this always seems to happen...


Feb 7, 2004
so I was doing a final check of all the boxen in my garden just now, my winter break ends in about 20 minutes when i have to go the the airport. The last rig i checked out, my main server/folder/sweetrig -dual 2.6 xeons needed to be restarted after an update. so i restart it and then windows claims that some file is currupt and whatnot. so I throw in the w2k cd really quick and do the emergency repair process which does nothing but corrupt even more files. So basicly im about 5ghz down and i wont be home again until May at the earliest. The big problem here is that my parents are completely computer-illiterate and everyone in town that can fix em is already at college. :mad: :mad: I pray to the folding gods that somehow i can fix this crappy situation :(
dude, that really sucks. Get overclockix or something, and get it folding.

I'll hopefully be uploading a server package tonight, 50ish MB for a complete f@h network-boot server. That'd be a good choice :D.

That happened to me in August, windows is now doing reprograming of your settings to their way of doing things and it screws up your computer, I ended up having to throw the whole thing out and tried to start over. the problem would't even allow me to reformat and reinstall windows.

I tossed it all out the window and quit using Microsoft stuff, because the disclaimer in the EULA basically said that if it screws up and won't work, we don't replace it and are only liable for $5.00.

I personally thought that if it is only worth $5.00 why did i have to pay so much to get it? Having been playing with Linux for a couple of years I switched everything over to SUSE and have not had that kind of problem since. (not that I don't screw it up every now and then, but at least it is recoverable)