Time to pull the trigger on a new water loop...Critiques please.


Feb 19, 2003
I'm about to pull the trigger on new water loop. I have been kicking the idea around for a while for a project to do and it's time to make it happen. The loop will be living in a Corsair Obsidian 550D cooling an Intel Core i5-750. This is what I have so far:

Swiftech Apogee HD
Alphacool Nexxxos ST30 240
XSPC X2O DC-750 pump/reservoir
Monsoon compression fittings - Matte Black x8
XSPC Razor 6970 water block
Primochill Advanced LRT tubing - Blue
Scythe Gentle Typhoon AP-15

I'm looking at ordering this week after I get some input here. I was also considering one of the XSPC Raystorm Extreme kits.

Opinions / Suggestions?
Why the ST30? Can you fit a thicker radiator?

The XSPC X20 750 are notorious for premature failures. Go with a MCP355 or 655 (aka Laing DDC or D5).