Time to seriously think of a new monitor


Aug 23, 2004
Well now it's time to look at a new monitor. A while ago, I tried to see what could fit on my desk: http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=862261 and it seems that I can fit a 19" CRT on it (the depth of my CRT is a little over 17", and some 19" has that same depht).

Mostly, it's going to be graphic design, website design, graphic art heavy, as well as gaming, but that shouldn't really be a factor since I'm looking for a monitor that demands more. had I the money, I might went for the Apple Cinema Display 23", but I'll want something soon Of the 19" monitors that I can find that looks like it would give the best for what I need, according to white paper, is the NEC MultiSync FE991SB or the LaCie Electron 19blue IV. Of the two what would you get? Along with color reproduction, a bigger resolution would also really be great.Refresh rate isn't so much of a big deal at all, my 17" Compaq CRT is at 1280x1024 at around 65Hz and it doesn't bother my eyes in the least bit in all of these years of using it. =0)

And if you have any other suggestions, please let me know what other monitors I should consider.