Time Warner Cable has no Intention of Chasing Pirates


Limp Gawd
May 3, 2010
Time Warner told a court yesterday they are not able to handle a gigantic 2,094 person lawsuit targeting users who downloaded Uwe Boll’s Far Cry. The ISP stated that it receives 567 subpoenas from law enforcement a month, and that busting terrorists and kidnappers is far more pressing than copyright infringers. I hope the judge really thinks [H]ard about this one, because watching a movie made by Uwe Boll should be punishment enough!
The company says that it has the capacity to handle 28 subpoenas from the US Copyright Group per month. Instead, TWC was hit with a request for 809 names within 30 days. In addition, the company has received two other subpoenas, both from the same law firm, asking for another 398 and 224 IP address lookups. Each lookup costs TWC $45.
If they quit sending out screener DVDs they wouldnt have to spend $100k going after a possible win in a lawsuit.
It's like walking away from a lemonaid stand full of drinks and then expecting to get your money back. Then chasing down everyone who stole an unattended lemonaid by spending more money than the lemonaid stand will ever freaking make in 2 lifetimes.
Unfortunately, the 2,094 persons involved in this lawsuit are the only ones who actually watched farcry. :rolleyes:
TWC should charge the law firm $4500 per lookup because the staff is taken away from their important tasks of maintaining and improving the network.

It wouldn't be such a profitable business model for the RIAA/MPAA after the ISP and legal fees.
Unfortunately, the 2,094 persons involved in this lawsuit are the only ones who actually watched farcry. :rolleyes:

I never even knew there was a Far Cry movie and I'd like to think I'm up to date on that kidna shit.
TWC should charge the law firm $4500 per lookup because the staff is taken away from their important tasks of maintaining and improving the network.

It wouldn't be such a profitable business model for the RIAA/MPAA after the ISP and legal fees.

What he said!
TWC should charge the law firm $4500 per lookup because the staff is taken away from their important tasks of maintaining and improving the network.

It wouldn't be such a profitable business model for the RIAA/MPAA after the ISP and legal fees.

I agree, TWC should take a look at their own broadband contracts they use to charge their customers and charge the law firm accordingly. The more you use us the more we charge you, or something to that effect.:D
It costs us $45 per query but for the RIAA and MPAA we have a special pricing plan because we know what that information is REALLY worth, that'll be $4500.
Ummm. Agreed with what others said. Far Cry movie?

Its a Far Cry from anything profitable, or entertaining I'm assured of that one:D
There should be a class action suit filed on behalf of all the gamers against Boll for the trauma of seeing games butchered by his movie adaptations!:mad:
Is anyone going to admit to watching that movie?

I prolly would if I was really bored, just to see how bad Uwe screwed this one up. I might watch Prince of Persia for the same reason, (once they hit netflix of course).
Is anyone going to admit to watching that movie?

I prolly would if I was really bored, just to see how bad Uwe screwed this one up. I might watch Prince of Persia for the same reason, (once they hit netflix of course).

Have ye no dignity?
because watching a movie made by Uwe Boll should be punishment enough!


Actually Uwe Boll should be charged with artistic terrorism and crimes against aesthetics.

Actually Uwe Boll should be charged with artistic terrorism and crimes against aesthetics.

Screw that, go to the source, some dip shits somewhere, not only put him in charge, but gave him money to do this. And they did it multiple times.

Funding Uwe Boll should be a crime.
Selling video game movie rights without the stipulation that Uwe Boll is not to be involved, should also be a crime.
We got off topic once we found out the movie involved Uwe Boll, didn't we?
good for TWC.

TWC is the last of the internet providers that I like. In my area, i get a solid 12mbps any time of the day, and there are no bandwidth limits. Even so, I still wouldn't download video game movies.

all others have gone down the shitter- with their bandwidth limits and price hikes.
We got off topic once we found out the movie involved Uwe Boll, didn't we?

Maybe because it's hard to take the movie industry's crying about the loss of profits due to piracy seriously when they continually grind out crap like Far Cry. Anyone who funds a hack like Boll time after time deserves to lose their money. I have no idea why any of those 2094 people wasted their time downloading the movie,but I can't blame them for not subsidizing stupidity by paying to see it.
Actually Uwe Boll should be charged with artistic terrorism and crimes against aesthetics.
We got off topic once we found out the movie involved Uwe Boll, didn't we?
Hard not to. He's hateful.

Back on topic, this is another example of the MPAA using lawyers as weapons. The subpoenas themselves (well before we're even talking about lawsuits) are wrecking the ability to adhere to anything approaching net neutrality. I'm pretty sure TWC does traffic shaping, but even that is not enough.

Obvious prediction: The big ISPs are going to support any legislation the MPAA and RIAA suggest with respect to just turning over their customer records to companies.
I wonder if anyone will get the idea to send in thousands of bogus subpoenas to TWC or any other ISP. How long would it take them to figure out the legitimate ones?
how about instead we just hang a few MPAA and RIAA execs off a highway overpass?
2k people wanted to see uwe bolls movie enough to take the time to download and he was MAD ENOUGH TO SUE??? He should be flattered if anything.
I don't know anyone who has ever watched that movie, pirated or not. I don't rent it out, I don't buy it online, for me it's not even worth the bandwidth.
"Far Cry" is to "Rambo" as "House of The Dead " is to "28 Days later" This is an absolute disaster. I've had more fun going the the DMV or dealing with a Hemorrhoid.

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That pretty well is the /thread right there. Some Netflix "wanna be" critics make me wanna stab them with a rusted spork and others, like this gent, get it.
2k people wanted to see uwe bolls movie enough to take the time to download and he was MAD ENOUGH TO SUE??? He should be flattered if anything.
If I made a film of some kind, I would take heart that a group is making an effort to watch it.
I watched it from netflix....... I stopped about 10 minutes into it......

TWC should charge the people dumb enough to watch that movie for using there bandwidth on the worst Uwe Bowl movie made to date!
retweeted this thank you. as much as i dislike TW, this is honestly true.

pirating is less important than real crime.

the other article in the news today about MIAA going after the military, that is their lowest priority. most soldiers i have met have bootleg games/movies, but they honestly also are the biggest purchasers i know of media because they get bored in their ships.

do you want to alienate them all together and lose all potential sales? or let them get away with some free movies while they buy others?
How the heck does it cost them $45 to run a query?

TWC is not there to offer free service to anyone, ruining a query for an IP address is a service that TWC can make a profit from, they should be charging a lot more then 45$

I TWC may have to answers to an subpoenas, but there is no law stating how much they have to charge for the service.

I think if they charge $45000 Per IP query, that will net the stock holder of TWC some healthy profit. (45000*2000 = 90million)