those few of you who ever played the virtual boy


Mar 16, 2002
how badly did it hurt your eyes? i'm normally pretty good about not getting headaches or dizzy etc, but i seriously felt like gouging my eyes out after playing an hour on it.

i just heard VB mentioned in another thread and got nostalgic
I would get headaches and feel a bit dizzy after playing for about an hour. I never had the urge to play for long anyways and would usually walk away after 30 mins. so it wasn’t so bad. In fact, I don’t think I ever played for more then an hour straight.
I would get headaches and feel a bit dizzy after playing for about an hour. I never had the urge to play for long anyways and would usually walk away after 30 mins. so it wasn’t so bad. In fact, I don’t think I ever played for more then an hour straight.

qft i sold it to neighbor day after i purchased it and for some odd reason god knows why didnt wanna talk to me for like a month
Last time i tried it it messed me up completely.. Back when i was younger i just remember it being alright though, not too too bad.

Mario tennis on virtual boy was sick, so was telroboxer.
i played the demos at shop-ko when i was like 12. that was enough to make me dizzy and sick to my stomach. i still wonder how a product that awful made it to market, from nintendo no less.
I loved my Virtual Boy! There was nothing like Teleroboxer on any other platform.. and there still isn't. I've been mulling over getting one off eGay lately. But then again I'm in the minority: I never once had a headache from the VB and I played it non stop for a long time, rarely taking breaks.
i used to just lay on my back and prop the thing on my head. My vision would start crossing a little bit after 30-40 minutes so i was too afraid to play it much.
I loved my Virtual Boy! There was nothing like Teleroboxer on any other platform.. and there still isn't. I've been mulling over getting one off eGay lately. But then again I'm in the minority: I never once had a headache from the VB and I played it non stop for a long time, rarely taking breaks.

QFT. My Virtual Boy is one of only old consoles/handhelds that I still used. My Dreamcast being the other. I never had any problems with it, but I do get eye strain after about 1.5 hours of use. Same type of strain that I feel if I read for a really long time. I just need to take a bathroom break or something and then I am good to go again.

I love Mario Tennis on it, and I think it has the best Wario world in the series. I really wish they would have released a Zelda game on it. That would have been awesome.
Totally forgot about Wario World! I still remember the intro and being amazed at the visual depth of it :eek:
Hmm I was like 10 at the time, I played that thing for hours!

That being said I have terrible vision now. lol
I still remember playing the demons @ toys r us. played warrior land and i think metroid a bunch. Never got dizzy or headaches.
I never had any issues with it. Although I never played for more then an hour at a time.
I played it a lot when I was a kid, I felt fine.

Of course, the only good games anyway were Wario and Mario Tennis.
It hurt after half an hour to an hour. That being said I really want to play the mario that was on there.
QFT. My Virtual Boy is one of only old consoles/handhelds that I still used. My Dreamcast being the other. I never had any problems with it, but I do get eye strain after about 1.5 hours of use. Same type of strain that I feel if I read for a really long time. I just need to take a bathroom break or something and then I am good to go again.

I love Mario Tennis on it, and I think it has the best Wario world in the series. I really wish they would have released a Zelda game on it. That would have been awesome.

Easiest thing to do is look up while you read after you finish the 2 pages. Helps you read for a longer period of time. Im sure it will be the same for the virtua boy.
I still get my virtual boy every once and awhile. I never had many issues with headaches or dizziness, Iv'e played it for 2+ hours without issue but i'm sure everyone's mileage will vary.

The post above me wasn't kidding, it has hands down the best wario land game made. Mario Tennis and Teleroboxer are good fun as well.
oh god way to bring up painful memories lol.

When I was young after they had come out I found one in a pawn shop for $20 that came with wario and thought it was the coolest thing ever, but sadly my parents refused to buy it for me lol.

When will parents learn you need to give in sometimes or else they can cause long term emotional damage that could be dragged up in a forum :S

But yes the system did hurt my head after about an hour playing with one at a friends house.
VB sucked the only sick it made me was sick of playing it. But some dreamcast game would mess me up real good like blue stinger and sonic.
damn I was like I've heard this name before... then it hit me... the only other system to make me feel sick when playing!

I remember playing it before I swear that thing should be considered hazardous for your health.
I still have mine and I've never got sick from playing it. Granted I usually only play for around an hour max because that's about how long I can stand to sit still :p. Wario and Mario Tennis were both amazing and Red Alert was pretty good as well.
Fact: Virtual Boy causes permanent blindness in 101% of users.

While I found it annoying to use and it hurt my eyes after an hour or so, I never got a headache from the console.

But I still hated it because I'm used to playing games for hours on end (especially as a kid), not be forced to stop after one hour because my eyes hurt.
I bought mine right after they were discontinued, at ShopKo, and all the games available at the time for a ridiculously cheap price, I think I paid under $100 for everything.

I used to play it for hours at a time with no ill effects. Make sure you calibrate the console at the start of play like it tells you to, if you don't it will give you headaches. Other than that just take a break every hour to relax your eyes....even reading from a book can cause eye strain, just take a break if you feel it starting to happen.