it IMO. Its a very fun game indeed. I currently have a lvl 20 Undead Warrior and a lvl 6 Night Elf Rouge that I started last night. Its cool because you can play for short amounts of time and actually accomplish something worth while. I can hop on for 30min just to do something and get off.
it's one of the hottest MMORPG right now. It's worth getting it, i was in the beta and i enjoyed the game alot. i'm thinking of buying one as well, but i cant really afford to have 2 MMORPG at the same time (currently playing FFXI)

Beside, i'm still enjoying FFXI and I still have alot of things that i need to accomplish on FFXI.

Good luck on WoW, i guarantee it, you wont regret it.
UnMinded said:
I am curently playing city of heroes it is a really good game no doubt about that but i just have to many problems from game crashing to not opening. I am thinking about maybe switching to WoW after my current game card is up. Any thoughts on which game is better?

Look into EQ2 also.
im a lvl43 rogue and not bored yet, i agree the gameplay can get repetitous, since many of the quests are similar ala "kill 10 X, collect 10 Y" but i still enjoy when i explore new areas and do new instances with friends or guildmates.. pvp can also be fun, when you win anyway lol :)
Get WoW and try several different player classes/races before you start leveling one up.

Then find a guild that suits you. If the guild doesn't work out then try another.
Yeah I would try all the different classes and see what you want to play, most people that are bored already start a character and grind to lvl60(not all but most). I have 9Characters, the most you can have and when I get bored with one, I switch. Also, make sure you try both Factions, Horde and alliance, then you can try a PVP, PVE, or RP server.
theNoid said:
Maybe you shouldn't have power leveled.
I it more than possible to get to 60 in a month or two without powerleveling. I play a couple hours a night (more on weekends), am extremely inefficient, started 2 weeks late, and I am level 51.
1 month, level 11 rogue. Yeah, I'm slow.

The game is fun/repetitious. For the first couple levels, and now for me, its all about gang-raping stupid NPC's. Our guild has yet to go on a raid of anyplace, but i suspect thats what keeps higher level folk happy now. I'm just killing NPC's and doing quest.

Fun though, especially when conversations just get whacky.
obs said:
I it more than possible to get to 60 in a month or two without powerleveling. I play a couple hours a night (more on weekends), am extremely inefficient, started 2 weeks late, and I am level 51.
I'm almost to level 51, and I think I started the week before Christmas. It's never really been boring, cuz my quest log is almost always full! I expect that things will slow down a bit now, though, since 95% of the people over level 40 in my guild decided to jump ship a few days ago, and I'll have to wait for the rest to catch up. Bastards.
I too am starting to get bored with WoW. I am a level 48 Dwarf hunter on Eonar, and the part that really bugs me ..... is the complete lack of quests that you can solo at this level. All the quests I have are (elite) and require a partner.

At this point discovering solo quests is like discovering plutonium by accident.
bonkrowave said:
I too am starting to get bored with WoW. I am a level 48 Dwarf hunter on Eonar, and the part that really bugs me ..... is the complete lack of quests that you can solo at this level. All the quests I have are (elite) and require a partner.

At this point discovering solo quests is like discovering plutonium by accident.
Yea, they sort of do at that level. I would suggest checking out gadgetzan as there are some there you can do. At 50, felwood is nice because the demons there drop some nice stuff. I just dinged 51 with my hunter there last night. Also, don't forget to do zul'farrak and get the +15 agi ring.
obs said:
Yea, they sort of do at that level. I would suggest checking out gadgetzan as there are some there you can do. At 50, felwood is nice because the demons there drop some nice stuff. I just dinged 51 with my hunter there last night. Also, don't forget to do zul'farrak and get the +15 agi ring.

Ya I have just started doing Zul"farrak .... I have done all the other stuff I can in Gadgetzan as well.

Im trying to get that farrie dragon pet quest done now.
One note. Do NOT start playing World of Warcraft if you have anything else important in your life that requires time. Your girlfriend will hate you, your grades will drop, and you'll get bad performance reviews at work. You'll also become so addicted to caffeine that you'll sweat Mountain Dew. On the other hand, sunrises at 6 AM coming through the window behind my computer monitor are quite pretty...

bonkrowave said:
Wow ... your gear is very nice. THe only thing I have of yours, is the stopwatch :). The only downfall of that watch is that every once in a while when I use it, people scream speed hack.
Yea, that stopwatch has saved me a couple times from ganking rogues.
i love the carrot on a stick, WoW has great items. How often can you use that stopwatch? I do pretty well running from mobs with frost nova, blink, free action potions (immune from root/snare for 30secs), the gnome racial ability, and greater healing potions that heal more HP than I have.
black_b[ ]x said:
i love the carrot on a stick, WoW has great items. How often can you use that stopwatch? I do pretty well running from mobs with frost nova, blink, free action potions (immune from root/snare for 30secs), the gnome racial ability, and greater healing potions that heal more HP than I have.

You can only use it once every 30 min.... which sucks the big one.
well thank you for all the post. I have made up my mind and will be getting WoW in the future. Thanks again
dawtips said:
ive been 60 for over a month, im so bored of the game :/
Start a new character.

Just curious horde/alliance and what class of character?
pr0zac said:
One note. Do NOT start playing World of Warcraft if you have anything else important in your life that requires time. Your girlfriend will hate you, your grades will drop, and you'll get bad performance reviews at work. You'll also become so addicted to caffeine that you'll sweat Mountain Dew. On the other hand, sunrises at 6 AM coming through the window behind my computer monitor are quite pretty...

If that isnt the story of my life for the last few weeks since i bought WoW :p
pr0zac said:
One note. Do NOT start playing World of Warcraft if you have anything else important in your life that requires time. Your girlfriend will hate you, your grades will drop, and you'll get bad performance reviews at work. You'll also become so addicted to caffeine that you'll sweat Mountain Dew. On the other hand, sunrises at 6 AM coming through the window behind my computer monitor are quite pretty...


I heard that and people constantly warned me that my grades would drop, but I got it anyways.

Now I am regretting it as my grades take a landslide, but at least I'm having fun doing it. :cool:
dx2 said:
Start a new character.

Just curious horde/alliance and what class of character?

alliance mage

and I have a 34 priest, but that got boring as well

some of you may think I power leveled, but I don't think I did, considering in beta i did all quests pre-30 so those were easy to do the second time around