This is What I have been working on for liquid cooling!!!


Apr 6, 2008
This is what I have been working on for the last couple of weeks as time allows. Just wanted to see what I could do. still have some work to do but thought I would show everyone.


hahhaha nice. Maybe you can recut the looks a little crooked on the fridge.
yeah I need to even it out a bit and will dremmel it so it looks better then I am gonna get some chrome trime to go around it. It was a pain in the butt to cut. :)
That fidge won't last very long if run for 24/7. Duty cycle on the compressor isn't rated for that kind of output.
I've heard that said a lot, and it makes sense given the semi-continuous heat load, but have never read/seen any facts or data displaying the reduction in life. Just like OCing a chip "shortens" processor life in theory, though I've never had one fail on me while pushing them as far as they'll go.
I have heard of refrigerator compressors burning out (or at least fuses on them) b/c the door was left wide open on a hot day, but that seems like it would be a far greater continuous heat load than the 30-100watts or so that little piece of silicon alloy is transferring in.
On the plus side, when used normally these mini-fridges last forever, we have 3 scattered around that are 10-15yrs old... Maybe it's time for HardForum, TomsH, or AnandTech to add in a refrigerator performance & lifecycle head-to-head comparison test :D
sorry havent been on for a bit... been working like crazy!!! Anyway,

DrStrangeBrew: looks good... could I suggest insulating those coolant lines for better heat transfer/cooling ?

What would you suggest to insulate them with. I was thinking of that and couldnt figure out what to use.

HydroBudz :That fidge won't last very long if run for 24/7. Duty cycle on the compressor isn't rated for that kind of output.

yeah I figured that, but what the hell. $70.00 for the fridge and its been fun working on it!!
I shut the computer down and turn the pump of for a few hours at night. the fridge works hard until it freezes the water. then it seems to cycle on and off normal once the water is frozen.

specs for the water cooling system are:

Zalman wb5 water block. 3/8 I/D tubbing
swifttech dual 120 mm radiator.
fish tank pump that moves 200 gallons an hour. not sure what the model is!!

I have changed the set up a bit as you can see in the new pictures!!!

also I changed the container in the cooler to stainless steel.


changed it up a little bit again!!! I insulated the lines and went with distilled water as the coollant... any one have any ideas for what the best coollant would be???


Cutting a window in the fridge /killed/ its efficiency...

Is that frost forming on the pump? Do you have any kind of condensation protection/prevention on the processor?

As others have asked, what are your temps? Sub-ambient, I'd hope, having gone through that much trouble.
I thought about what the window would do to the efficency and I put a dual pain plexiglass window in that is 2 inches thick and it is surrounded on the inside with insulation foam. so if any thing the efficency would be better, I would think
temps are 9c idle and 15c load. all tubes are insulated now and have had no condensation as of yet

Also I am not going to trouble for this it is just for fun!! Stress relief from everyday life I suppose.....
oh and no that isnt frost on the pump, it is a fish tank pump and it leaked a little so I encased it in mighty putty and painted it, now no leaks!!!

for line insulation, just goto the local hardware store, Home Depot or Lowes and get the thick rubber-foam insulation that people put on copper water pipes to keep them from freezing over the winter. Cheap, plentiful, & easy to install :)

If you really want to get flashy you can get the aluminum heat shield wrapping that goes on high-temp to reflect radiant sources of heat ..... but I don't really think it would have a measurable effect :p
Where did the pump leak? I'm worried that your "quick fix" might not be the best way, as the water might build up and eventually wear away at your putty shell.

I'm sure the pump wasn't too expensive, I would either suggest you purchase a new pump or take the putty shell of and fix the problem whatever that may have been.
the pump was ment to be submersiable so I used silicon to fill a few spots and the used the mighty putty to seal it of. the putty turns solid as concrete, so It should be good. I am going to order a different pump soon that is non submersiable so I will be safe. right now I am messing with dry Ice as a coolant too. will see what happens ;)
right now I am messing with dry Ice as a coolant too. will see what happens ;)
isn't it eventualy going to freezed? ....antifreeze coolant won't.
I see what you're trying to do, let us know if it's work.
Thermaltake :) Just had an extra fan around.

Actually I have removed all radiators as they actually hurt the proccess and dont help. I tried dry ice, but, the fumes are to much and dont want to kill everyone in the house ;)

I have also replaced the pump with a non submersable fish tank pump that moves 285 GPH and it really makes a difference. the fridge is still running strong and I can keep idle temps at -6 c and 8c at load. I will post more pictures later. right now I am out the door to work.

I only use distilled water now. the water freezes but as long as it stays moving, it doesnt freeze solid in the container.
Couldn't you just take a little bit of ducting like for a dryer vent, and run it to the window? Put a small fan on the inside closest to the dry ice, wouldn't take much, to push the CO2 out the vent. Of course put up some type of shroud around the open part of the window so your cooling bill doesn't take a hit.
dry ice, but, the fumes are to much and dont want to kill everyone in the house ;)

dry ice in water will just make "smoke" it doesn't cool the water much.

That fidge won't last very long if run for 24/7. Duty cycle on the compressor isn't rated for that kind of output.

it's the condenser that needs to be beefed up, the compressor should have no problem
This is very very ghetto.

How so?? I suppose if I can keep my cpu freezing cold. overclock my wolfdale 8400 4.4 and have a hell of a lot of fun doing this then yeah, thats Ghetto

anyway... had some technical issues. came home from work a big storm had rolled through. No surprise here in Iowa. Surge protector was tripped and fried some stuff. Motherboard and Processor Damn it. So I ordered a wolfdale 8500 and an Asus board.

will have that bad boy up and running tuesday.
Wow this is a really sweet setup. Wouldn't a water/coolant mix make more sense because the coolant would have potential to get below freezing?
Wow this is a really sweet setup. Wouldn't a water/coolant mix make more sense because the coolant would have potential to get below freezing?

I have done a lot of research on coolants and everyone says distilled water and that is the best one that doesnt hold heat. it gets below freezing with distilled water because the pump is moving 365 gallons per hour and that is keeping the water from freezing. but condensation gets really bad so I have really been focusing on insulation for the block
here are a few pics





It isnt hooked into the computer because I am waiting on new parts and want to test this while it isnt in the computer. Just made that insulated thing for the waterblock today