TIME.com: 5 biggest letdowns of '06, PS3

Most major media outlets gave the PS3 both barrels...Time, New York Times, etc.

From the non enthusiast standpoint, the console just looks...ridiculous. Talking to my non tech savvy friends and relatives, they just look at the features, then look at the price, and wonder why the hell they'd ever want to buy one. People lose sight of the fact that despite everything else with this console, it's the first one to cost over 500 bucks since consoles came int our homes in a big way with the NES.
This isn't a knock only on the ps3, as those same people have made the same complaints to me about the 399$ 360. But to the average joe consumer, or mom considering a christmas present for her kid....600 bucks for video games just isn't mainstream.
When mainstream press/ stock market catches on to something, that means it's just about run its course.
It'll just make those same anti-ps3 people even MORE pissed off when PS3 takes the majority market share again.

"but, but, it's impossible! it's so expensive!"
That's_Corporate said:
It'll just make those same anti-ps3 people even MORE pissed off when PS3 takes the majority market share again.
I'm not too sure that's going to happen this time. Most average people I know have dismissed it out of hand due to the price. I don't recall that ever happening with the PS2 or PS1.

Besides that, all the buzz seems to be about the Wii.
Plus the PS3 couldn't survive selling like a BMW. They need to sell like a <insert American car that sells a lot here cos I'm a Brit and have no idea what you buy> to survive.
The PS3 WILL drop in price. Once people start to buy/accept the new generation of movie players, the PS3 will feel the benefits strongly.

10 years ago the PS1 was released for $300. (almost $400 today dollars) It fell in price pretty fast.
Problem is, if everyone waits for the price to drop then the damage is already done. Plus of course the 360 is allegedly profitable now (per unit) so they can likely match Sony's price drops to add to the pain.
To me the biggest downfall of the PS3 launch was the price and availability. Even if Sony ramps up production and cuts the price by $100...MS will most likely follow suit with a $349 360. The Wii kind of stands alone because it isn't competeing with the two giants....people will either get a PS3+Wii or 360+Wii but probably not many will get all 3 since the PS3 and 360 are so similar in capabilities.
The PS3 launch was a huge disaster. Anybody who doesn't see that is just blind in love. If it was successful, everyone would have one and everyone would be talking about it. Which just isn't the case. Even a little bit.
michealo said:
i wonder if they would call a BMW "hideously expensive"

yeah, i guess she would

BMW had an entirely different brand image. They didn't transition from prices that would be comparable to Honda/Toyota to the luxury prices that they sell at today; they've always been expensive.

If you want to use the automotive industry as some sort of example in terms of expenses, the Playstation would be comparable in perception to something like a Honda Civic. The Playstation 2 would be the Honda Accord. The Playstation 3 would be the mid~high end BMWs. Transitioning so steeply is a hard sell no matter who your consumers are.
That's_Corporate said:
It'll just make those same anti-ps3 people even MORE pissed off when PS3 takes the majority market share again.

"but, but, it's impossible! it's so expensive!"

Thats a loooooong way down the road considering it will be quite some time before Sony can even manufacture enough consoles to take the lead.

Sony will be lucky to have manufactured 8 million consoles by this time next year, much less sell that many. Guess what, that is how many 360's there are currently. So assuming nobody buys a 360 in all of 2007, it will take a year for Sony to take the lead. That is discounting Nintendo all together, which isn't very smart either. It is also ignoring Blue Dragon, Halo 3, Forza 2, Mass Effect and the other system selling games that are coming out, or are out in certain regions, for the 360.

The fact of the matter is Sony has really hurt themselves and it will take a long time, 2 years minimum more likely 3, for them to recover from this. That is assuming they even do recover.

Best case scenario I see for Sony is a 40% market share in 5 years, that is solely my opinion and I have no facts to back it up other than an educated guess based upon current sales and my opinion of future sales.
That's_Corporate said:
It'll just make those same anti-ps3 people even MORE pissed off when PS3 takes the majority market share again.

"but, but, it's impossible! it's so expensive!"

I just figured out how to make money off of fan boys. On a totally unrelated note, wanna make a bet on that?
This isn't anything new. The PS3 has already been bashed in mainstream media A LONG time ago.

I don't get when you say the PS3 was a letdown itself. Its a bit expensive, which isn't even really the fact. With a HDDVD player the 360 costs EXACTLY the same...
I don't care if they make it an option or not...the actual cost is not that crazy. It just sucks that they force you to get the blu-ray player with it.

The launch lacked supply and was a failure for the most part but for the reviews of its power and its performance have been stellar. Right out of the box its performing almost on par with the 360 in most games and just as good if not better in other games. Add it all its other features I hardly would say the system itself was a let down.

The launch is the only thing I could say is a let down.

PS: I know a lot of non-tech friends and family who all talk about "blu-ray" or the PS3 like its the greatest thing ever. Trust me, it caught me by surprise when I hard blu-ray come out of any of their mouths. So the general public may know more than we think....at least from my small sample of 25:p haha
Furystrike said:
The PS3 WILL drop in price. Once people start to buy/accept the new generation of movie players, the PS3 will feel the benefits strongly.

10 years ago the PS1 was released for $300. (almost $400 today dollars) It fell in price pretty fast.
problem with that though, once people start accepting the next gen formats, what causes them to buy a ps3 opposed to a standalone player? absolutely nothing, imo the success of either format reaches far beyond the success of their respective consoles. i think the article hinged on the fact that the ps3's launch was the complete opposite of what it was expected to be. from a market share perspective, sony is going to lose a lot of it over the next several years. when the next wave of consoles comes in they could very well be the leader in market share, but by how much is the question.
michealo said:
i wonder if they would call a BMW "hideously expensive"

yeah, i guess she would

And you're probably one of the guys that brings up Apple's 3% marketshare whenever a Mac user says the same thing about their computer.

Guess what? Sony can't survive with even a 10% marketshare... They need it to be 30%+.
CopyCat said:
Right out of the box its performing almost on par with the 360 in most games and just as good if not better in other games. Add it all its other features I hardly would say the system itself was a let down.

The fact that it's "on par" with 360 graphics IS a letdown.

Remember the Xbox? Sony had a one year headstart on the Xbox but when it released with Halo, there was NOTHING on the PS2 that could even come close to it graphically and one could argue that Sony never had anything much more visually impressive than the first Halo.

Well, now it was Sony's turn to blow MS out of the water with more powerful hardware... And it didn't happen. Yawn.

I don't see how that isn't a letdown.
Rocketpig said:
The fact that it's "on par" with 360 graphics IS a letdown.

Remember the Xbox? Sony had a one year headstart on the Xbox but when it released with Halo, there was NOTHING on the PS2 that could even come close to it graphically and one could argue that Sony never had anything much more visually impressive than the first Halo.

Well, now it was Sony's turn to blow MS out of the water with more powerful hardware... And it didn't happen. Yawn.

I don't see how that isn't a letdown.

It's a bit of a letdown, I will hold my judgement untill both systems drop in price and have a solid lineup before I decide which one I want to buy, probably will buy one or the other late next year.
sculelos said:
It's a bit of a letdown, I will hold my judgement untill both systems drop in price and have a solid lineup before I decide which one I want to buy, probably will buy one or the other late next year.

Same here. If the PS3 drops to $400 and has a boatload of great games, I might consider one.

As it stands now, it looks like I'll be buying a 360 sometime in the next 12 months.
The biggest problem I see the PS3 having is that I don't think that the current HD stuff will really catch on in a big way. What is the install base for HD televisions? 10%...something like that. By the time the install base is large enough for either format to take off a new one will be out. Blueray and HDDVD may very well go the way of Laserdisk.
michealo said:
i wonder if they would call a BMW "hideously expensive"

yeah, i guess she would

Given that the BMW 5 and 7 series cars were on the 2005 "Least Reliable" lists for Consumer Reports, I'd say that BMW's are definitely hideously expensive and overpriced, as is the PS3.
pigpen said:
The PS3 launch was a huge disaster. Anybody who doesn't see that is just blind in love. If it was successful, everyone would have one and everyone would be talking about it. Which just isn't the case. Even a little bit.

PS3 Launch caught on camera: :D

Rocketpig said:
The fact that it's "on par" with 360 graphics IS a letdown.

Well, now it was Sony's turn to blow MS out of the water with more powerful hardware... And it didn't happen. Yawn.
Not really. There have been almost no games engineered for the PS3 only yet. They are all shitty 360 ports, so we haven’t really been shown what the PS3 can do. The games that are PS3 exclusive have started to show how impressive the PS3 really is. Even Motor Storm which everyone made fun of and complained about even on these forums when the demo was first released is the talk of the town about being one of the most immersive and impressive looking racing games made, now that it has been fine tuned.
Also, Halo was developed hand in hand with the XBOX by the same company. It is interesting that no game ever really topped that one in the entire life of the XBOX...I think that says something?

We have no idea whether or not the PS3 will blow the 360 out of the water graphics wise yet. Maybe...Maybe not.

I think the 360 is a great system. Maybe better in some ways than the PS3 and maybe it will win this round of consoles. But I don’t agree with this article for a second. Sounds just like some another article riding the wave of bad press that Sony has created for itself. Gaming sites all over the internet are starting to get really excited about some of the upcoming PS3 titles.

But this is all of course just my opinion:)
I don't get when you say the PS3 was a letdown itself. Its a bit expensive, which isn't even really the fact. With a HDDVD player the 360 costs EXACTLY the same...
And without the overpriced floppy drive, it costs significantly less. $200 for a drive that doesn't improve gameplay or graphics in any way. It's like shopping for a television, but the guy at Circuit City says you have to buy the TV/VCR combo or go home.

Gaming sites all over the internet are starting to get really excited about some of the upcoming PS3 titles.
Things that don't exist and may not ever. The damage is done.
michealo said:
i wonder if they would call a BMW "hideously expensive"

yeah, i guess she would
Did they say that about the Lexus or Mercedes-Benz? How about the Rolls-Royce or Maybach?
The PS3 WILL drop in price.
And so will everything else. You need to move ahead just to stay in the same place, and Microsoft has had a year head start. No way it's dropping in price when the PS3 doesn't break even yet.
CopyCat said:
Not really. There have been almost no games engineered for the PS3 only yet.
In said case sony didn't do their job. To take the cynical viewpoint; why should I pay now for games that may or may not come out?
They are all shitty 360 ports, so we haven’t really been shown what the PS3 can do. The games that are PS3 exclusive have started to show how impressive the PS3 really is. Even Motor Storm which everyone made fun of and complained about even on these forums when the demo was first released is the talk of the town about being one of the most immersive and impressive looking racing games made, now that it has been fine tuned.
Resistance fall of man? Also motor storm does look good but it is not leaps and bounds ahead of any 360 games and it is far from a deep racing game. I played the demo at my local gamestop and it seems to be the sony equivalent of exitetruck.
Also, Halo was developed hand in hand with the XBOX by the same company. It is interesting that no game ever really topped that one in the entire life of the XBOX...I think that says something?
That microsoft can line up a good launch title?
We have no idea whether or not the PS3 will blow the 360 out of the water graphics wise yet. Maybe...Maybe not.

I think the 360 is a great system. Maybe better in some ways than the PS3 and maybe it will win this round of consoles.
It would seem to me that sony is banking on the ps3s power if it comes to be that no one can get anything more out of it than the 360 then sony will have to live a round of consoles like nintendo had to last round.
But I don’t agree with this article for a second. Sounds just like some another article riding the wave of bad press that Sony has created for itself. Gaming sites all over the internet are starting to get really excited about some of the upcoming PS3 titles.

But this is all of course just my opinion:)
Ya the article may just be a talking parrot but what it echoes is true.
Another PS3 Bashing thread exactly the same as the others. :rolleyes:
Why so defensive Rash? I thought it was an interesting discussion on the whole. Every console has flaws.
i don't believe that the ps3 will come down in price anytime soon. sony is already at a loss per console sold (blu-ray ftw). as was stated, even if sony decides to lose more money per unit sold, ms can just as easily drop the price. ppl just don't want to spend 600 just to play games, yea 360 w/ hd addon is just as much, ppl atleast want the option, with the ps3 it's not even a decision.

as far as games are concerned, yes, most games are ports, most will be ports, and the few exclusives, that are rumored not to even be exclusives will prove interesting. i've seen ps3s in stock, and heard ppl saying that they wouldn't consider paying that much for a console. just seems like a bad play all the way around for sony.

i'm very pro sony, i was very excited about the ps3, until i started looking at it, blu-ray, price, all the games are ports, it's not even intriging to me anymore.
CopyCat said:
Not really. There have been almost no games engineered for the PS3 only yet. They are all shitty 360 ports, so we haven’t really been shown what the PS3 can do. The games that are PS3 exclusive have started to show how impressive the PS3 really is. Even Motor Storm which everyone made fun of and complained about even on these forums when the demo was first released is the talk of the town about being one of the most immersive and impressive looking racing games made, now that it has been fine tuned.
Also, Halo was developed hand in hand with the XBOX by the same company. It is interesting that no game ever really topped that one in the entire life of the XBOX...I think that says something?

We have no idea whether or not the PS3 will blow the 360 out of the water graphics wise yet. Maybe...Maybe not.

I think the 360 is a great system. Maybe better in some ways than the PS3 and maybe it will win this round of consoles. But I don’t agree with this article for a second. Sounds just like some another article riding the wave of bad press that Sony has created for itself. Gaming sites all over the internet are starting to get really excited about some of the upcoming PS3 titles.

But this is all of course just my opinion:)
Don't you think getting only "shitty 360 ports" at launch even with a year delay is a cause for concern? If you pop in PGR3 (a 360 launch title) today the graphics still hold up very well to titles that came out a year later. A game that doesn't get much press time is "Just Cause" for the 360....all you have to do is find a plane and cruise over the island to see that the 360 is capable of high end pc graphics. Hell....you can jump out of the plane and parachute all the way to the ground and see that it isn't just an illusion...if you see it you can go there and it's still detailed at ground level. :cool:
Guys, I am not trying to say the PS3 is better than the 360 right now. By almost all accounts it is not at this point in time.

But in an industry where the lifespam of these systems has been years, I hardly think that these articles are timely or accurate. That goes for the ones that praise the PS3 too.

I think the PS3 can and will be an incredible system. I just hate to see it get shot down even more before it has a chance to really shine. Everyone hates sony for this and that, and they had a shitty launch with hardly any games and this and that and this and that....things we have already heard 1 million times over.
I personally am really excited to see what comes next, I really could care less about how the launch went or how many PS3s are in stores now because I never adopt these systems right away anyways....I just hope this doesn't prevent the PS3 from doing really well (and I dont think it will)

I personally feel the PS3 has the most exciting path for the next year or more in front of it out of the 3 systems....again IMO:)

CopyCat said:
I personally feel the PS3 has the most exciting path for the next year or more in front of it out of the 3 systems....
But with respect... that's more because of the level it's coming from than the level it will be at! :D

(Sorry, too easy I know)
Psychotext said:
But with respect... that's more because of the level it's coming from than the level it will be at! :D

(Sorry, too easy I know)
ha, maybe:p
DragonMasterAlex said:
PS3 Launch caught on camera: :D


I proclaim thee, winner of the internets. :D
Technoob said:
People lose sight of the fact that despite everything else with this console, it's the first one to cost over 500 bucks since consoles came int our homes in a big way with the NES.

Actually that is incorrect. The Panasonic 3DO Interactive in 1993 had an MSRP of $700 and failed misserably.
flapbreaker said:
Actually that is incorrect. The Panasonic 3DO Interactive in 1993 had an MSRP of $700 and failed misserably.

I was thinking the same thing. The CD-i was up there too. Neo-Geo anyone? Adjusted for inflation the Neo Geo was very expensive. It was the console that everyone wanted and thought was cool, but few actually bought. It survived for quite a long time, but never had a significant market share.