To go SLI or not to go SLI 8800gtx's


Limp Gawd
May 22, 2006
Hey guys, well I have been offered a really good price on 2x 8800gtx cards. So SLI or no SLI.

I know my mobo doesn't have SLI but thats not an issue. Well, let me know all of your opinions.

Buy the cards make two computers with it and Lan with yourself all night long.

But seriously make two computers with it.
monitor resolution and preferred games matter and os matter too. beyond that, sli and crossfire work. sometimes it works a lot and sometimes only a little. sli was broken with early vista drivers, but nowadays if you can't seem to get to work you probably fucked up somewhere.
...I will try to actually be helpful, as everyone else has failed miserably there.

What size and resolution monitor are you running? If it's not a 24" or larger (1920x1200 or higher resolution) there is really no reason at all to consider SLI with /any/ cards, much less the 8800 GTX.

It would help in the decision making process to know what you're getting these cards for, as a pair of 8800 GTS 512MBs would be just as fast 90% of the time and can be had for ~$200 AR, sometimes a good bit less, if you look around anymore, run quieter and cooler, are smaller, and draw less power than GTXs... but again, if you don't need SLI (smaller monitor) avoid it. Nvidia chipset motherboards can be a royal pain in the ass, pure and simple.
nice to see someone around here hold a high opinion of themselves. haahhhh hah hah ha ha. i kill me...:D

good on ya circuit.
Well I'm running a 22" lcd right now, might upgrade later on though.

Will i see a noticeable difference with SLI vs single in games like tf2, supreme commander, cod4 or any new games etc all on high settings?

If it is not worth going SLI, I might as well sell the second card off. I'm getting both for pretty much of the price for a new gtx =P soooo yeah.

thanks for all the responses btw.
It's not worth it unless you are absolutely certain you'll be getting a 24" or larger monitor in the next few months.

Just sell the second card. Not worth getting a new motherboard and bothering with the nForce platform. Take this from the owner of a pair of 8800 GTXs who's so frustrated with the 680i and 780i that he's seriously considering just parting out and buying a 360 or PS3.
somebody has to be the responsible one around here, it might as well be you circuit.

a single gtx will easily crush cod4 and tf2 at 1680x1050 with lots of transperency aa. sup com...i don't know, i don't play it.
Hmm, im leaning towards just using one now...

What will be the bottle neck of my comp now, gfx card or my cpu (E6600). Hopefully I can get the cards this week! look in the for sale section of a 8800gtx
The GPU should be the bottleneck, though at that point calling anything a 'bottlneck' is pushing it. You might get a bit more out of it if you OC the E6600 a bit more (3.6Ghz shouldn't be too much of a stretch for that chip with good cooling) but it's hard to say. End result, I wouldn't worry about it.
Getting a second 8800 GTX made a difference for me in World in Conflict, Company of Heroes (and Crysis, but I don't play that much). Not really many games out atm that can really stress out a system, especially at 1680x1050.
More demanding titles are on the way though, so if you don't plan on upgrading when the next gen of graphics cards comes out, go for two 8800 GTX's. If you reckon you'll probably end up buying the 9900 GTX when it comes out, just stick with one 8800 GTX and sell the second one.