Thoughts on an E6400 build


Dec 7, 2004
I am looking to build out a new C2D machine with a somewhat limited budget. I will be looking to overclock to around 2.6 but 3.0ghz will be as far as I would take it. Let me know what you think. I am also in the market for a new video card but dont have any ideas yet. I dont game a lot so a high end card is not needed, maybe something in the $200 range?

So far... (not necessarily buying from the egg)
Gigabyte 965P-DS3
G.Skill 2x1GB
I will be reusing my current SATA drive, dvd burner and possibly sound card, not sure how the on board is. Seems like the 6400 and DS3 is a common, good working combo, just not sure about the memory. Thanks for the help!
if you are on a tight budget you could go with a 6300. Hitting 2800 should be a snap and 3000 is not out of the question.

The Gigabyte board is a fine choice. Not sure about the RAM.
PClark99 said:
if you are on a tight budget you could go with a 6300. Hitting 2800 should be a snap and 3000 is not out of the question.
QFT. No need to spend $40 more on a E6400 if 3.0GHz is all you are aiming for. The RAM is not the greatest, but it should be more than good if you run it at 1:1.

As for a $200 video card, try the x1950pro/7900gs - although if you don't game a lot you can go even lower, like the 7600gt's.

Hate to toot my own horn, but the RAM in my sig is $230. Micron D9 chips, overclocks to 900 MHz and beyond.

Again, if all you are going for is 3GHz, your original choice is fine.
jonw757 said:
Any recommendations on RAM then for around $250?

I have that same exact G.Skill ram it booted up fine even with the F1 or F1 BIOS, whatever came with the board. (only defaulted voltage to 1.8v)

I've also tested it at 1Ghz @ 5-6-6-17, using 333FSB & 3:1 ratio

The highest that 4-4-4-12 worked was 920Mhz.

This is my 24/7 overclock:

My motherboard maxes out at 473FSB. So I'm not sure if it will hit 1Ghz at 2:1 (called 1:1 on other mobos).

P.S. My ram does all of this at 1.9v (+.1v setting in BIOS)
The RAM in my sig is fully stable at 1000mhz, posts at close to 1050... But I can't tell whether or not it's the CPU's fault or the RAM.

E6300 at 3.5ghz? Probably the cpu's fault :).
I'd stick with the g.skill sticks. I dont like paying for brand names (despite my OCZ sticks in my sig, lol... they were the cheapest kits at the times of purchase, hehe).