Time for the upgrade


Apr 1, 2008
Well, I decided today to put my quarterly bonus to work for me. Im taking the plunge and picking up two of the EVGA 480's from Newegg today. Gonna overnight them and get them up and running. Im really looking forward to seeing Metro 2033 in all its Glory!. With the sig rig I cant even use any high graphic settings without stuttering gameplay. Pics to come!

And please, this is not meant to be a thread where I get told I should have bought this or that and no fan boy feeding either. To be perfectly honest I could care less about anyones opinion of what I should have bought. I bought what I wanted and I had my reasons for doing so. I just thought some of our more level headed members might enjoy some of the GFX Card Pron I will be posting near the end of the week. :D
Just wondering, What did you have before you purchased 2x 480's? (don't see it in your sig)

And yes, Macbooks suck.
Yep.3 280's is what Im pushing now, but not for long. I ordered the 2 480's this morning and had them shipped overnight so Im hoping to have some good unpacking Pron tomorrow night or Friday with some screenies coming Saturday....Just gotta tear myself away from Red Dead Redemption long enough to get it all done lol!

So, Anyone in the market for 3 EVGA 280 FTW's? ;)
damn that's pretty nice hardware... I was hoping the 480's could fry eggs. Either way, crank up the AC.
I'm surprised 3 280's got that choked by Metro 2033.
It is a pretty tough game on video cards!

I could not run it well in Eyefinity, but using one 24" monitor I could run everything pretty much on full-out. It is a beautiful game graphically.

I hope you enjoy the new GPUs. Hope you have a stout PSU.
Im running a 1200W Thermaltake Modular PSU. More than enough.

And WOOT! Shipped from NJ :) Should be here tomorrow about noon my time!
2 480's ain't running Metro2033 at all its glory for me. Still get horrible frames and bad stuttering. Hope you didn't buy the 480's just for that game. ;)
Wow! A pair of GTX480's? Yeah, Id say that was an upgrade alright.
2 480's ain't running Metro2033 at all its glory for me. Still get horrible frames and bad stuttering. Hope you didn't buy the 480's just for that game. ;)

I didnt buy them just for that game, but the [H] staffers beg to differ about 2033.


Metro 2033 benefited from NVIDIA’s SLI technology as well as AMD’s ATI CrossFireX technology, we saw performance improvements when using dual-GPU configurations. As you can plainly see though, NVIDIA’s solution is vastly superior in performance in this game. However, this doesn’t mean that the extra performance helped improved the gameplay experience.

We found that both GeForce GTX 480 SLI and Radeon HD 5970 were playable at 2560x1600 with the global option of "Very High" enabled. This global video quality setting is the only control you have over the graphics settings. This is also the highest possible graphics setting the game supports. With DX11 Tessellation enabled, the only other option to enabled was Advanced Depth of Field, which was NOT playable on either configuration.

On the antialiasing side of things, we did not find 4X MSAA (the only other AA option supported in-game) playable on GeForce GTX 480 SLI at these settings. We had to back the game down to Analytical AA (AAA) which uses an adaptive AA algorithm similar to the Xbox version of the game. While AAA is not as visually good as 4X MSAA, it also doesn’t have the large performance hit 4X MSAA gives in this game.

The graph shows an average of 52.1 FPS with all in game settings on very high with tessellation enabled at 2560x1600. Considering Im gaming at 1080, These cards should smoke 2033 and all other games for the foreseeable future.
hmmm.... I can turn the settings up all the way (2560X1600), but this is one game that when it drops below 60 fps it stutters like crazy. I get drops down into the low 30's/ high 20's at times.

If this is playable for you then yes, normally 30 fps is playable for me but this game causes extreme stuttering even with the latest drivers 256......
I didnt buy them just for that game, but the [H] staffers beg to differ about 2033.


The graph shows an average of 52.1 FPS with all in game settings on very high with tessellation enabled at 2560x1600. Considering Im gaming at 1080, These cards should smoke 2033 and all other games for the foreseeable future.
they are not using DOF though. turn that on and you do need 3 gt480 if you are picky about framerates. lol
Ok...One more time. Im gaming at 1080....

UPS tracking shows Out for Delivery! :D

But its raining here and looks like it will be off and on all day :(
And here they are!

Woo! A box of peanuts! I bet these things really pump out the FPS!


Ahh! Dig a little deeper and treasure awaits!


Out of the treasure box and onto my couch!












And yes, Im strapped in. :p


Well, now to shut my beast down and get these puppies in!
CONGRATS! One of the first things you should check out is the sled tech demo, by NVIDIA. You can download it from their website.
She's up and running like a scalded bitch!

Ok, my initial impressions...At 100% fan speed this sonofabitch is LOUD! Im one of those people who always puts their fn at 100% when I game no matter what. I drop it down to 50% for anything else. I Downloaded the newest Precision and opened up my console to find the default 40%. I immediately cranked it up to 100% and all most dies laughing! It is seriously loud. Thank god I game with serious volumes. Bose 5.1 companion set up ;)

Right now the temps seem to be holding steady at:


This is with the fan speed set at 75% which is as loud as my old tri-SLI'd 280's were at 90%. If loud fans shrink you e-beanflipper then look elsewhere for your graphics needs.

Im going to get some 2033 in here in a few but just wanted to give my first impressions on the loudness of the fans and the decent temps at idle. Ill report back with full load temps at fanspeed of 100% along with rame rated and general performance. But for now, here is some more pron to sate your appetites!

Rig before card swap




and after


and all buttoned up :) I havent redone my wire management behind it yet but it looks pretty good otherwise.

why didnt you clean your comp while doing that? that thing looks like its covered in dust.
I plan on it. I wanted to get it together to make sure I didnt have to get an immediate RMA and get everything installed properly. Also, the pics are from a Cannon Powershot which I have no idea how to do anything but raise the flash and snap the picture. So, until I actually take time to figure it out, I take shitty pics. Trust me, Its mostly just fingerprints. There is very little dust in it. The TF02 is pretty good about dust filtration thank god. Filters everywhere and I clean them once a week....

Stupid Steam update would be the longest one Ive ever had since it came out.
Wow, talk about haters! lol! :p

Ok, just finished my first round of 2033 and started a new game. Hadnt gotten very far anyways. Temps were not bad at all.


This is with FS set to 100%

All settings maxed and all DX11 settings enabled got me about 30 fps. Not bad at all really. I dont see the stutter that was reffered to earlier. Seems like its rather smooth. The one grip I do have isnt with the card performance during the game but rather my mouse. I had to turn the sensitivity about half way then set my DPI. After that it went smooth. I have some FRAPS screenies I will post soon.
Congrats. I've not upgraded for AGES - seeing your treasure boxes made me remember the excitement. Enjoy :)
Despite all of the criticism, can't deny that it looks really good.
Whew, that is one hot rig ;)

Why are the screen shots blurred at certain spots? At first I thought it's because they were taken while you were moving, but then the first several pictures the blur occurs on the gun, which shouldn't be moving. I've never played Metro 2033 so I don't know if it's supposed to be like that or not.

Oh btw, are these really that loud inside the FT02? Been looking into one myself b/c I heard it's good at air cooling as well as supposed to be quiet.
The fog is supposed to be the gas mask glass effect. You have on a gas mask when outside.

And oh yeas, these puppies are loud, no doubt about it. You could have these in a lead lined box and still hear them if they were on 100%. Dont let that stop you from getting the TF02 though. This is by far the best case I have ever owned and I just switched from one of the LianLi big box cases. Quality craftsmanship and engineering. :)
Well guys, Ive had these things long enough now that I can honestly say the purchase was worth every penny. Im seeing great performance and good OC's out of both of them. I am still having an issue with Precesion where the GPU speed doesnt register but I think that may be a driver issue. Other than that, these cards are a worthy upgrade.
Definitely an awesome rig. If i could afford it I would have loved to grab a 480 gtx or even two. Unfortunately they were a bit out of my price ranged so I grabbed a 5870 that cost me $330 after BCB. I almost bit on the 480s from Dell a few days ago but I missed out. I regret it now, always preferred Nvidia.