Tim Cook: Apple Is Working on Future Products That Will "Blow You Away"


Aug 20, 2006
Speaking at yesterday’s annual general meeting, Apple CEO Tim Cook teased investors he was “planting seeds” and “rolling the dice” on future products that will just “blow you away.” Cook didn’t specify what these would be but hinted the company could soon unveil AirPods that support Siri and wireless charging, as well as Apple Watch models with new health features. Augmented reality smart glasses or even a full self-driving vehicle could be further in the horizon.

On the topic of services, Cook said Apple is well on its way towards meeting the goal it set in 2016, which was to double its $25 billion revenue by 2020. Later this month, Apple is expected to unveil two new products in the services category, including a new streaming TV service outfitted with original television shows and a new Apple News service with access to subscription news sites and magazines for a monthly fee.
Yawn.. They've never had a product that has done that in the past, and I doubt they will in the future.
We'll see. The Huawei Mate X folder is getting rave reviews all over and the fact they are kicking Apples ass is part of why your government is so anal about Huawei. The Samsung folder is an also ran. Lets see what ya got Timmy. ;)
The more a company proclaims the greatness of a product the more I feel they're using grandiose bullshit to hide the fact they have nothing of substance. In Apple's case it'll be iterative product updates that barely improve on whatever they released 3 years ago to an already saturated market. Although, it is about time for them to roll out another innovative copy of an existing product but with a walled-garden... like Apple Cinema, streamed cinema movies only on the newest Iphones because they don't have any other way to get people to upgrade.
"Products that will blow you away..." OMG! They're finally coming out with the iShotgun! "I'll take two, one in Tangerine and one in Lime. Siri, I want to kill that zombie."
"Products that will blow you away..." OMG! They're finally coming out with the iShotgun! "I'll take two, one in Tangerine and one in Lime. Siri, I want to kill that zombie."

I'm sorry it only comes in white and "i'm a t**t" rose gold. Also, the product should only be used with authentic 21.7 gauge 3.11" iShells.
I'm sorry it only comes in white and "i'm a t**t" rose gold. Also, the product should only be used with authentic 21.7 gauge 3.11" iShells.

[MAN} "Siri, I'm in the middle of the Payette National Forest and I'm being chased by a bear. Where is the nearest source for iShells?"

[SIRI] "The nearest source for iShells is the Apple Store at River Park Square in Spokane, Washington, approximately 200 miles in a direct line or 285 miles by road. Hours of business are 9 AM to 9 PM, Monday through Saturday, and 11 AM to 8 PM on Sunday."

[BEAR] "Nom nom nom ..."
didn't apple have issues with apple maps and escorting people off cliffs? im not sure they should do a self driving car...
Another new iPhone only this time with a slightly increased screen size and slightly increased battery size along with a $200 increase to the price?

I take back my previous comment.

I have been blown away with the ever increasing high prices Apples charges.
A car without wheels possibly? That takes courage....:confused:

Siri Airpods? New health features on a watch?

This is what they call "blow you away"? LOL

The same thing as before but slightly bigger with even less battery life

An iPhone without a screen: Courage™

Another new iPhone only this time with a slightly increased screen size and slightly increased battery size along with a $200 increase to the price?

So, they are getting into the shotgun business? :p

A watch... with a speaker

A phone... without a speaker

When Apple says it will blow you away... I'm thinking they are planning on installing bigger (made in China) batteries.
He should have said "rolling the dice" on future products that will "suck you dry." I'd buy the whole line, or would I? o_O
They are almost done inventing in display fingerprint reader and reverse wireless charging. Next time it will be a headphone jack and sd card slot. Samsung better watch out!
[MAN} "Siri, I'm in the middle of the Payette National Forest and I'm being chased by a bear. Where is the nearest source for iShells?"

[SIRI] "The nearest source for iShells is the Apple Store at River Park Square in Spokane, Washington, approximately 200 miles in a direct line or 285 miles by road. Hours of business are 9 AM to 9 PM, Monday through Saturday, and 11 AM to 8 PM on Sunday."

[BEAR] "Nom nom nom ..."

No, not an iShotgun, but instead an iR-15. With a courageous top-loading fixed magazine so they can sell it in California, and of course special Beats-Bullets (by Dr Dre) to load it with.
No, not an iShotgun, but instead an iR-15. With a courageous top-loading fixed magazine so they can sell it in California, and of course special Beats-Bullets (by Dr Dre) to load it with.

You're right. The iShotgun is too rural for Apple, Apple is more of an urban company. And having Dr. Dre as the spokesperson gives it that distressed feel that the hipsters like so much.
I am all for getting BLOWN!

But have not purchased an apple product since the original Nano.