Thoughts on Silverprop Waterblocks...?


Jul 8, 2003
Out of curiosity, what do you guys think of Silverprop waterblocks...more specifically the Cyclone Evo. SE, Cyclone Nexus SX, and the Cyclone Fusion SL? I realize that these blocks aren't widely available in the US but that's not really something that is of much concern for the time being. Anyone here have any experience with them? Thoughts?

...and, yes, I know that one could buy a copper Storm/G4 from Swiftech for less than the MSRP of some of these Silverprop blocks....but that's not the information I'm looking for. :rolleyes:
Well, that's a start... How's the nVidia mounting hardware on your HL in terms of installation and such?

Anyone else...?
I've seen the brass topped blocks in action, and they're really nice units. Criticool was out of stock on them when I visited him, so I couldn't get them. Silverprop blocks are sexy, no doubt about it.

I've been running my Fusion HL for almost a year now, worth every penny. I had to get the nVidia install kit to mount mine, since the spring clips that they use for ATI didn't fit my 9800Pro. The holes line right up though, just gotta use the hex bolts and it's perfect.

The Fusion gpu blocks are the only ones I recommend (unless someone's doing a big order from DD anyways). They perform very well, sexy as hell, and the integrated barbs are great. Even pushing 500MHz at 1.9V on my R360 core, the temperature never went over 45C in my warm room during heavy video card testing. Would idle just fine at 32C with 28C water. I couldn't have asked for better. has some reviews of the Nexus and the Evo blocks, but not the Fusion unfortunately. These blocks don't get much notice, but they're quite good. Go for it! :D