Thoughts on in-Video Game Ads


Limp Gawd
Feb 15, 2004
If you've read the main page you've noticed Steve's post about how game companies want to put advertising in games that dynamically changes contacting back to the ad server.

I think this is the most ridiculous thing ever and it's really going to hurt the gaming industry if they do it. How many of you hate popups? Or commercials in your DVD's and VHS tapes? Next thing they'll have commercials on music disks... Is nothing sacred anymore? Do they really need the advertising dollars that badly?

I'll welcome anyone's thoughts on this.
if i'm paying 50 for a game, i don't want to have a pop-up blocker installed.
Gimme a break..... :rolleyes:

You seriously believe that the VERY PASSIONATE GAMERS that build these games, are gonna put spyware in the game they put long hours into???

They feel the same way you do.

Would an advertisement really hurt ur gameplay?

The game would be cheaper.....

I can't imagine why this is a horrible thing??

I dont agree with it.

but there are as many positives as negatives.
I don't think the developers would have much of a say as to ad placement in games. The publishers, if I remember from the article, are the ones that signed on to this in-game ad campaign. I'm sure the publishers would demand that the devs included the ads in their game, or else face some kind of consequences.

That said, we are bombarded with enough advertisements as it is, both in the internet and in real life. I'm sure there would be quite the uproar if any in-game ads become too obtrusive or just outright kill the gameplay.
It all depends on the implementation, I wouldnt mind billboards in racing games or the like, you know places where game developers put fake ads anyway. But if they plan on updating ad content during gameplay, or making a hud banner type ads etc, no one will stand for it. (maybe update on connect or possibly while dead in round based games)

I doubt any company other than ea / microsoft (the companies that have the devs by the balls) would implement such a thing, and who plays their games anyway... they do in movies .. product placement is all fine and dandy with me ..but anything beyond that , and I'ma gonna starta swingen'! :mad:
adam7488 said:
Gimme a break..... :rolleyes:

You seriously believe that the VERY PASSIONATE GAMERS that build these games, are gonna put spyware in the game they put long hours into???

They feel the same way you do.

Would an advertisement really hurt ur gameplay?

The game would be cheaper.....

I can't imagine why this is a horrible thing??

I dont agree with it.

but there are as many positives as negatives.

Has nothing to do with spyware, it has everything to do with being bombarded with ads 24/7. For me, gaming is a break from real life, I don't need to see any more ads from anybody.The game will only be cheaper in quality, in fact I was reading an article a couple weeks ago saying the game industry is preparing to up the prices on all games.

There are only negatives.
adam7488 said:
Gimme a break..... :rolleyes:

You seriously believe that the VERY PASSIONATE GAMERS that build these games, are gonna put spyware in the game they put long hours into???

They feel the same way you do.

Would an advertisement really hurt ur gameplay?

The game would be cheaper.....

I can't imagine why this is a horrible thing??

I dont agree with it.

but there are as many positives as negatives.


Cheaper games!

game publisher joe:"Hey we are making the boxers smaller! should we cut cost?"

game publisher bob: "no, we can pocket it, they will never notice!"

game publisher joe: "hey, we can put the manuals on the cd, or print them in a thin black and white paper! then we can save more money, should we pass the savings to the paying customers?"

game publsiher bob: "no, we can make even MORE money then, muahahahha"

Game publisher bob: "hey! we can raise prices on games now too! we can slide it in as inflation they'll never notice the sudden price hike!"

game publisher joe: "hey, some guys have developed an ad network, they are going to pay us CHA CHING to advertise in the games we publisher, should we cut back costs?"

game publisher bob: "you're fired! i'll have even more money! MUAHAHAHHA"

Incase some of your aren't noticing.

These are the publishers here.
Vivendi and ubisoft are two of the biggest publishers in the gaming industry (though they do develop some things, but mostly publishers).

I'm pretty sure it's going to be on their end, so the "devs" won't have a say in it, unless they want to shop for another publisher (please god bring back some good publishers that actually CARE about the developers)
yeah, adversitising is everywhere as much as we hate it, and since it's such a huge money making business it's only a matter of time before it infects our games.. it all depends on how they implement it.. I wouldn't mind playing HL2 and see a billboard ad for something which would be realistic as it's something you would see in the real world.. but if you have to watch a fukin gap commercial with homos dancing around singing before you can play the game.. that's where I draw the line heh
Screw *it depends on how they implement it*. So long as there is an adware/spyware issue in a game, I for one will not buy it. Period. I dont care if Angelina Jolie danced for me in pretty purple panties, Im not buying a 50$ game that reports on my habits to people that I dont want to have my information.
if they want to put that shit into games then let the advertisers buy the game for me. If not, I will firewall that fucker in a heartbeat. If a firewall prevents the game from working fully featured I will return the game. Buy it again. Return it. Buy another copy. Return it. and so on..... Several thousand returns should tell them something.
Apparently those who say it depends on how it is implemented didnt read the article very well. For those who didnt read, this is SPYWARE! These will be real time ads with tracking abilities. Screw that. I paid my money to play a game not veiw ads. The first game I get that I see on eof these ads in goes back. The only way for the publishers to get the idea that gamers do not want this is to not buy the games. Unfortuneatly there will bee too many schmucks that will buy anyway.
I didnt read the whole article, but just went through it and their webpage, heres some highlites...

Once integrated into a game, the Massive client library pulls down advertising from the Massive Server in the background of game play and reports every time an ad is seen

The design of the Inventory Elements. This is performed by dividing the game space into areas called "Zones," which contain one or more Inventory Elements. Typically, an Inventory Element will be a game object texture map such as billboards, areas of walls for posters, sides of delivery trucks and storefronts. Massive will provide advice on the optimal placement of Inventory Elements for maximum ad revenue and easy integration, but ultimately the Publisher and Developer have the final decision on placement.

Massive has a number of important partnerships with leading publishers in the video game industry. They include UBisoft, Vivendi Universal Games, Konami, Atari, Legacy Interactive and Take two Software.

Massive logs the following Non-Personally Identifiable Information from Gamers:

1. IP Address: When a video game connects to Massive's servers, the IP Address is automatically reported by all TCP/IP transactions. Many IP Addresses are commonly associated with Internet service providers, universities, or major corporations in specific regions or localities.
2. Length of Game Session: The start time and stop time of the game session is measured.
3. Game Title: Massive can identify the video game that is being played and logs that information.
4. Advertising Delivered: Massive logs each advertisement that is delivered to a Gamer's video game and the metrics associated with its rendering (i.e. time and size on screen).

I dont like the idea of the log info, but im sure there will be loads of AdBuster type software, that ethier blocks or fakes the info.
i call for a boycott on the games with the ad thing, dont like the log thing, games will certainly NOT be cheaper, i see ads everywhere already, why in games too

whats next, stream ads into our dreams like in futurama??
There used to be a time, when some of the big name magazines would refuse to review PC games, if they used some methods of copy protection, often those that used things like bad sectors or really intricate pass codes. Their views were that it took away from the game play and caused reliability issues. This eliminated a lot of that practice.

What we should do, is urge the current magazines to do the same. If it uses this crap, it doesn't get a review, or even a mention beyond the fact that it uses this technology.

adam7488 said:
Gimme a break..... :rolleyes:

You seriously believe that the VERY PASSIONATE GAMERS that build these games, are gonna put spyware in the game they put long hours into???

They feel the same way you do.

Would an advertisement really hurt ur gameplay?

The game would be cheaper.....

I can't imagine why this is a horrible thing??

I dont agree with it.

but there are as many positives as negatives.
That is crazed. You really think they are going to pass those savings on to us? When have they ever?
Worldhammer said:
That is crazed. You really think they are going to pass those savings on to us? When have they ever?

Yea really. I now see ads when I go to the movies and the prices are higher than ever. Advertising seems to make prices go up. Bastards.
dropper said:
There used to be a time, when some of the big name magazines would refuse to review PC games, if they used some methods of copy protection, often those that used things like bad sectors or really intricate pass codes. Their views were that it took away from the game play and caused reliability issues. This eliminated a lot of that practice.

What we should do, is urge the current magazines to do the same. If it uses this crap, it doesn't get a review, or even a mention beyond the fact that it uses this technology.

That would thrill me beyond measure but I don't see it happening. There is just so much money in it now. Most mags now are (at least to me) notorious for putting things in their best possible light. Take a good look at pc gamer. We are on our own I think.
next those assholes are gonna figure out how to get in our god damn heads and start rambling on about how there are these great fucking pos deals on new cars... CANT WAIT!!! :mad:
Okay, I know I'm asking for a huge flaming, but I just wanted to provide a counterpoint to the discussion.

1. This technology isn't meant for single player games, so we should throw that discussion out altogether.

2. Servers aren't cheap, I'm always seeing messages in-game from admins for paypal donations.

3. Imagine you were a game developer who wanted to make a game where users can play tournaments, and you want to provide prizes for your all of your tournaments, how are you going to do it? Would it be worth it to you if pepsi sponsored a free-to-enter UT2004 tournament each month that you could win money from, if you had to see a pepsi logo on everyone's armor?
Casual Lurker said:
Okay, I know I'm asking for a huge flaming, but I just wanted to provide a counterpoint to the discussion.

1. This technology isn't meant for single player games, so we should throw that discussion out altogether.

2. Servers aren't cheap, I'm always seeing messages in-game from admins for paypal donations.

3. Imagine you were a game developer who wanted to make a game where users can play tournaments, and you want to provide prizes for your all of your tournaments, how are you going to do it? Would it be worth it to you if pepsi sponsored a free-to-enter UT2004 tournament each month that you could win money from, if you had to see a pepsi logo on everyone's armor?

Umm, from reading this, it fully seems it will indeed be in the single player portions of games...not only multiplayer.
Stiler said:
Umm, from reading this, it fully seems it will indeed be in the single player portions of games...not only multiplayer.

From reading what? An advertising network only works if you're plugged in to the network, and single player games aren't developed with the assumption that gamers are online while playing.
the day this becomes main stream is the day my gaming era comes to an end, i will only put up with so much. If they want to take my freedom of enjoyment away i simply will start reading books(untill avon starts advertising in the middle of a book anyway). And with all the MMORPG games comming out and it looking like most games are heading that way worries me even more, they want us to pay for a game, then pay month to month just to play, now they are gonna want us to pay per month to see adds i don't get it. Profit has replaced ethics in the business mind and corruption is at an all time high and i will not support it, i don't play MMORPG games.

I can't wait till i see a thread titled "so i was playing everquest 2 today and saw a monastat 3 ad WTF" i mean really, what does a yeast infection have to do with gaming.
The only advertising I see fit is if they used them in loading screens. Here's an example (Counter-Strike Loading Screen).


Doesn't hurt the consumer at all really.

And instead of pocketing the money, it'd be really cool if they(in this case, Steam or whoever) used the extra dough to get prizes for online tournaments or even "Official Servers" so the game doesn't completely die out.
k1pp3r - but that's just the point, the market wont accept it, if hbo decided to start showing commercials everyone would drop their subscription, the same thing applies to gaming. you either pay for content, or you watch ads, but never both. The moment you try to implement both, another company will come along and give you the option of choosing just one or the other, and consumers will jump ship from the model that forces both.

This is why i truly believe someone will build a mmorpg that consumers don't have to pay for initially, just for the subscription. Because the market will react favorably to it, and the company who builds it will be able to justify the cost to investors by proving they can grab a larger audience due to the lack of a purchase price.
Casual Lurker said:
From reading what? An advertising network only works if you're plugged in to the network, and single player games aren't developed with the assumption that gamers are online while playing.

Umm, you are aware that games can detect if you are connected to an internet connection?

A game doesn't have to be multiplayer for it to talk with some server as long as you are connected.

It would seem bollocks from a buisness standpoint of this if they only did it in multiplayer games..

but damn do I hope you're right....
MrWoot said:
if i'm paying 50 for a game, i don't want to have a pop-up blocker installed.


I don't mind easter eggs though. Such as if your raceing down a track in NFSU and you see a bill board with an ad. That just makes it more realistic.
Ads in games is not a new topic... Personally I think it's ridiculous to have them in games as thus far they only detract from the gameplay.
I found a great example last night when I fired up TNMT on the NES..

pic originally from
Pizza Hut signs as far as the eye can see.. in April's apartment complex. Walking down the street with foot soldiers behind em.. You just can not escape!!

I remeber when the game first came out.. bunch of kids sitting around going 'ooohhh look at the pizza hut advertisement!'.. The blind impulse to fire it up last night resulted in a "hey.. I remember that." Both times it took me out of the game to look at a flippin ad.
Rune75 said:
Screw *it depends on how they implement it*. So long as there is an adware/spyware issue in a game, I for one will not buy it. Period. I dont care if Angelina Jolie danced for me in pretty purple panties, Im not buying a 50$ game that reports on my habits to people that I dont want to have my information.

you had me until the Angelina Jolie part... :p
k1pp3r said:
If they want to take my freedom of enjoyment away i simply will start reading books(untill avon starts advertising in the middle of a book anyway)...

You do know you are still able to enjoy a game even if there is an ad here or there (unless of course it is literally a popup. but a billboard, or at worst a piece of the GUI). It won't kill you or ruin the game play. If you want to be so superficial as to ignore the game because of an ad in the corner of your screen, go ahead. But don't act like they're taking your life, or your given rights as a human being. You buy their product - you subject yourself to it. Plain and simple.

... they want us to pay for a game, then pay month to month just to play, now they are gonna want us to pay per month to see adds i don't get it. Profit has replaced ethics in the business mind and corruption is at an all time high and i will not support it, i don't play MMORPG games.

You do know you are paying monthly for the server / bandwidth fees. Try running a website that gets a moderate amount of traffic (a hundred unique visits a week for instance) off a normal DSL or Cable connection, and see how much bandwidth you use, and how many times your "server" fails. All that does not come cheap.

One game currently not charging a monthly fee (that is an MMO) is Guild Wars. I have absolutely no idea how NCsoft is able to do that, though I think their other games (City of Heros, Lineage II, Tabula Rasa, Auto Assault, and even Lineage I) are currently, and will soon be making this all possible.

I can't wait till i see a thread titled "so i was playing everquest 2 today and saw a monastat 3 ad WTF" i mean really, what does a yeast infection have to do with gaming.

Don't go overboard with it. You will NOT see an ad about yeast infections, or really any other personal higeine(sp) product for that matter. The closest to that you'll probably get is a trojan condoms commerical. But consider this: how many nerds playing MMO's are 1) females with yeast infections and 2) males having need for a condom? I can bet the 1st is slim to none, and the 2nd is slightly higher. But still not high enough for a company to put their dollars in there. You'll see company's like Red Bull, Pepsi, Nokia, Sony, and other "young, hip", and technology based companies joining this bandwagon.

Sorry to dissapoint ;)
Sure, if they stop charging $50 for the game and instead offer it for free. Then I'll deal with ads.
It isnt so much the ads themselves that bother me. Games have had paid placements on inanimate objects for years now. That doesnt faze me one bit. I am disturbed that these ads will report back. This means they are taking data off my machine and sending it back without my knowledge. Going through a splash screen to get into the game, or even a few posters up for advertisers in the game is where the line should be drawn. If the game were free then I would put up with the ad. However, we will only see the high price of games with ads that report back how many times we veiw them. Once they hit the market, count me out.
iZero said:
Sure, if they stop charging $50 for the game and instead offer it for free. Then I'll deal with ads.

well maybe not free but not $50-60 either. The only games i see this being accepted in would be sports games and i think it could be implemented well in them, thats as far as it could go for me. Not only will games start costing more, they will take more time to develop because of the groundbreaking graphical needs of the consumer as well as implementing the new ads. There are games that i see no way in incorperating ads into, how would cyan studios display ads in the myst series? Their publisher is ubisoft so they may have to or hunt for a new publisher, i don't think they would have trouble finding one but that is beside the point.
Price hikes accompanied with ads is not kosher for me. I do agree that it is essentially spyware. Most spyware are programs that log what you do on the internet. These are the same except its while you are in the game not your desktop. I think they should include an "opt out" feature to allow people to opt out of having viewing information and logs sent back to the ad server. Also, Options to have the ads not auto-update should be included. If they are going to impose this sort of thing and not drop prices then they need to provide options for us. Which games have in-game advertisements and what control I have over them will definitely affect my purchasing decisions.
how many people stopped going to movies when they started doing 5-7 commericals before the show started? people bitched, but i dont know of anyone who stopped going. Its a factor for me...i do go less now, but if theres a movie I want to see, i just show up later now

this is despiccable $50 for the game, pay monthly fees, AND watch ads? I dont think so. its bad enough when you load up games like BF1942 you gotta sit there and watch the companies logos and can't avoid them i get pissed off every time that happens


rant off, LOL