Today Is 'The Day We Fight Back'

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
For those of you that didn't know, today has been designated as "The Day We Fight Back."

February 11th is The Day We All Fight Back. From Uganda to Poland, from Colombia to the Philippines, the people of the Internet have united to fight back. The Day We Fight Back’s main international action is to sign and promote the 13 Principles. The 13 Principles outline how communications surveillance can be conducted consistent with human rights and serve as a model for surveillance reform. Over the past year, nearly 370 organizations have come together to support it. Today, these Principles are about to receive their most important endorsement: the people’s.
What the.....

I'm not giving my phone number & email address to an unknown website willingly. Kind of Ironic actually. :p
They're as far from critical mass as a gram of Uranium 235, probably farther.
We'll be watching this movement quite closely to see it's effectiveness.

For some reason I thought this thread was going to be about Independence Day.

if anything, this campaign serves to spread awareness to people that already know about it. wait.
I've seen precisely 0 websites participating.

And fewer people caring.
Originally Posted by swetmore;
The only way to win this fight is to unplug the NSA.

Stupid idea swetmore, one the one hand the things the NSA does that you think are a violation of your privacy are only about 3% or so of everything the agency does, and we really do need them to be doing the other 97%.

To coin a very old phrase, it would be "throwing the baby out with the bath water."

Before you advocate getting rid of a major part of the DoD, how about you go learn what it is all about first.
What the.....

I'm not giving my phone number & email address to an unknown website willingly. Kind of Ironic actually. :p

Come on, I am sure they will do nothing with your data. While you are at it, I am doing a experiment to see how similar credit card and social security numbers are. if you would please send me those I can use more data for my test. I promise to do nothing bad with them.
For some reason I thought this thread was going to be about Independence Day.


And should we win the day, the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice:

"We will not go quietly into the night!

We will not vanish without a fight!

We're going to live on!

We're going to survive!"

Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!
So, contacting our legislators... the same guys who feed the money that runs the NSA... is somehow supposed to help curb the spying abuses?

They'll make a few canned speeches and privately tell the NSA not to get 'CAUGHT' doing that type of surveillance again.
I've seen precisely 0 websites participating.

And fewer people caring.

i would just like to point out that you are posting about it because of a website posting about it.

im just going to let you think that one over for a while.......
There's a difference between having nothing to hide and not volunteering personal information to strangers on the internet.[/QUOTE

Since when has any data, collected by anyone - government or not, ever been totally secure. Sooner or later everyone's personal information will be available to all "the strangers on the internet" if the NSA (or anyone else) is allowed to collect it. Whether it's hacked or leaked, information find it's way out there and EVERYONE has stuff they'd rather not have publically available whether it's medical records, a prior DWI conviction or whatever.
The only way to win this fight is to unplug.

Didn't you know? The NSA use radio wave technology in relatively close proximity to harvest your data. They don't need the internet/wifi. So even if you're unplugged, they can still access your computer via their proprietary radio wave tech. I think its radio wave, or it could be something else but yeah, they don't need internet or wifi, they have their own thing going on.
There's a difference between having nothing to hide and not volunteering personal information to strangers on the internet.

No there isn't. If you have nothing to hide, there's nothing you possess that you feel needs protecting.
Originally Posted by Commander FAT View Post
Such crap. People with nothing to hide have nothing to worry about. Duh.

This is foolish, but no matter, there will always be fools.

Some of you know where I stand on this NSA issue.

1st, it's been terribly misrepresented by the media.
2nd, the general populace has been soundly fooled by the media into swallowing their falsehoods hook, line, and sinker.
3rd, The programs are lawful, constitutionality is in question, if determined unconstitutional by someone who matters, like SCOTUS, then the law will be overturned and the programs changed or ended.
4th, That currently, the President and the current legislature isn't going to do anything to stop these programs until such time as SCOTUS rules them unconstitutional, if that doesn't happen then they will remain in place.

And lastly, no matter what I believe, all of you do need to question things, you do need to look out for yourselves, and you are right to fear a Federal Government that has grown too big and continues to push it's way into things that should be handled by our States. Every time the Federal Government talks about doing something the first question in your mind should be "Is this something my own State can do for itself?". If the answer is yes, then the Feds need to keep their hands off it.

These people have the right idea, I don't agree with everything they are doing, but they are doing things for the right reasons at least.

The Tenth Amendment states the Constitution's principle of federalism by providing that powers not granted to the federal government by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the States, are reserved to the States or the people.

The key to taking it all back is taking back our tax money. The Federal Government taxes us so that they can use our own money to beat our own states into supporting whatever it is the Feds want them to do. Any time a State "Get's out of line" the Feds start with-holding what the Fed's call, "Federal Funding". That Federal Funding is our tax dollars that they took from the citizens of out States, that is in turn used "to keep our States in line".

It's time to back your States, encourage your State Legislatures, (Not the jerks in the Federal Legislature), to take back the powers that the Feds have stolen from them. Then it's time to bring our Federal representatives to heel and straighten out the USofA.
Such crap. People with nothing to hide have nothing to worry about. Duh.

So Commander FAT, I see that your real name is Johnson Smith and you live in Springfield. You love big black booty, and feet porn. Would be a shame if misses Smith knew about it.

;) ;)
So Commander FAT, I see that your real name is Johnson Smith and you live in Springfield. You love big black booty, and feet porn. Would be a shame if misses Smith knew about it.

;) ;)

That's funny because I actually use John Smith on my Groove Shark account.
Someone linked a pic hosted to wikia. Wikia have that small uh, widget or something that mentions this at the lower right of the browser whenever you're in a wikia page.
3rd, The programs are lawful, constitutionality is in question, if determined unconstitutional by someone who matters, like SCOTUS, then the law will be overturned and the programs changed or ended.

Because it's the law makes it right? Look at some of those other stupid laws. Look at other countries laws. Being lawful doesn't make it right.

Sure, the NSA is acting within the law for most things. Constitutional? Maybe not. But, they were given the authority to do it. Is the media blowing it out of proportion? I'd say not really. I'd rather they give us the information and have people know about it, even if they make a bigger deal out of it. The other option is to downplay it and make it look like nothing is happening. Like usual.

So, with congress at an all time low approval rating, the NSA issues, the ACA problems, the low POTUS approval rate - I don't think government is really listening to the people.
I hope the media keep harping on the NBA. There are still a stupid high number of people who have no clue about what the NBA even is, let alone what they are doing. Most people don't pay attention to their environment, sadly, it seems.
I hope the media keep harping on the NBA. There are still a stupid high number of people who have no clue about what the NBA even is, let alone what they are doing. Most people don't pay attention to their environment, sadly, it seems.

umm.....isn't that the game where a bunch of tall guys try to shoot a round ball into the air to make a 'basket', and whoever makes more baskets wins?

Oh wait a sec.......that sounds like something similar...
