To NAS now or not to NAS now (basically NAS later)


Jan 14, 2012
What's up guys?!

So I'm looking at getting a Synology DS411+II (it is on special now).

But you can't just get an empty NAS right?
You need to get HD's with it.

So I was planning on getting some 3TB Hitachi's.
I was wondering since the prices are high, if I should wait maybe more until mid summer (end of June, beginning July) or just hit it up now and get everything over with?

Your advice are definitely welcome here, that's what I'm looking for!
If you need the storage now, I'd just get enough drives to get you through for a while. You can always grow the array later. I don't think prices are going to come down that much more for a while, though I may be wrong.