Time Waner NYC/ Additional IP Addy


Jan 18, 2006
I probably should know this, but let me run it by you guys...Initially, I had 2 wired computers hooked up through a basic switch for sharing...The ISP is Timer Warner/Roadrunner in NYC, the service is broadband cable...I pay $5 a month for an additional IP address...

Now I have only 1 wired computer and replaced the switch/hub with a wireless router, which we use for a pair of laptops...The Time Warner service rep told me that I still need to pay for an additional IP address if I want to use a router at all...

My neighbor has the same current set-up that I do, and he DOES NOT pay for an additional IP address, yet runs his laptop (wireless) as well as the wired computer (desktop) through the router...I can even access his connection with my laptop from my place (we know each others passwords in case a connection is down, in which case we temporarily share)...

what's the deal with the additional IP address?
yes, thanks, it does help...i appreciate it...

now i have to dream up new and exciting ways to spend the $5 i'm going to save each month...

but i should probably just split it with you...no router necessary:D
they only told you need to pay $5 cause they want your money, tell them your canceling your other IP, you dont need it

this is what routers do.
thanks man, you'll be getting a big chunk of that 5 dollar monthly savings as well!
They won't be able to tell how many devices you have. Just throw a router on the network, they'll all share the same IP.

Just tell them to cancel the additional IP address. If they ask why, tell them you don't need it anymore. They don't need to know how you have your own network setup.
I'm a TWC/RR customer, and i've been using a router and paying for 1 IP for 7.5 yrs now, and haven't heard a peep from them yet. If I remember correctly, the TOS states it can be done, but support-wise, it won't be supported. But, it's simple enough that if you need to troubleshoot, just remove the router from the loop and attach a pc/laptop to it for testing. TWC is usually pretty cool about stuff like that. Plus, their field techs are great when it comes to fighting off wasps and yellow jackets. One guy I had went to his truck and grabbed a massive can of the direct-spray wasp/hornet killer to take them out since they were right above the junction box. The best part was watching him run swinging his hat around him when some of them came after him :) Good laughs were had.
i've been a customer for a while, and until recently, service calls that required a tech showing up at the house were pretty painless...maybe it's cutbacks or what have you, but the past 3 or 4 service calls over the last couple of years have been awful...The problem, whether it be no service or slow download speeds, is never fixed the first time around, and they NEVER keep the original appointment...They claim they called and no one answered so they "automatically" reschedule- but fail to inform me of this until I call to find out where the hell the guy is..

anyway, the last time, my cousin and I finally get a guy who seems to know what he's doing, and he checks the line fixes the problem in 2 minutes...We're so happy we offer the guy a drink (it was near Christmas and I have to be nice at some point during the year)...He ends up having about 4 and staying for an hour...

so now I was the a$$hole who kept another customer from a service call...i actually ended up feeling bad because I have been kept waiting plenty myself...

the moral of the story is, you may think you're being nice to the field tech, but you're screwing someone else...and some field techs drink on the job...and you may be legally responsible for letting a drunk tech drive away...or go up on a ladder...

well, there are a lot of morals to this story, but the drinking might explain the shitty service of late:D
Well the sales rep is not all false. I happen to work for a cable company who i would rather not say but has something to do with time. They charge $5 a month for there wireless service if you use their router. Make a long story short tell them u just want a cable modem perferably turbo rr it has 15mb download. and hook ur router to it and ur good.