Today was a sad day

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Sep 13, 2004
Today is a day that will never be forgotten, because today marks my first lost ship due to hostile PVP forces. She was a beautiful ship that Caracal, so symmetrical and graceful flying through the heavens. Luckily though my payout was about 800,000isk above what I paid for a new Caracal, and my cargo wasn't looted thankfully.

Any other Eve players remember losing their first ship?
When I was taking a shower, a piece of plastic wwent down the drain and may have slightly plugged it.

A sad day for all of the world.
truly a tragedy.

can everyone that loses something in a mmo tell the tale here for my entertainment please?
I scratched my balls for about 10 seconds too long. I was slightly discomforted for about 3 seconds of irritated scrotum.


Today, there was 4 feet of snow on my porch, and I spent an hour and a half shoveling it. Then, when I was done, a big gust of wind blew three more feet of snow down off the roof, completely covering the porch. FML
server crash while guild was distributing onixya's loot. gm unable to do anything afterwards. tragic.
ugh, I just looked up the ships looks


and it reminds of of one of those minmitar "duck tape" ship designs. All the elegance of a mosquito sucker with that elongated nose, as opposed to a bird of prey


or valdore style


And even in the eve context, there are some more inspiring ship designs.


I know she was your first, but it is time to let her go and upgrade to something less hideous. I never played eve for any length of time, but I remember the pustule of regurgitated garbage I was given as a starter ship for an eve trial. No better incentive to make isk was ever devised than to abandon that hideous husk, that crumpled note of a ship, it looked like it was picked from the nose of gollum and given engines.
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I don't really remember *any* of my pvp losses, but then again I found myself largely involved in fleets comprised of overwhelming numbers, not overwhelming ship value(in-fact, we would always be on the other side of that scale, as it's far more advantageous to be there).
Heh, this thread is just slightly spammy. ;)

Merry Christmas all.
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