Time Capsule and USB Hub


Nov 28, 2004
I'm thinking of getting a Time Capsule in the near future, and at the same time I'd like to use a USB Hub to make a series of external HDDs accessible to people on my network. I've read that this is possible, but has anyone here actually tried that? I'd also like to connect my printer through the hub as well . . .
can the one usb on the TM handle all that? i mean, can you span devices off it?

i know usb supports like 150 devices spanned, but can the TM do it?
can the one usb on the TM handle all that? i mean, can you span devices off it?

i know usb supports like 150 devices spanned, but can the TM do it?

I want to attach a powered USB hub to the TC and add 3-4 HDDs and a USB printer. All of the connected devices would then be shared to all members of the network.
I want to attach a powered USB hub to the TC and add 3-4 HDDs and a USB printer. All of the connected devices would then be shared to all members of the network.

yes i understand that.

WHat i dont know is if the TM can actually see more than one USB device on that port, get what i mean? it should work, if the TM is like all other usb devices, but it might not.

i had a router a while back that had a USB port on it. Would not work with any USB hub/multiple devices, stunk too.
And if you want to share both a printer and an additional hard drive, you can. Just connect a USB hub to Time Capsule. Whatever the combination, Time Capsule divides and conquers.

Looks like it's ok with hubs, although it doesn't specifically mention multiple hard drives, but the "whatever the combination, time capsule divides and conquers" seems to hint at what you are asking.

Looks like it's ok with hubs, although it doesn't specifically mention multiple hard drives, but the "whatever the combination, time capsule divides and conquers" seems to hint at what you are asking.

Yeah - I know that it hints, I just want to make sure that I don't end up with a crapload of hardware, only to discover that I need to cycle HDDs.

I expect it will work, but prior to purchasing I want to see if there is anyone that can confirm that it will work :p
I expect it will work, but prior to purchasing I want to see if there is anyone that can confirm that it will work :p

Call Apple and ask?

I have yet to try it, since I only have 1 external HD, but I know the 802.11n Airport Extreme base station can support multiple HDs and printers at the same time using a hub. I wouldn't think Apple would remove that feature on a the supposedly "better" hardware.