Toledo vs San Diego

Which one can I get 3 ghz on?

  • FX-57 SD

    Votes: 19 33.3%
  • FX-55 SD

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • 4800+ X2

    Votes: 8 14.0%
  • 4400+ X2

    Votes: 13 22.8%
  • 3700+ SD

    Votes: 3 5.3%
  • 4000+ SD

    Votes: 3 5.3%
  • Naw wait for M2 FX-59

    Votes: 9 15.8%

  • Total voters


May 13, 2005
I just want to bring up the poll this time. I would like Hardforum ppl to pick which processor that I should buy for my next rig in 3 or later months ---> possible thanksgiving or xmas month. I want the processor to hit 3 ghz or above with strong memory bandwidth on air cooling (CNPS9500 if possible or XP-90c with my 92mm tornado). No budget limitation, but keep it at minimum. In additional, 2 Gb (1 Gb x 2) Ballistix DDR500 and I am more of gamer not multitasker. I don't kno which mobo yet, but u can help me out with this, too. :)
Why do you need 3 ghz? At 500 bucks this thing smokes the competition on performance/$ ratio than any of those. You can get that 4400+ to 2.6 easily - Dual core FX-55's!
I am lookin for stronger result and powerful computer with good memory bandwidth. I don't mind try 4400+ X2, but some reason i am sick of 2 ghz series.
BigDaddy85 said:
mmm few voters so far. 4400+ X2 is leadin.
that scares me. the 4400+ seem to typically top out around 2.6-2.7ghz

i voted fx-57.. but the fx-55 may do it too, depending on your luck. i've seen anywhere from 2.9-3.3ghz on air
does this apply to memory bandwidth? i can buy X2 4400+ but i kno it won't top out at 3 ghz anyways. it would be nice if i buy fx 57 and oc it to 3.3 or higher if i am lucky enuf with zalman cnps9500.

Edit: i want more voters and opinions pls. :)
I am startin to lendin toward X2 4800+ and oc it to 2.8 - 2.9 ghz on air. I was readin some reviews and articles bout this thing, and they said 4800+ X2 got higher memory bandwidth than FX 57. should i get 4800+ X2?
U're gonne be pretty happy to hit 3GHz on air at all...

Give us something else to work with. For calculation power the 4400+ and a reasneble OC and games still the FX... But Ud be able to do it and still saving a lot buy getting a 3700+ (that wont do 3GHz but...) It is probably not likely that Ull get 3GHz on a 4400+...
BigDaddy85 said:
and they said 4800+ X2 got higher memory bandwidth than FX 57
same memory controllers, just the X2 has two cores interfacing with it. i would honestly expect the bandwidth on the X2 to be lower, not higher.. which is what all of the reviews i have read said.
regardless, memory bandwidth has next to no effect on performance for any K8 :p
If you want a single core, an FX-57 is your best bet....I'd be amazed if you DIDDN'T get it on far as dual cores? If you get one bad core, you're get 2 cores to overclock 600MHz so you have 2 cores at 3GHz to cool on air is quite a feat.
Voted fx-57. It's amazing so many people voted for the 4400+.... no way in hell that thing would get to 3ghz on air. Regardless its a good processor, but my god people answer the question seriously.
I would take the multitasking performance of an X2 over a single core FX running at 3Ghz. Your not going to get any 3Ghz overclock on an X2 though unless you hit it with a ton of voltage and have phase change.
the only way to have a decent shot of 3ghz on air is to get a FX-57, which is stupid. You might as well start with decent cooling, and not air. Phase or water at a minimum. Then worry about the other shit, otherwise you're paying a ton of cash for that last 200mhz.
I am not interested in watercool or phase change cuz I am lanner. I don't want to carry watercooled or phase change system around and accidently break somethin by spillin liquid or w/e it is. This idea is too ridicilious for me. I rather to stick on to air cool.

Suppose that I should wait for FX-59, 5000+ X2, or wat? FX-55 will be an optional for me since it can hit 3 ghz if i am lucky enuf. How bout newark 4000+ and oc it to 3 ghz which is possible since newark 3700+ managed to hit 2.9 ghz on air at stable state (eclipse correct me if i am wrong bout this). there's too many choices left for me. I just want to see which cpu will provide excellent performance for gamin purpose and able to hit 3 Ghz with no problem. I like to compete against another ocer through 3dmark, aquamark, and many more benchmarks.

Anyways the dual channel and single channel doesn't matter to me anymore (i read eclipse, robberbaron, and tsuehpsyde's experiment on memory thing earlier today so this knock me out already ---> y should i depend too much on memory bandwidth for gamin if it shows a little performance boost?).

Pls don't think i am totally nut bout this idea. The point is I want fookin kick azz 3 Ghz gamin rig at good price. Hope I made this clear this time.
my point is that you aren't going to get 3 ghz on air without a super loud fan and a FX-57. To me, this is a waste of money. Also, if you are anal about 3ghz, you might as well be anal about dual channel memory. I don't think it is wise to spend that kind of cash just to hit 3ghz. It is a complete waste of money. The guy next to you with a 3200+ clocked at 2.8ghz and 2x7800gtx will have gotten his system for less than what it cost you for the FX-57 and 1 gtx. Then your 3ghz looks pretty shitty. I don't think you understand how difficult it gets to hit speeds above 2.85ghz on air. I understand the "cool factor" of 3ghz, but it really won't be easy, and if you are going to do it, do it right, and go water, which should help a FX-55 to 3ghz easy. LAN and w/c aren't exclusive. Some of your quotes just don't make sense, and I hope you can understand this.

"Anyways the dual channel and single channel doesn't matter to me anymore (i read eclipse, robberbaron, and tsuehpsyde's experiment on memory thing earlier today so this knock me out already"

Unfortunately to compete, you need d/c ram. If you buy into the fact that d/c barely influences performance, then you'll understand that the difference between 2.8ghz and 3ghz is tiny as well.

"I like to compete against another ocer through 3dmark, aquamark, and many more benchmarks."

"The point is I want fookin kick azz 3 Ghz gamin rig at good price."

Fat chance. This is impossible. Again, without water, or phase (the vapo L/S is external, and portable, even if it is heavy, it will get you more like 3.4ghz) you are grasping at air.
mikelz85, have u ever thought of 4000+ newark (i don't kno if it's true of anandtech's roadmap). r u recommendin me 3200+ venice and oc it to 2.8ghz on air? Well, I don't want venice at all since it's 512kb cache. What i heard most poster said that 1 mb cache r supposed to perform better in gamin. is that true and is it necessary for me to get SD core instead of venice? help me with this pls. If not then i might have to stick on to my 3200+ xp barton system with 9800xt system until M2 come out next year.

Edit: have u done lannin before?
i'm very tempted to get a 4000+ newark to play with actually... just not looking forward to the price :(
BigDaddy85 said:
mikelz85, have u ever thought of 4000+ newark (i don't kno if it's true of anandtech's roadmap). r u recommendin me 3200+ venice and oc it to 2.8ghz on air? Well, I don't want venice at all since it's 512kb cache. What i heard most poster said that 1 mb cache r supposed to perform better in gamin. is that true and is it necessary for me to get SD core instead of venice? help me with this pls. If not then i might have to stick on to my 3200+ xp barton system with 9800xt system until M2 come out next year.

Edit: have u done lannin before?

I understand the portability concerns with a lan box.

Frankly the impact of the extra cache is minimal, the focus of any gaming box should be on the video system. An overclocked 3200+ will be more than enough power, likely hitting 2.6+, which leaves plenty of money for dual 7800s instead of a single 7800 + a 3ghz chip (on air this is the most you will get). Above 512k cache performance increases on the A64 are small, (it isn't as if the venice is the tbird's duron) and with the added memory bandwidth of dual channel, it is very very small. I'm just trying to let you know that 3ghz on air isn't feasible without a ton of cash for the FX-57, and you'd be better off losing that dream and going with something more practical on the CPU end, and totally beefy on the GPU end.
alrite seem like u helped me out already. i should go with 3200+ venice with R520 rig. I am ati favored btw. :)

thx u for ur suggestion mikelz85

Edit: will the 3500+ venice give me more chance to hit 3 ghz?
to the edit, no. look at the revE oc'ing database. the only cpu over 3ghz is under phase change :D
hm one thing im curious about if u oc the dual cores are both cores oced? i remember some1 saying only 1 of the cores get oced
3ghz on any non FX is out of the question. I run chilled water can haven't come up with 3ghz yet with both a 3000+ 0517, and a 3200+ 0520
xdkimx said:
hm one thing im curious about if u oc the dual cores are both cores oced? i remember some1 saying only 1 of the cores get oced
wow. whoever said that needs to be shot

both cores run at the exact same speed.. think of it as one big cpu that can do two things at once ;)
bump for the last time to "finish up the poll". I just want to see wat another ppl voted for. :D