Titanfall - Respawn Entertainment's first game

Maybe i'm over thinking it, but the game is very similar to the manga/anime ...Connecting the dots here, titans in both. and regular people have 3rd maneuvering gears that allow them to scale walls/buildings etc. Some other similarities including how you get into a titan.

The era is different, but otherwise the general dynamics are very similar.
I'm looking forward to this. I'll pick it up cheap, but I like the crew at Respawn. Activision are the one's who ruined CoD afterall. I think there is a really good chance that the games Respawn put out will be top notch. Looking forward to playing myself to find out!
This really looks good. After playing some BF3.5, I think I will hold off for this instead.
Only thing im worried about is the wall jumping being kinda scripted. could be a bit annoying. but over all its looks like it could be fun. kinda like a modern gritty tribes.
Why are people so upset with EA? I don't understand this. EA is far better than Activision...
More like cod with mechs. The maps seem pretty small and tight. WE will see though. Always hopeful.
More like cod with mechs. The maps seem pretty small and tight. WE will see though. Always hopeful.

Why is the comparison to CoD a bad one? I, personally, had a shit-ton of fun with that series. I only stopped after it became the same shit rehashed every year.

I have a high hopes for this one. They will most likely be dashed, but its fun to dream.
Why is the comparison to CoD a bad one? I, personally, had a shit-ton of fun with that series. I only stopped after it became the same shit rehashed every year.

I have a high hopes for this one. They will most likely be dashed, but its fun to dream.

Here's the thing. People only really started to complain about CoD after the Respawn guys left.
Here's the thing. People only really started to complain about CoD after the Respawn guys left.

Not true at all, these guys were at the helm of IW when they started making utterly retarded decisions with MW2 which fundamentally affected the core game play experience on PC....namely no dedicated servers, P2P hosting, no modding, removal of lean, monetisation of map content, greater focus on kill streaks, etc. IMHO MW2 was the beginning of the end of CoD, which is why I am still skeptical of Titanfall. No doubt EA is hoping it will be the game to topple CoD.
Not true at all, these guys were at the helm of IW when they started making utterly retarded decisions with MW2 which fundamentally affected the core game play experience on PC....namely no dedicated servers, P2P hosting, no modding, removal of lean, monetisation of map content, greater focus on kill streaks, etc. IMHO MW2 was the beginning of the end of CoD, which is why I am still skeptical of Titanfall. No doubt EA is hoping it will be the game to topple CoD.

Some of these crappy changes were most likely forced on them. Maye not all although I'd say a good percentage of them.
Some of these crappy changes were most likely forced on them. Maye not all although I'd say a good percentage of them.

Yeah I have sincere doubts about that, these guys had creative control over IW at the time and they were quite smarmy about the changes. Happy for them to prove me otherwise that Titanfall isn't going to go down the same path, but I just don't see that happening.
I'm really looking forward to this, it's something a bit different. I'm wondering whether the story multiplayer mode will be decent, and something you can do with friends - if so it might be a good LAN game :)

I'd keep an open mind people. As they say in investing, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. In reality, it's usually not even indicative ;)
Why is the comparison to CoD a bad one? I, personally, had a shit-ton of fun with that series. I only stopped after it became the same shit rehashed every year.

I have a high hopes for this one. They will most likely be dashed, but its fun to dream.

This. Cod 1,2 and 4 are masterpieces of MP arcade fps.
So Zampella has confirmed that the max player count is 6v6, which pretty much kills all my interest in this game at this point.


I actually like this. This could be very good for the competitive scene and people that play with groups online. Less bad pub players, more team vs. team. Sounds good to me. Then again it really all depends on how the AI is handled and how reliant a team/player is on the AI. We will see soon. But most reviewers that got a hands on thought it was a Cod killer and going to be the new standard for MP fast-paced twitch shooters.
I actually like this. This could be very good for the competitive scene and people that play with groups online. Less bad pub players, more team vs. team. Sounds good to me. Then again it really all depends on how the AI is handled and how reliant a team/player is on the AI. We will see soon. But most reviewers that got a hands on thought it was a Cod killer and going to be the new standard for MP fast-paced twitch shooters.

Yeah cause you can really have some competitive matches with ai bots. This limit has me not buying this game now.
Well my interest in this game flew out the window with this latest news.

I play multiplayer games to...play against other REAL humans, who are better then any "AI."

If I wanted to play vs AI/Bots I'd play single player.

The fact that you seem to be forced to play with AI and the very limited player count has utterly zapped my interest for this game.

I HATE when games like this could simply you know, LET THE PLAYERS DECIDE what they want. You want AI? Set your server to have AI. You want a higher player count? Ok make that selection.

The fact that they think they "know" what players want and what's "Best" for them instead of merely allowing the players the tools and the ability to play how they want, bots or not, 6 players or more, is just absurd in this day and age and tells you right there they are still stick in the console mindset and limations of their call of duty days.
The game failed when it managed to exclude single player. 6v6 MP limit just tells me that it's a craptastic game all of the way. :p
6 vs 6 is really a disappointment, but I'll wait until the game is release before I decide if the game is worthless.
I think the smaller 6v6 is great. After playing competitive Counter-Strike for years, I found the smaller teams will allow better teamwork through communication, strategy, and completing the objective. The smaller teams will also allow greater individual player responsibility to help their team. I enjoy playing as an important player in a small match, than a small player in a big match.

6v6 with AI controlled bots. I see this ending well :rolleyes:

Think of the AI controlled bots as Minions from League of Legends. VG247 has a great article discussing the game with Respawn. Here is a quote about the AI controlled opponents.

VG247 said:
Teamwork does exist here and this extends to the solider bots you’ll fight alongside during each battle. Human-controlled Titan Pilots aside, AI grunts will spawn into the map and charge into the fight. They’re easily killed and offer small XP gain but they really do enforce the idea that you’re fighting a full-scale war. They run along walls and respond to enemies convincingly, yet they never feel over-powered or unfair. They aren’t set on Call of Duty’s ‘Veteran’ difficulty tier that’s for sure.

McCoy explained, “We’ve got a logical spawning system that does a lot of figuring out where to spawn players as well as AI. They come in from dropships, they zip-line down based on where action is happening. We have this concept in the levels of frontline spawning so the AI knows where the action is happening: where friendlies are, where enemies are, where the AI are and it’ll try and spawn you accordingly.”

And here is DKo5 from Respawn discussing more about the decision of the 6v6 and AI opponents.

DKo5 said:
Vince is right - we tried a huge amount of playercounts (all the way down to 1v1 and up quite high) and designed the maps, gameplay mechanics, and entire experience around which played best. If anyone wants to chase the numbers game, perhaps we're not the experience they're after? I dunno.

And FYI, for amount of stuff happening at once in a map you'll be hard pressed to find a game that keeps the action higher. I literally have to stop playing every few rounds because my heart just can't take it some times. Remember, you can get out of your Titan and let it roam on AI mode - meaning there can be 12 Pilots wallrunning around, 12 Titans stomping below, and dozens of AI doing their thing.

Oh, and I keep seeing people thinking we've got "bots" when we talk about AI. Thats not how they are. The AI in Titanfall are not replacements for human players. Our playercount is not 6v6 because of AI - AI play their own role in the game and are a different class of character in the game.
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I wonder if the game engine (source) limited how much they can do in MP.
not going to pre order this but I still have hope for it. the 6v6 is a concern as I like a decent sized map.
I wonder if the game engine (source) limited how much they can do in MP.

i don't know there's a lot of moving parts and shit going on in TF2. i can't imagine it's Source that's holding them back.
I think the smaller 6v6 is great. After playing competitive Counter-Strike for years, I found the smaller teams will allow better teamwork through communication, strategy, and completing the objective. The smaller teams will also allow greater individual player responsibility to help their team. I enjoy playing as an important player in a small match, than a small player in a big match.

Smaller teams do not allow for greater team work, they rely on more individual skill, unless skill is taken out of the equation a la counter strike where the major skill is aim and almost all other skills are nullified. You are mistaking easier to organize team work for better team work and less options for viable strategy as better team work. If you want to make that argument then just say 2v2 is the best because it is easiest for 2 guys to select a strategy and stick together.

Bigger teams are just harder to sustain because they have more options for strategy, it takes more work to get more guys together at the same time etc.... And ultimately the size of the maps and dynamics of the weapons puts limits on how big teams can get as well.
My understanding is that Respawn tested all player counts for Titanfall. From 1vs1 upwards to quite a large number. Additionally 6v6 number excludes the fact that each of those 12 players can call a Titan, and if they choose set their Titan to be on Auto mode. Meaning it walks the map and shoot and shit while you run on foot. That could mean the game is 12v12 with Titans alongside their pilots.

Thats in addition to the AI, which isn't traditional AI like many of you here assume. I think some of the AI here is similar in fashion to something like DOTA2, or LoL where you have artificial characters on screen working towards goals/objectives alongside the players fighting etc.. Respawn explained all of this recently in a twitter post in response to the outrage about 6v6.

They said the AI is NOT AI you play against per say. They are supplimental to the game experience and part of how they envision their product.

I recommend many of you just sit tight and wait for gameplay or reviews. Respawn has tremendous pedigree, they decided on 6v6+Titans+AI because they discovered that was the best balance for their game. This has little to do with hardware limitations on any platform. I think Vince Zampella was quoted as saying something like, "If large player count is the kind of game you're looking for, perhaps find another game."

So for those of you who ware willing to completely dismiss a game, perhaps the most hyped game commercial for 2014 because of the letters 6v6 ... go for it. But that sound silly this early on. Breath .. relax, go have fun gaming on stuff thats out and come back when we have more information or the game is out.

i don't know there's a lot of moving parts and shit going on in TF2. i can't imagine it's Source that's holding them back.

Respawn has said nothing is holding them back, it was a design choice after testing everything.
I think perhaps it would be better, when there are no technical limitations, that the players get to decide on player counts. Design the game around what you think is optimal, and then let the players decide if they want to break {it,free}.

I would dismiss the technical if it weren't for the fact that this is coming out on the XB360.
I don't know why a lot of posters here have an obsession with huge playercounts, regardless of map sizes or the type of game it is.

If you want a game with a higher max playercount then play a game that actually accomodates it well, like Battlefield.
I don't know why a lot of posters here have an obsession with huge playercounts, regardless of map sizes or the type of game it is.

If you want a game with a higher max playercount then play a game that actually accomodates it well, like Battlefield.

I'm not sure I understand that mentality either... I just want a game thats fun to play and isn't broke as fuck (I'm looking at you BF4).