Todd Howard and Notch talk about Oblivion/Skyrim and Minecraft

Has Bethesda mentioned if they are returning to the amazingly bad item leveling system of Oblivion?
eh, I have to wonder if the notch/minecraft thing is going to be a one trick pony. I mean he has tons of sales which is great, but what is he going to do next? I suppose going it solo though (vs selling out) he can do whatever he wants....
eh, I have to wonder if the notch/minecraft thing is going to be a one trick pony. I mean he has tons of sales which is great, but what is he going to do next? I suppose going it solo though (vs selling out) he can do whatever he wants....

Minecraft is far from finished..
Apparently he's working on some other game or something...or has plans to. Then again so do I...(infact i've started like 3(possibly 5) unfortunately non of them have gotten to the release stage :p)
Has Bethesda mentioned if they are returning to the amazingly bad item leveling system of Oblivion?

In the e3 video (or it came out that week) I'm pretty sure they said it was going to be more like Fallout 3's and there was a few other detailed variants but I think some other folks here can set me straight on that for sure.
Minecraft is far from finished..

eh, for any company to survive long term it has to have a revenue stream. now I suspect that most of MCs sales came from the alpha buyers who have been promised lifetime free updates. So where is the rest of the revenue stream going to come from? Now do doubt he hit the ball out of the park on this game, but that does not imply that his next java app will be as successful....
PC is the superior version! (because of mods)

Todd Howard's words (even though he'd rather play on the 360)