This is the right forum, Justify purchasing a PPU card for me

R1ckCa1n said:
Yeah just ask me! :rolleyes:

Another example of your insecurity or paranoia getting the best of you since not once in this thread have I said anything about ATi or Nvidia offering anything faster or more "useful".

Okay, I'll ask you then?

Terra - Answers not limited to this thread...
jimmyb said:
Terra, you have a knack for not understanding what people say. Rick's point, which was clear to me and many other people, was that there is a tangible benefit to buying a new video card (or memory, etc.) in almost every mainstream PC game released in the past 5 years. The same cannot be said about a PPU. This is the crux of the advice given to the OP.

For that matter, if the OP waits until there is significant software/game support, the price will probably have dropped a bunch, and there may even be a newer/faster card out.

A) All prices on hardware dops in time.
B) AGEIA dosn't plan a 6 month cycle like ATI/ up ;)

At this time the price is too high for only 6 games.
The 9700 Arguement made sense as the 9700 was faster in DX8.0 Games and compatible with the old and new. The PPU will only enhance Ageia Physx not Havok games so its only use is to accelerate 6 games which from a standpoint of not playing just one or 6 games makes it an overrated piece of hardware for the time. But in the Long run I feel this chip will be very usefull if the market is easy on it. Compared to the true improvements you will see with more Ram a better CPU or Video Card. Unless you find the 1st Gen Physics those current games that support the card out now worht 250?

So you don't got the balls to say what you think?
What the other guy said to you was worse but this is just downright childish.
Terra said:
A) All prices on hardware dops in time.
B) AGEIA dosn't plan a 6 month cycle like ATI/ up ;)

Again, you missed the point.
I (/and several other posters) am (/are) not saying the OP should wait indefinitely because hardware prices will always drop. I'm saying, because there is not significant use for it right now (in the case of the OP), it doesn't make sense to buy it when he can get it later at potentially a lower price (and not miss out on anything substantial).

I'm also not saying that there will be a new card out in 6 months (something you brought up, not me). I'm saying that if the OP waits until there is actually a use for the card that interests him, then there might be a new card out.

It would be a shame if he bought it now, it sat around being rarely used for a year, and then when a game that finally interested him came out, he could get a newer cheaper card.
jimmyb said:
Again, you missed the point.
I (/and several other posters) am (/are) not saying the OP should wait indefinitely because hardware prices will always drop. I'm saying, because there is not significant use for it right now (in the case of the OP), it doesn't make sense to buy it when he can get it later at potentially a lower price (and not miss out on anything substantial).

I'm also not saying that there will be a new card out in 6 months (something you brought up, not me). I'm saying that if the OP waits until there is actually a use for the card that interests him, then there might be a new card out.

It would be a shame if he bought it now, it sat around being rarely used for a year, and then when a game that finally interested him came out, he could get a newer cheaper card.

I use my PPU every day...
You got one?

Terra said:
I use my PPU every day...
The thread is not titled, "Should Terra get a PPU?". The OP stated that he doesn't have interest in playing any of the games currently available. We tried to give the OP advice based on this information. (Namely, wait until something interests you; your money can be better spent elsewhere.)

We understand you enjoy your PPU, but this thread is not about you.
Terra said:
I have to repeat my question, since you don't want to answer:
Try doing the same thing for GPU-Physics
Find me games...
Or better, find me developers that support GPU-physics.
A singe lgame engine perhaps?
Now also remember ATi and Nvidia are not going to let a dedicated PPU be the answer to physics so I would take the "wait and see" approach. If I had 300.00 to spend on my PC to enhance gaming I would a - buy more or better RAM, b - buy a second video card, c - buy a faster hard drive, or d- get a better monitor.[/QUOTE]

You mean like GPU--physics is on hold for "9-12 months"? :)
And let me see:
A) I got fast, good PC3200 RAM at 2-3-3-6
B) I have no need for Crossfire/SLI...a PPU does more for my gameplay that an extra GPU would we speak.
C) My load times are fine too and I still have +200GB free space
D) I have a nice Trinitron CRT monitor...CRT > LCD for gaming.

Terra - PhysX does more for games today than GPU-physcis...fact of life.[/QUOTE]

True, but that's assuming that PhysX physics actually do anything in games. I don't see UT 2007 have much game play physics, do to it's online focus. It would make for some amazing Sp games, but if they never come out or Agea never takes off, well, you've got yourself a rather expensive paperweight.
Obi_Kwiet said:
True, but that's assuming that PhysX physics actually do anything in games. I don't see UT 2007 have much game play physics, do to it's online focus. It would make for some amazing Sp games, but if they never come out or Agea never takes off, well, you've got yourself a rather expensive paperweight.

/sarcasm on

Yeah.....but it can still do physics better than anything else out there, especially GPU's! The fact that there are no games to take advantage of it is irrelevant. Find me a GPU that can do physics better, and even if you do, it doesnt matter because Ageia has told us that the PPU is faster at physics. This alone makes the PPU worthy of anyone's purchase, especially when you consider how much fun you can have on tech demo's and SDK's. Hell, I can spend hours throwing shit around in the same level of cellfactor.

Dont forget that we can also play GRAW with a couple of extra particle effects that causes your PC to grind to a halt.

There are hundreds if not thousands of games in development that will take advantage of the power of the PPU, much like nintendo's powerglove and lightgun, sony's DDR dance mat, etc.

But probably the most important thing to bear in mind is the fact that Terra bought a PPU, he obviously thinks it was worth it, and therefore so must you and everyone else on this forum. Forget upgrading your vid card, ram, cpu and m/board and instead buy a PPU. It may one day, Terra hopes, improve your gaming experience.

/sarcasm off
Obi_Kwiet said:
True, but that's assuming that PhysX physics actually do anything in games. I don't see UT 2007 have much game play physics, do to it's online focus. It would make for some amazing Sp games, but if they never come out or Agea never takes off, well, you've got yourself a rather expensive paperweight.
Ageia is still optimizing its drivers and SDK. each SDK and driver incremation means PPU got more power.
Also CF:CT is not a optimised retail product.
Servers could set a adhustable PhysX load with sliders.
Like CF:revolution will get. To fine tune for bandwidth avaible.
CF:revolution will be online to. Not specificly LAN.

I guess a very good braodband ADSL or cable with a decent uplink is needed for optimum play. And it aint wise to join a serve ron the other side off the globe.

BTW altho Gameplay Physics is Ageia strong point. Effect physX will add to to a game. As in eyecandy.The reason for popping a high-end card or SLI/CF is to cranck up the eyecandy. So that effect Physics is also very welcome. And help to for the adoption to PPU hardware.
AdamNesvick said:
Shit, I'm sorry I started an agrument. Oh well, thread crap on Terra :D
For going ontopic. I agree its worth now is a bit on the low side for most people. But I am a early adopter. And take the gamble. :)
For me my interrest was more for CF:CT. So I look out for CF:R.
I know graw PPU do add something but at a low value for the money. But I'am not so much budged fix. And I like also the game series.

So I went for two PPU's want to Play CF over LAN, Graw in Coop. Coop games are rare.
For me it's has some worth now. But Most people will have a problem with value for the bit high budged needed.
Obi_Kwiet said:
Now also remember ATi and Nvidia are not going to let a dedicated PPU be the answer to physics so I would take the "wait and see" approach.

I would revise this to Nvidia only. Sure ATI has been advertising and putting a lot of development effort into their own Physics approach, but I suspect this was before the AMD-ATI merger. ATI's going to be working harder on a stable MB chipsets and integrated graphics solutions than even before. Since AMD has a reason to market and promote the HTX socket in combo with their K8L processor, they'll not want to muddy the water with an ATI GPU/PCIe solution.

nVIDIA and Aegia are going to be competing with the HTX standard, or Aegia may even embrace it and provide us our HTX/PPU solution. See the fourth point in this editorial

Or the full technical lowdown for the Hypertransport consortium.

But I strongly suspect that you'll see little further development of the ATI solution beyond what's already produced (SM 3.0 support in Havok FX). Maybe some Catalyst updates that provide a little more customization for Physics/SM 3.0 support.
Terra, I understand that you enjoy your PPU. And those are the kinds of opinions that the OP wanted. You should have posted:

"Well, I like the games it supports, so I think my PPU was a good investment."

But instead, you went on and on about why a PPU is better than a GPU. That had NOTHING to do with the OP's question.

Oh, and you can't comment on other threads within this thread. That's why it's also called a "topic". Posts within a "topic" should pretain to the topic which the OP wanted to discuss.
HighTest said:
I would revise this to Nvidia only. Sure ATI has been advertising and putting a lot of development effort into their own Physics approach, but I suspect this was before the AMD-ATI merger. ATI's going to be working harder on a stable MB chipsets and integrated graphics solutions than even before. Since AMD has a reason to market and promote the HTX socket in combo with their K8L processor, they'll not want to muddy the water with an ATI GPU/PCIe solution.

nVIDIA and Aegia are going to be competing with the HTX standard, or Aegia may even embrace it and provide us our HTX/PPU solution. See the fourth point in this editorial

Or the full technical lowdown for the Hypertransport consortium.

But I strongly suspect that you'll see little further development of the ATI solution beyond what's already produced (SM 3.0 support in Havok FX). Maybe some Catalyst updates that provide a little more customization for Physics/SM 3.0 support.

w0w... talk about out of left field. please explain how that had anything to do with the OP?
Is it possible to have a topic in this forum stay on topic for more than one page?
HOCP4ME said:
Is it possible to have a topic in this forum stay on topic for more than one page?

Not really, By page 2 your almost always on to newer things.
Terra said:
Terra - PhysX does more for games today than GPU-physcis...fact of life.

OP is: Justify Purchasing a PPU card for me. Your shoes probably act as shock absorbers if you fall from a plane at 30,000ft and land on your feet, but then so do your bones and flesh...
RTS to.
Rise off legends Patch.// still waiting.
JTF // a favorite I'm waiting for in september.

CF revolution // Tha PhysX game
UT2007 // a High pofile game.

CF:R will benefit from a PPU drasticly. End this year its coming.
But I already bougth some for Graw and CF:CT: Demo
vacanopiernas said:
If your a hardcore FPS player, you will need one for the upcoming FPS.

Doubt it. It took three software "generations" for 3d-accelerator cards to become "required". Quake was software-only aside from GLQuake(maybe others?), Quake 2 had both a hardware and software rendering mode, but it wasn't until Quake 3 that players were required to buy a 3d graphics card. Requiring users to purchase a specific piece of extra hardware is going to alienate people who don't have it or aren't willing to get it. No large company wants to do that(unless it's only a small portion of the market), so it's pretty likely that we'll see lots of "PPU optional" games long before we see any "PPU required" ones.