This 6800 GT or This one


Aug 27, 2004
found an evga 6800 gt with doom 3 for $377. i am definitely planning on getting doom 3 with either card. is the bfg 6800 gt oc for $400 and then buying doom 3 for retail better than the evga one for the low price? bfg has an awesome warranty but is the card and warranty worth the potential $60 that i could be saving?
you can OC the eVGA easily to that BFG core... it's only OC'd to 370mhz.

the BFG fan, i hear, is louder (it's a 2 fan solution).
I've had both. The eVGA had bad memory, much like others according to the evga forums. I got a BFG in place of the eVGA while it was being RMA'd.

The BFG on the other hand has been doing good and has a lifetime warranty. :)