This is what Crysis 2 looks like

no, AION used Cry Engine 1...w/e smoke u up to ....

* Crysis - Crytek: Finished; Release 16 November 2007 in Europe and the U.S.
* Crysis Warhead, uses an upgraded version of the engine; Release on 12 September 2008.
* Entropia Universe Upgraded from Gamebryo Engine on 18 August 2009; currently open pre-beta (VU
* Blue Mars - Avatar Reality, inc. - gaming platform, similar to Second Life; will be open beta[2] on September 2, 2009.
* ArcheAge - XL Games, in development (TBA).[3]
* Forged by Chaos - Panzar Studio, in development (TBA).
* Lightspire: Fortunes Web[4] - Lukewarm Media, in development (TBA).
* Merchants of Brooklyn[5] - Paleo Entertainment, Released: Mar 17, 2009.
* The Day by Reloaded Studios.
* Vigilance (Military Training Game) - The Harrington Group, Inc. (This is a set of military training software, only the use of military personnel, Not for public release).[6]
* Project E:ST - By NHN and Polygon Games, in development and recently announced.[7]

copy down from Wiki, there still alot more from Korean MMO games that was announced months before..

and yet, still waiting for your optimization :rolleyes:

I thought we were talking about games that are out. We'll see how well these games actually turn out, when and if any of them come out. You've never been critical of a movie or video game? I'm allowed to have an opinion. Notice the analogy I used.

Also cryengine 1 was the engine used for farcry 1.
name one, and if you're talking about aion that used the farcry engine, ut3 engine is no joke. Having good graphics is part of a balance.

Theres one Swedish f2p using cryengine 2.

You are right though Aion is most definitely using cryengine 1 AKA the farcry engine.
I thought we were talking about games that are out. We'll see how well these games actually turn out, when and if any of them come out. You've never been critical of a movie or video game? I'm allowed to have an opinion. Notice the analogy I used.

Also cryengine 1 was the engine used for farcry 1.

that is what I said, that is why I did not mention Aion since you mention and thought I was talking about it..

and when games using their engines mean they have been APPROVED to be one good engine to be used, unlike someone who just call it "unoptimized" or "bad coding" without a knowledge of real world programming...

and yes, I am a coder, I can't say I am good, but I can tell you that Cry Engine 2 is beautifully done in many ways, especially compare to UT3, which isn't that good but pretty easy to use for new developers...
that is what I said, that is why I did not mention Aion since you mention and thought I was talking about it..

and when games using their engines mean they have been APPROVED to be one good engine to be used, unlike someone who just call it "unoptimized" or "bad coding" without a knowledge of real world programming...

and yes, I am a coder, I can't say I am good, but I can tell you that Cry Engine 2 is beautifully done in many ways, especially compare to UT3, which isn't that good but pretty easy to use for new developers...

"no, AION used Cry Engine 1...w/e smoke u up to ...."

That's your quote responding to what I said, maybe you're the one who should stop smoking, I'm done arguing with you, you have no idea what you're talking about, the unreal engine has improved quite a bit since ut3 btw.
diddnt they make some serious money by selling nearly 2million copies of crysis 1?

Its never enough. I didn't stop them from ranting about piracy with Crysis 1

Even Hollywood studios are complaining about piracy killing their business and putting people out of jobs despite generating hundreds million of dollars in revenue :p
I am only using two tiny mods. ENBseries which modifies the DX9 libraries for shader effects and supersampling antialiasing, SSAO, SSIL, etc.

And First Person Mod for playing the game in first person and also adding motion blur

I have more screenshots here:

Yes it works for steam.

Thanks for the links, but when I go to ENB, they said they have dropped support :(.
Not sure if this was reposted yet, but a few months ago Crytek released this video showing gameplay of the console version. I think it looks pretty fucking good. About halfway through you see some firefights at the locations where the OP got screenshots from.

Of course it won't look at good as the PC but people are not thinking about this, the PS3 and 360 are no where near a powerful as a PC, not even close, not even similar resolution. The world in Crysis 2 is big and to have that much terrain/city rendered at once at good frame rates, some of the textures are not going to look great. But in motion the sum of the parts make it look better than a still screen shot.
Not sure if this was reposted yet, but a few months ago Crytek released this video showing gameplay of the console version. I think it looks pretty fucking good. About halfway through you see some firefights at the locations where the OP got screenshots from.

Of course it won't look at good as the PC but people are not thinking about this, the PS3 and 360 are no where near a powerful as a PC, not even close, not even similar resolution. The world in Crysis 2 is big and to have that much terrain/city rendered at once at good frame rates, some of the textures are not going to look great. But in motion the sum of the parts make it look better than a still screen shot.

I posted a link to the HD version on the first page of this thread. YouTube's HD version is low bitrate so it masks a lot of the flaws.
IMO they don't look bad, but i have no idea why they are releasing Crysis 2 for consoles.. this is a PC game.\
Because it's been proven that you can make a dogshit game and still make a lot of money off kids who throw $60 at xbox games. On the PC however, people have the option of downloading "demos" to see if they're getting scammed out of their money before buying a game.
Jesus, where did you get those GTA 4 mods? Those make the city, which already looks amazing, look even more amazinger.
I dont expect to be blown away by Crysis 2 graphics. I wasn't blown away with Crysis 1 graphics (was blown away by the prerelease shots, but then a bit let down by the actual game).

I just hope they improve the overall polish and consistency of the graphics.
I dont expect to be blown away by Crysis 2 graphics. I wasn't blown away with Crysis 1 graphics (was blown away by the prerelease shots, but then a bit let down by the actual game).

I just hope they improve the overall polish and consistency of the graphics.

honestly dude, put down the pipe... name me one game that looks better than crysis. also remember, the game came out 2 years ago and it still looks better than any game to date!
I think where this is going to suffer is the limit system memory and the fact if a feature can't run well on a 360 it won't be included in the pc version. i expect this game to be visually and gameplay wise inferior of the crysis. The reason why crysis 2 is being screwed is cod/mw which sold over 10 million copies, and we are all going to suffer for it. Even more than the amazing graphics, i will mix the non team sandbox gameplay:(. not looking foward to half-life 2-codmw/ gaming on rails gameplay.
I posted a link to the HD version on the first page of this thread. YouTube's HD version is low bitrate so it masks a lot of the flaws.
Just watched yours. Considering how big the world is, and the fact that we're talking about 512MB of total ram with Geforce 7 gpu power, I have no problems with the graphics at all. I think it looks good considering the limited console power. Yes, no AA sucks but it's not like AA is a guarantee on consoles anyways.

The PC version I expect to look a lot better and the one or two shots of PC it showed, it looked as wonderful as I expect.
I dont expect to be blown away by Crysis 2 graphics. I wasn't blown away with Crysis 1 graphics (was blown away by the prerelease shots, but then a bit let down by the actual game).

I just hope they improve the overall polish and consistency of the graphics.

ditto, the last game to blow me away graphically was doom 3
honestly dude, put down the pipe... name me one game that looks better than crysis. also remember, the game came out 2 years ago and it still looks better than any game to date!

I never said it wasn't good, I said it didn't blow me away. It didn't blow me away because of lack of polish. Yeah it had some awesome textures, it also had some really crappy ones in certain places, yeah it had some awesome lighting, it also had some strange effects like models randomly glowing, a weird "haze" across the screen and a lot of LOD pop in. Foilage looked nice, but the way it moved highlighted aliasing and made everything look like it was made from rubber the way it jittered back and forth.

Crysis was a real technical achievment, still is a great technical achievement, but for me they didn't manage to bring it together into a package that would "blow me away" because the flaws were so obvious and highlighted I couldn't take my eyes off them.

Games which were less technically advanced but better at hiding their flaws, IMO, look better overall.

The graphics in Crysis failed to immerse me as much as other less technical games have done. There were times where I was like "wow that's amazing" but equally as many times where I just felt really disconnected from the game.
I never said it wasn't good, I said it didn't blow me away. It didn't blow me away because of lack of polish. Yeah it had some awesome textures, it also had some really crappy ones in certain places, yeah it had some awesome lighting, it also had some strange effects like models randomly glowing, a weird "haze" across the screen and a lot of LOD pop in. Foilage looked nice, but the way it moved highlighted aliasing and made everything look like it was made from rubber the way it jittered back and forth.

Crysis was a real technical achievment, still is a great technical achievement, but for me they didn't manage to bring it together into a package that would "blow me away" because the flaws were so obvious and highlighted I couldn't take my eyes off them.

Games which were less technically advanced but better at hiding their flaws, IMO, look better overall.

The graphics in Crysis failed to immerse me as much as other less technical games have done. There were times where I was like "wow that's amazing" but equally as many times where I just felt really disconnected from the game.

fucking finally someone else not drinking the crysis cool aid. You show someone that knows nothing about pc gaming mw2 or bc2 and then crysis and ask what looks better I guarantee it will not be crysis. Not that those games are in any way technically superior, but they did it in a way that was far better artistically.

Also oblivion didn't blow me away at all.
fucking finally someone else not drinking the crysis cool aid. You show someone that knows nothing about pc gaming mw2 or bc2 and then crysis and ask what looks better I guarantee it will not be crysis. Not that those games are in any way technically superior, but they did it in a way that was far better artistically.

Also oblivion didn't blow me away at all.

Wow, what kind of shit pc are you gaming on to where you think mw2 looks better than crysis, I mean really.
Personally i'm just glad Crytek is still gracing the pc market with their games (Despite the piracy vs. lost sales comments from them). This is whether or not Crysis 2 looks better than Cry1 or Warhead. Consider yourselves lucky they haven't jumped ship.. I'm not bitching one way or the other. Just keep making games for this platform please :)
What a waste then if its so dumbed down. No one on a console has heard of crysis. It'll sell like crap. If they screw up the pc version they'll lose out on most of the income this games gonna make. The game won't sell on a console thats for sure with those graphics. Consoles suck anyways now that they are so dated. A wii is all i have and need for tv action with family and friends. Serious gaming is always done on the pc.

I'm on console and I've heard of crysis. I've also played it. So therefore your statement is false. The reason you may think consoles suck is because you bought the worst one. :rolleyes:
Wow, what kind of shit pc are you gaming on to where you think mw2 looks better than crysis, I mean really.

q9550 @ 3.6 with a 260 gtx, again I said technically crysis is superior but in practice the art style and atmosphere especially can't compare to those games. I am also a 3d modeler.

The demos being shown impressed the hell out of me when the game actually came out I was let down big time. A lot of people said the same thing at the same time, but crysis turning into THE benchmark for pc clouded many perceptions.
q9550 @ 3.6 with a 260 gtx, again I said technically crysis is superior but in practice the art style and atmosphere especially can't compare to those games. I am also a 3d modeler.

The demos being shown impressed the hell out of me when the game actually came out I was let down big time. A lot of people said the same thing at the same time, but crysis turning into THE benchmark for pc clouded many perceptions.

i disagree.. for me crysis was like i really was walking around in the forest..
q9550 @ 3.6 with a 260 gtx, again I said technically crysis is superior but in practice the art style and atmosphere especially can't compare to those games. I am also a 3d modeler.

The demos being shown impressed the hell out of me when the game actually came out I was let down big time. A lot of people said the same thing at the same time, but crysis turning into THE benchmark for pc clouded many perceptions.

To chime in on this. I played MW2 when it was released at max settings. It looks ok but not fantastic.

I had not played Crysis until this weekend. I recently bought a 5870 and decided I finally have the horsepower to run the game decently. So I started it up, cranked everything to max... and MW2 looks like a 10 year old game compared to Crysis. The water, the effects of the sun, the shadows, they are incredible in Crysis. I've never seen a game so graphically amazing.
partially agree with butterfliesrpretty, I’m not sure if Crysis looks better than MW2 or BC2 but even if it did it would be like it looks 10% better and 40% heavier. that’s what makes me hate games like STALKER and Arma 2, CS:S may look better than those games and yet they push down the frame rates really hard. btw, the Soldier in TF2 is artistically better than the nano suite in Crysis.
Come on guys really? The game is gonna look great, you can count on that. Look at the video, the "deferred lighting" section in the trailer looked better than the console parts around it. Furthermore!! The Advanced AI, the Dynamic Cover system, the hit reactions should make this a much better game play experience than in the original crysis. I must say that while Crysis 1 looked miles beyond any game of its time, the AI wasnt very good. I'm looking for something a little more real and challenging this time around.
fucking finally someone else not drinking the crysis cool aid. You show someone that knows nothing about pc gaming mw2 or bc2 and then crysis and ask what looks better I guarantee it will not be crysis. Not that those games are in any way technically superior, but they did it in a way that was far better artistically.

Also oblivion didn't blow me away at all.

q9550 @ 3.6 with a 260 gtx, again I said technically crysis is superior but in practice the art style and atmosphere especially can't compare to those games. I am also a 3d modeler.

The demos being shown impressed the hell out of me when the game actually came out I was let down big time. A lot of people said the same thing at the same time, but crysis turning into THE benchmark for pc clouded many perceptions.

partially agree with butterfliesrpretty, I’m not sure if Crysis looks better than MW2 or BC2 but even if it did it would be like it looks 10% better and 40% heavier. that’s what makes me hate games like STALKER and Arma 2, CS:S may look better than those games and yet they push down the frame rates really hard. btw, the Soldier in TF2 is artistically better than the nano suite in Crysis.

Artistically speaking WoW looks better than any other game I have seen. However that doesn't make it, MW2, TF2, BC2 etc better looking than Crysis. MW2 just isn't better looking. Its fine if you don't like Crysis. Its okay if you even hate it, but it just is the best looking game. Period.

Personally i'm just glad Crytek is still gracing the pc market with their games (Despite the piracy vs. lost sales comments from them). This is whether or not Crysis 2 looks better than Cry1 or Warhead. Consider yourselves lucky they haven't jumped ship.. I'm not bitching one way or the other. Just keep making games for this platform please :)

I am glad that they are continuing to make games that I can buy. However I don't feel like we should be thanking them for gracing us with their presence. They should feel lucky that PC gamers put them on the map.
Artistically speaking WoW looks better than any other game I have seen. However that doesn't make it, MW2, TF2, BC2 etc better looking than Crysis. MW2 just isn't better looking. Its fine if you don't like Crysis. Its okay if you even hate it, but it just is the best looking game. Period.

Absolutely. With the amount of graphical mods and tweaks out there for Crysis, it really showcases what the engine can do. Vanilla Crysis is second only to modded Crysis.
Artistically speaking WoW looks better than any other game I have seen. However that doesn't make it, MW2, TF2, BC2 etc better looking than Crysis. MW2 just isn't better looking. Its fine if you don't like Crysis. Its okay if you even hate it, but it just is the best looking game. Period.

In your opinion its the best looking game, in mine, not so much. I agree its the most technically advanced and I agree creating a whole tropical jungle is a big task to bite off, but I think they bit off more than they could chew with it. Is there a game that has a better looking jungle? I can't think of one. Does that mean Crysis is the best looking game? Not in my opinion. Does Crysis have the best looking jungle? Yeah, as far as I'm aware it does... but its still a shit looking jungle.