time machine and network drives


Jan 18, 2001
hey all...have been looking for this info for a while and maybe I am just too tired...but I am in the process of setting up a file server that I want to use for both a video server and time machine backup server for my 2 macs.

currently I have (2) 500 gig drives and one of them is partitioned out into (2) 250s and thats what I will use for Time machine. I am using an old PC I have because I don't want to get multiple external cases for the drives as both my wife and I have a Macbook. The problem I am running into is I can't find any info as to what format the drives need to be in.

If I HAD to I could get external cases but I just don't WANT to...already have the network in place and all rooms are wired..besides there are enough wires around that we don't need any more.

Any assistance is appreciated.
the disk needs to be formatted in the "Mac OS Extended (Journaled) " format... but, im almost positive time machine will only backup to a network drive hooked up to another mac running leopard. Currently apple pulled time machine support for network drives hosted on a pc or airport extreme router...

are both macs laptops? if one is a desktop, either put the drives in their or go get an external case and plug it into the desktop mac. if hooking the drive up to the pc is your only option I think you may be out of luck until apple "re-adds" these features (these features were available on earlier betas of leopard and then pulled just prior to the final release).

...I have a 24 inch imac with a 500gb external drive (partition into 2 250's like u) plugged in, and a macbook pro that backs up via time machine to 1 of the partitions over wifi while the imac backs up to the other partition via the usb...

here are some articles you can check out, neither resulted in very stable operation but its worth a try...


