To Steam or not to Steam


Feb 14, 2004
I don't have half life 2 yet, and I was thinking about getting the source premier pack off of steam. It seems competively priced, and I would get it instantly. The only con I see to this is if I ever have to reformat would I lose the game and have to repurchase it? I prefer having hard copies of my games somewhere as my backups, and downloading HL2 through steam is convenient yet worrisome. Are my fears unreal? Or would I really have to repurchase the source pack if I ever reformatted or lost it in some other way?
buzzard34 said:
I don't have half life 2 yet, and I was thinking about getting the source premier pack off of steam. It seems competively priced, and I would get it instantly. The only con I see to this is if I ever have to reformat would I lose the game and have to repurchase it? I prefer having hard copies of my games somewhere as my backups, and downloading HL2 through steam is convenient yet worrisome. Are my fears unreal? Or would I really have to repurchase the source pack if I ever reformatted or lost it in some other way?

u can back it up on cd once u download it

if u reformat u just log back into steam on your existing account and re-download
133 said:
u can back it up on cd once u download it

if u reformat u just log back into steam on your existing account and re-download
So you can back it up? and redownload with no worries? Then I guess that's the way I'll go. :D
no need, and it doesnt really help much, maybe save a little time, all you have to do on a clean install is install the steam client from Valve's web site, log into your account with your username and password, and re-download the games you own

reason i say it's not worth backing up to disc, by the time you go to use that disc, there will have been game updates that will still have to be downloaded, so may as well let it run overnight and be ready with the latest and greatest the next morning :)
misenthrope said:
no need, and it doesnt really help much, maybe save a little time, all you have to do on a clean install is install the steam client from Valve's web site, log into your account with your username and password, and re-download the games you own

reason i say it's not worth backing up to disc, by the time you go to use that disc, there will have been game updates that will still have to be downloaded, so may as well let it run overnight and be ready with the latest and greatest the next morning :)
Good to know, but I'll make the backup anyway since I may be on Dialup over the summer:(
buzzard34 said:
I don't have half life 2 yet, and I was thinking about getting the source premier pack off of steam. It seems competively priced, and I would get it instantly. The only con I see to this is if I ever have to reformat would I lose the game and have to repurchase it? I prefer having hard copies of my games somewhere as my backups, and downloading HL2 through steam is convenient yet worrisome. Are my fears unreal? Or would I really have to repurchase the source pack if I ever reformatted or lost it in some other way?

lol...if u have to reformat you don't have to repurchase the game. All you have to do is reinstall steam(small file) and click the appropriate icons(CSS, HL2, HL,etc...) and it will install them so long as those games are linked to your acct.
buzzard34 said:
Good to know, but I'll make the backup anyway since I may be on Dialup over the summer:(

thats a good reason to backup :)

bah! i wouldn't even waste my time with dialup again after being on BB for years, it would be painful for anything but surfing, and even
misenthrope said:
thats a good reason to backup :)

bah! i wouldn't even waste my time with dialup again after being on BB for years, it would be painful for anything but surfing, and even
yeah I'm in college, so that's why I say that. I went home over xmas break where my parents still have dialup, and it was not fun. :rolleyes:
buzzard34 said:
yeah I'm in college, so that's why I say that. I went home over xmas break where my parents still have dialup, and it was not fun. :rolleyes:

i would seriously have seizures i think, bandwidth withdrawals i
i just think i would break a keyboard or mouse or monitor from frustration of waiting....waiting....waiting.....

and dont get me wrong, i was on bulletin boards before the internet was made public, was learning HTML before anyone knew what internet explorer was, etc..etc...

but i still will never go back, i'll go without before i go back :D
misenthrope said:
i just think i would break a keyboard or mouse or monitor from frustration of waiting....waiting....waiting.....

and dont get me wrong, i was on bulletin boards before the internet was made public, was learning HTML before anyone knew what internet explorer was, etc..etc...

but i still will never go back, i'll go without before i go back :D
I certainly brushed up my solitaire skills while waiting for some pages to load. :p