

Sep 21, 2003
For goodness sake, please start using thumbnail pics for us stuck on dial-up.
I'm not going to get DSL or cable anytime again soon.

why should we cater to a few 56k people left in the world?

i think waste of time to have to click on a link to get the full picture i can understand if the picture is huge. but if its a standard picture then no i dont like having to click on another link. i have a fast connection and want to be able to get the most use out of it :)
Why is resizing your pics or just post a url instead of using img tags so hard for bigger pics?
Its just showing alittle repect to other members/possable buyers
Well, I enjoy pictures... I dont always actually read the listings, pictures are what catches my eye and I think many others would think think and feel the same way.

But sometimes I wish people would use something like (small freeware doesnt need install) Drag pictures onto exe set the max width to like 800 resize and upload those... good to avoid scrolling left and right in the browser I think...
Just for the record. %60 precent of users are still on dialup. its projected that %40 of users will be high speed by 2006....
Jivemiguel said:
Thanks for this link... now I don't have to launch Photoshop just to resize my forum images!
There's also IrfanView, a great little freeware graphics program with a small footprint that launches in a fraction of the time of Photoshop. It's great for those "quick and dirty" re-size jobs. :)

I remember my dial-up days all too well. It's very frustrating when someone includes umpteen megs worth of pics and the page takes over five minutes to load. :(

Now I'm on cable and what I find really irritating is when people include those uber high-rez pics that stretch the page to where you have to keep scrolling left and right just to even read the text.

Here's a tip: the crop tool is your friend! Use it to cut out the extraneous background. The pics should be of the item(s) you are selling, I really don't care what your room looks like. :D