Thoughts On Gender Equality In Tech, Interrupted

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt is in hot water today for talking over Megan Smith, the chief technology officer of the United States, at SWSX.

Toward the end of the session, one woman in the audience asked the two to address how personality biases in men and women affect workplace dynamics. She noted that Schmidt repeatedly talked over his former colleague — prompting applause from a full exhibit hall.
"Talked over is a crime"

Women cut me off all the time when talking, that's not sexism, its just being rude
I guess that BBC episode "Is Europe hostile to blokes" those women were sexist for repeatedly talking over Nero
He's in hot water? After the conference did he take a soak in a hot tube or something?
Sexist or gender inequality? No, he's just a dick with no manners. BIG difference. People want to be victims of some major thing, it can't just be he's an asshole. He has to be an asshole because he's sexist and hates women....
Other than for writing too many and too long of emails (which I have worked hard to narrow down) my other bad IT habit is not knowing when to stop explaining things in extensive detail (targeted audience not an end user but fellow IT admin) and for getting excited in meetings and speaking out of turn (regardless if male or female). I'm not sure how this guy is in normal meetings but if he is eccentric and excited about everything it may be his style (even if it is off putting).

Either way always good to be excited but also grounded.
Also helps to apologize if you interrupt someone. Except when debating history in class, those were fun times!
Eric Schmidt doesn't believe in the humanity of most human beings. I am sure his sense of self important entitlement supersedes gender considerations.
Only men talk over women?:rolleyes:
He must be an evil white man too! lol
This "sexist" "racist" victim mentality crap is liberalism at one of it's finest moments.
I dont know about that I have met some extremely ignorant people in the IT workplace from the bottom to the top. However I have also met some very bright, passionate people. Both can come across as rude.
Yeah, that's a really stupid single thing to bring into the gender discussion when there are more valid things to discuss. Eric Schmidt is a creepy jerk and him talking over someone else isn't at all an example of broader gender equality. All putting light on that does is give people who are looking for a way to discount and disregard actual problems a way of saying, "Hah! This one dumb not-issue just proves that all other concerns are also equally trivial and somehow related to two party American politics! Hurr durr liberals and daggum conservatives!" :rolleyes:
Good old Gender Equality. The latest event in the Victim Olympics being pushed by the usual suspects. The genders have never been, nor will they ever be equal. Both have strengths and weaknesses. The concept of equal treatment under the law has somehow morphed into equal outcomes even if it must be socially engineered. Good luck with all that. Biology is much stronger than shame, guilt or even the system itself.
And people wonder why "equality discussions" have so much trouble being taken seriously. Could it be perhaps that the waters have been muddied up so much with obvious bullshit like this that it makes it difficult not to be cynical? Apparently the current generations forgot the preschool lesson in the boy who cried wolf.

This makes him pretty typical of the personality types that tend to be in power, not sexist, not racist just an asshole.
“It’s not anybody’s fault,” Smith said.
I think this is what they mean when they talk about job culture.
Jobs tend to collect people with like minds sets.
Everyone's got their own lions dens.
Sounding kind of defensive over there. :D

Shut up, woman!

There is a gender divide in tech. More men are in it than women. But, I'd wager there are more female nurses. In both fields, neither sex is discouraged from joining. It's just the way things are and are part of what makes men & women different. Not all, of course, but generally.
Its funny a group can fight so hard to be "Equal" they end up expecting to be treated WAY more equal than the other party in the end.
Boy, some of you goobers sure are lucky [H] doesn't have a real name policy.
Boy, some of you goobers sure are lucky [H] doesn't have a real name policy.

Liberals say the darnedest things. Yes the guy was wrong for talking over her, but at the same time Smith shares the blame for letting it happen.

I had this chick in a group project of 4 in accounting class assign me and the other guy the bulk of the work. The day before we were suppose to turn everything in her part was the least of the group and the lesser amount the two girls had and it was incomplete and what she had finished was wrong, and suddenly she wanted help. We had weeks do the project and offers of help had been offered and all were declined up till the last week, her was turned in completed but wrong. There's something to be said for taking responsibility and standing up for one's self. Smith should have put Schmidt his in place and told him to stop and answered the questions. Respect is earned not given. When you feel wronged or stepped on you need to speak up. All this noise about women's rights needs to include what a woman needs to do to carry her own weight by taking action such as speaking up for herself when she is being stepped on and doing what is necessary even if somebody's feelings might get hurt in the process.
Respect is earned not given.
This is supposed to mean that you start at a neutral point and earn favor with someone, not that you start at the bottom and deserve disrespect until you prove yourself :rolleyes:
This is supposed to mean that you start at a neutral point and earn favor with someone, not that you start at the bottom and deserve disrespect until you prove yourself :rolleyes:

Must be a nice bubble you live in.

I guess this is what you get when there isn't an acknowledged nod to the fact the special treatment women get from families is from age old educate and from social situations either from educate or a play for sex and not because they are actually special or earned it.
This is supposed to mean that you start at a neutral point and earn favor with someone, not that you start at the bottom and deserve disrespect until you prove yourself :rolleyes:

That is where everone else starts, except in the case of diversity "quotas". Those do sort of make me assume someone is a token until proven otherwise. Maybe you are correct, just not for the reasons you think.

Yes, he was an ass, but was what he did really sexist? Prolly not.
Being a jerk doesn't mean you're sexist. I know many people, male and female, who love to talk over anyone, regardless of sex. It's obnoxious for sure, but I doubt most of it is because the person is thinking "I don't think women are my equal, so let me drown her out"...I think it's more like "I'm more important than everyone, so my thoughts need to be heard more".
Being a jerk doesn't mean you're sexist. I know many people, male and female, who love to talk over anyone, regardless of sex. It's obnoxious for sure, but I doubt most of it is because the person is thinking "I don't think women are my equal, so let me drown her out"...I think it's more like "I'm more important than everyone, so my thoughts need to be heard more".

I'm pretty sure this is exactly the case here. Schmidt has always been outspoken, abrasive, and utterly incapable of interacting with other people. He's like a totally stereotyped basement-dwelling neckbeard who happened to be lucky enough to be part of a company that lets him afford his own basement instead of living with his mom with the downside that he's expected to bathe regularly, wear reasonable clothing, and speak in public (with that last part being where he manages to put his foot into his mouth all the time). He's not being sexist, he's being a giant jerkface.