-> Photo Storage Site (invites for space)


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Dec 13, 2004

I was looking for a way to backup all of my images to something other than another hard drive, or dvd, etc, and stumbled upon this site. Relatively cheap compared to dropbox or some others I was trying (3-6$ a month, for 100gb space / 25,000 images). Or you can sign up for a free account and get 1,000 images. Also through invites, can get up to 10,000 more.

Asking if you are interested, use my link below to sign up, and then post yours here to help others in the future.

Refer a friend and when they sign-up they'll get an extra 500 photos free, plus you'll get an extra 500 photos free - up to 10,000 Moments.

You are able to upload full size images, tag, etc in jpg, raw, whatever formats it seems.
The problem from my experience with websites like these is that it really takes a very long time to upload stuff. I use google drive to back-up my photos (full size jpegs), and man... does the initial upload take... long! I use lots of SD cards and a hard drive to back-up RAW (i.e. I dont format a card when it's full :p)

I'll keep an eye on this, certainly is interesting, but I wont be surprised if some of the bigger guys like dropbox and google drive come up with their own variation of it soon. They already have the upload & mobile features and they do it well, its the gallery/orgazinging part that they need to work on.

Tempting... but it's one more site I'd have to sign up for.
The galleries and organizing would be nice with this website. Also the "preserving originals, even RAWs" is a critical great feature for this site - of course it goes against your 100GB. If you don't have TBs of photos like I do, this looks like an OK option.

What I wanted in my backups:
-Provide protection from a card failing.
-Allow me to get back a deleted file, when I delete the wrong file.
-Get back an older version. Only used once or twice, but was nice.
-Protect me from a hard drive going bad - had 4 go bad in the last year (1 OS drive, 3 secondary storage drives, never the primary drives...).
-Protect me if my computer is stolen.
-Protect me if my house or apartment burns down.

My backup plan for my DSLR is.
1. Immediate: Write to 2 cards at once on my D300S. Provides immediate mirroring to protect me when a card fails or the file system is corrupted. The buffer does take twice the time to clear, so I occasionally turn the mirroring off if I need long bursts.
2. Transfer to my PC, by hand. Leave the photos on the cards for now. Clean up the photos in ViewNX2 and delete the blurry ones.
3. Let Crashplan automatically back-up the files to 3 external drives, and to their online space. This protect from a bad hard drive, computer stolen, house burning down.

It did take 2 or 3 months to get everything uploaded to Crashplan's space, but I feel so much relief knowing that the record of my life in photos and video won't go poof if my computer is stolen or my living space burns down or a virus wipes everything out. Bought the 4 year family plan and it was a good deal back in 2011 for $287, but I see now that it is $430. A single computer is only $4 to $5 a month, so $190 for 4 years of unlimited storage. They've worked really well for me here the last year.
I've got a similar backup procedure:
- Images pulled off cards directly onto my main storage RAID5 array (3x3TB WD RED)
- CR2, JPG, PSD, TIF, and MOV files are automatically copied directly onto my secondary RAID5 array (5x750GB Samsung Raid Class)
- cards aren't formatted until they come up next in the rotation (weeks)
- All images, documents, presets, lightroom catalogs, etc. are backed up automatically to for $5/mo (prepay $50 for 1yr or $95 for 2yr)

The thing I like about backblaze is that if I ever need to recover my files, I could download from them for free, or alternately get them to ship me a hard drive filled with all my stuff (much faster, even with 50Mbit broadband at home).