time to take back #1?


Feb 7, 2004
well our average is now within 10k/day of them aussies, looks like we have alotta new recruits as well. if we all just put in a lil bit more, oc here and there, find a couple new people every few days, we just might do it :cool:
i cant wait to see those two lines cross on the eoc stats page :D
I'm hoping to get my old XP2400+ back up and running. That would give me a nice personal boost. The only caveat is that the board and CPU is now a friend's and I have to get him to run folding. I'm sure I'll be able to do it. I just hope it's soon.

And all these little PIII 700's sitting around me at work and doing nothing just bugs me. I have the itch to borg but I don't feel like losing my job.
hopefully I'll finally get around to b0rging those 30 boxen... I know, it took me long enough.
Our current day total is ahead of theirs by 344.42. That's a good trend to keep going as long as it trends upward for us. :)

hell ya , lets get to #1 we need to get More Boxen up and running
if ya need parts or you want to dontate parts to help get more rigs up and running '
go here http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=826734

i got a few more Boxen I hope will be up and folding this weekend, Just waiting on some parts
to come in. :D
ill be settin up a dual 1.8 next time im home, which might be a while :(

with MF's 16k ppd we woulda been in the process of making back the deficit :/
guess this would be a bad time to say I was entertaining a new job, and as such my output will slow.

They should continue folding but as they are replaced/reinstalled I won't be there to keep them folding. :( :(
Like Scotty used to say to Captain Kirk “But sir, I’m giving her all she’s got” ;)
MrValentine said:
guess this would be a bad time to say I was entertaining a new job, and as such my output will slow.

They should continue folding but as they are replaced/reinstalled I won't be there to keep them folding. :( :(

thanks for all you've done MrValentine, you were a good replacement for MF as top folder for the team for a while...

*get a high ranking job at ibm or something and get all those things folding ;)
I go to school (highschool) http://www.uatechpark.org/default1.asp]here with companies such as IBM all around me, with their massive computers and theres not a thing I can do to get them to fold.:( My school doesn't fold either, but I think I will talk to the biology teacher and see if I can't get her to swing a little weight with the techs, and I do mean little she's not even 5 feet tall.:D

Would be cool if I could. Would have 87 3GHz P4's, and if I can get them to let me b0rg the school server, one dual 3.2GHz Xeon box I think. There might be a dual P3 Tualatin box sitting around somewhere that I'll try for too.

The whole thing is iffy at this point, and I'm doubtful it will even be allowed, but it can't hurt to try.
I'm up to about 300 points a day. I sent a letter to my school's senior IT manager. We'll see how that goes.
I'm getting pretty excited. A month ago or so we were about 10k/day away from the Aussies, but we're just over 7k/day away right now.

I'm giving it *almost* all I got at the moment. I have a 733 P3 here that I'll start running nights and weekends. Need to convince my roomate to actually install this on his boxen as well (dual 933 P3's and dual 450 P2's).

G'luck everyone... :D
im thinking of going around my dorm and fixing a 'security hole' in everyone's pc/mac. I'd only do it on desktops and i think about one in ten here have desktops... so about 40. it would definetly help us close the gap ;)
Bodega said:
im thinking of going around my dorm and fixing a 'security hole' in everyone's pc/mac. I'd only do it on desktops and i think about one in ten here have desktops... so about 40. it would definetly help us close the gap ;)

hehehe be sure to run It as a service on all those rigs
Bodega said:
im thinking of going around my dorm and fixing a 'security hole' in everyone's pc/mac. I'd only do it on desktops and i think about one in ten here have desktops... so about 40. it would definetly help us close the gap ;)
or just say, "Hey, you wanna help cure cancer by leaving your computer on all the time? Or are you one of those people who think dying from cancer is a good thing?" should convince a few at least:p
Bodega said:
im thinking of going around my dorm and fixing a 'security hole' in everyone's pc/mac. I'd only do it on desktops and i think about one in ten here have desktops... so about 40. it would definetly help us close the gap ;)

There you go! I'll be on campus tommorow if you want some help. :)
that could work, im over in baker right now.
hm... meeting a fellow folder in person? whoa

-btw i have a lab from 12 - 3 and i really dont like waking up before 11 :p
-then gotta take someone out to dinner at like 5:30, and gotta play pool before that. busy day, i know. :cool:
hmm, well, Im there for class from 12:30-2. So ditch the last part of your lab. :p
that all depends on what time we get back... half the time we get back to benson 1/2 hr late :(
So 3:30? Screw that, I'm not sticking around campus for that long! :D

Maybe this weekend or something. Maybe we can get some other people to join us, and we can infiltrate campus with a borging operation. :D