Titan X 1080p with DSR


Dec 29, 2005
We all know that the Titan X is currently the best single card available for 4K gaming. For those of us with lowly 1080p displays, does the Titan X 4K performance still translate well whilst using DSR?

Real world example. Watch-Dogs or Crysis 3 @ 1080p with DSR 4K downsampling? Will that 12gb memory really show the capabilities of this card and offer a discernible visual improvement while retaining solid framerate?
As far as i know, downsampling from 4k, poses the exact same resource usage as actually playing 4k.

I may be wrong though
if you want to play 4K then buy a 4K monitor, DSR will never have the quality of a truly 4K panel, but also if the game doesn't scale properly you will find a truly hard experience with HUD and few many things.. and for last, Nope, DSR doesn't require the same effort as a 4K panel but also doesn't have the same impact in vRAM usage/requirement as a real 4K panel..
As far as i know, downsampling from 4k, poses the exact same resource usage as actually playing 4k. I may be wrong though

if you want to play 4K then buy a 4K monitor, DSR will never have the quality of a truly 4K panel, but also if the game doesn't scale properly you will find a truly hard experience with HUD and few many things.. and for last, Nope, DSR doesn't require the same effort as a 4K panel but also doesn't have the same impact in vRAM usage/requirement as a real 4K panel..

You may see that DSR requires the same resource usage (forget very small differences) as direct output to bigger display. It also signifficantly reduces artefacts e.g. of 'shimmering' type.
if you want to play 4K then buy a 4K monitor, DSR will never have the quality of a truly 4K panel, but also if the game doesn't scale properly you will find a truly hard experience with HUD and few many things.. and for last, Nope, DSR doesn't require the same effort as a 4K panel but also doesn't have the same impact in vRAM usage/requirement as a real 4K panel..

Someone pointed out that a 144hz 1440 screen w/DSR may be more enjoyable than 60Hz 4K. But yah 1440 w/true AA is not 4K. Pretty sure DSR 4k->1080 actually is a bit slower, as I benched 2560 native and 2560 dsr to 1200, and the native was a bit faster. DSR has a final smoothing / downscale step (which may feed into lag!)
if you want to play 4K then buy a 4K monitor, DSR will never have the quality of a truly 4K panel, but also if the game doesn't scale properly you will find a truly hard experience with HUD and few many things.. and for last, Nope, DSR doesn't require the same effort as a 4K panel but also doesn't have the same impact in vRAM usage/requirement as a real 4K panel..
Absolutely not true. DSR 4k has basically the same performance impact in every way as real 4k.
if you want to play 4K then buy a 4K monitor, DSR will never have the quality of a truly 4K panel, but also if the game doesn't scale properly you will find a truly hard experience with HUD and few many things.. and for last, Nope, DSR doesn't require the same effort as a 4K panel but also doesn't have the same impact in vRAM usage/requirement as a real 4K panel..

there are good reasons not to go for a true 4K monitor; the main one (IMO) being refresh rate. i won't get another monitor that does less than 120Hz anymore, it's THAT much of an improvement to me that i definitely want refresh > resolution.

not only that, but in order to push a 4K monitor at acceptable framerates will ALWAYS take more GPU power to push it...and that means more $$$ for a video card when it comes time to upgrade. if for some reason you need an upgrade but can't spend a lot of money, a lower resolution monitor gives you many more options, while still keeping framerates good. worst-case in that scenario, you just play at the native 1080p or 1440p until you can afford a better GPU upgrade.

i'd much rather scale DOWN from a higher resolution to native and still get acceptable framerates (when the game allows enough performance to do DSR) than running a game at a lower resolution & scaling UP to 4K in order to get acceptable framerates (or playing in non-fullscreen windowed mode....blech). the downscaling will almost always look better in that case.
the downscaling will almost always look better in that case.

Pretty much my exact reason.

Plus, downsampling blur can be fixed (DSR smoothing, GeDoSaTo also does a good job with it), you can't really fix upscaling blur.