Thinkpad processes and drivers

Dec 30, 2002

I just got my t42 thinkpad and i'm busy setting it up. When I go to run and type in msconfig, then go to startup, which of the startup options do i really need? or will it automatically turn the ones that i need back on if i disable all of them? I've never had a laptop before and I'm not sure if there are certian things that need to run inorder for the laptop to function.

Also, do I need to upgrade the drivers for my laptop? such as the video card drivers. My laptop has the ati mobility radeon 9600 series video card in it.

thanks for your help and is there anything else i should know about my new laptop that anyone found out the hard way?
the Thinkpad shock service, the battery and power management services...

those are the only ones I can think of that I have running.

as for video, download the latest Catalysts. Google "Mobility Modder ATI", and download the file it lists. Run this on the Catalysts, and do a manual driver install. Done.