Tomb Raider Anniversary Edition Demo Out Now


Apr 17, 2003
Get it at GameSpot

I'm getting about 1.5MB/s from their site. The download manager doesn't work for some reason. I also have a membership to the site so I don't know if that is why I'm getting great bandwidth from them.
If you have a paid membership that's probably why you're getting great download speeds. I've got a free membership and I was getting a whopping 13kb/s before I canceled the download. :mad:
I downloaded this. Seems cool overall, but I don't the motion blur, why does it have to blur every time i move the camera?

Also, i can't work out how to let go of a ledge/pole, is there any way to just let go if need be?

Here's a couple of screenshots:

The demo looks great! Possibly even better than legends. I can't wait for this to come out
Looks good but where's the 'Next Gen Content' that Legends had? Doesnt look to be any HDR or bump/normal mapping. I want my shiny rocks dammit :mad:
There is no Next Gen Option in the Demo. I hope its in the full version. Game is great. Old school adventure tomb raider games. Tomb Raider Fans will love it.. Smooth controls. Good GFX (even w/o next gen). 360 controller is plug and play with this game too. always a plus
wow wonder why they choose no HDR or bumpmapping.
Because Legend ran like ass when NextGen was enabled. This is supposed to use an improved version of the Legend engine. When I read that I thought "wow they got nextgen right this time", but that's not the case. I was hoping for NextGen goodness in this game but it looks great without it. I'm buying this when it comes out.

Boobies don't jiggle very much if at all. I'm still buying it. :)
Because Legend ran like ass when NextGen was enabled. This is supposed to use an improved version of the Legend engine. When I read that I thought "wow they got nextgen right this time", but that's not the case. I was hoping for NextGen goodness in this game but it looks great without it. I'm buying this when it comes out.

Boobies don't jiggle very much if at all. I'm still buying it. :)

hmm ran fine for me at 720p. 7900GT. oh well im still getting this game :) And yes ur right it still looks great.
This is a nice demo. Much more solid than the Legends demo; runs and plays smooth as silk. I don't really miss the "NextGen" crap from Legends at all. It was just too damn buggy.
I've played the demo and it seemed like a solid game though I did experience a couple of bugs with the controls here and there (like the camera right behind Laura and I'm on one of those horizontal poles and when I press W, isntead of going forward, sometimes she'll go to the left or right... very annoying but doable).

Though, is it just me or did her breasts get larger in this game?
I downloaded this. Seems cool overall, but I don't the motion blur, why does it have to blur every time i move the camera?

Also, i can't work out how to let go of a ledge/pole, is there any way to just let go if need be?

The motion blur seemed very suttle and fine for me. I didn't mind it much.

As for letting go, press Shift
I haven't been keeping up with this game. Is this a remake of the original or a whole entire new game?

Re-imagining. Same premises (you're here to get something, kill someone, etc.), some of the same stuff, but a lot has changed to make way for the TRL gameplay.
Holy crap this game is going to be awesome!

Just tried the demo and it blew me away right from the title screen. The original music is back!!! :D After the 1 second loading time as someone else mentioned, I was in game and immediately impressed at how silky smooth it ran. No chugs or slowdown whatsoever at any point throughout the demo. Beautiful graphics, and very subtle motion blur as mentioned earlier. Not distracting or annoying at all.

The combat is actually somewhat challenging this time around, with animals attacking in packs and presenting a threat even to the biggest bunny hoppers out there. I was jumping/flipping/dodging all over the place and they still managed to take a bite out of me.

But the real kicker is the animals themselves! Gentle Ben is back! I know you guys won't get that joke, but back in 1996 when I brought Tomb Raider to my friends house, he made up the name "gentle ben" for the vicious grizzly bear that attacks you in the game. :p Anyway, the dinosaurs are also back, including the friggin T-rex. Are you kidding?

This game is going to be solid gold. 15+ hours of classic Tomb Raider gameplay on a MUCH improved game engine. You can't go wrong!
I'm playing through the game now, and it's pretty damn good so far. Nostalgic as hell.

I haven't played the first Tomb Raider in YEARS, but playing this brought everything back. I love the remade levels. Peru was amazing, and St. Francis' Folly is breathtaking so far.
Can't wait til I make it to Atlantis... I can only imagine how awesome it's going to look.

My only complaint so far is the graphics. Although they're very good, I'm still lost as to why they decided to leave out any "Next-Gen" options, like they did for Legend (it ran just fine with a patch). Meh...
I used a mouse, although I did try it with my PS2 dual shock gamepad. It was actually pretty fun with the pad, although the camera was more difficult to manage.
ROR!! The first review I've seen, and from my most trusted game site. Can't wait to pick it up.


Both versions feel identical to play, but the PC wins out by virtue of the sharper resolution and a plethora of more advanced graphical effects. Given how undemanding the game is on average systems (for example, running on a Radeon 9800 or X1600 Mobility was no bother, and even a Geforce 7400 equipped laptop ran without a single hitch with all the settings on), I'd heartily recommend anyone go for the PC version, even if they've given up buying games for their creaking beige box.
I finally got around to playing. The combat seemed noticeably more difficult than previous games. I was annoyed that it took forever to take down the raptors and then in the cut scene she does it in a couple shots. Regardless, i've never been particularly interested in Tomb Raider's combat sequences. It's always the puzzle solving and platforming that i enjoy the most. I loved the Lara's Manor level in Legend.

Once i reminded myself how the controls work, using the 360 controller worked great. The graphics were beautiful, though the motion blur looked out of place or something. The water effects on Lara were amazing and the textures were nice and high res. I'm definitely going to get this off Steam once it comes out. I only with it was coming out on the 360 for the achievements. :p At least on the PC i get it at high resolution.
Here's a little tip peeps:

When you shoot an enemy from far away they raise their head up and a little flash occurs. That signifies that that enemy has gone into "enraged" mode and it takes more to kill them. When that enraged enemy gets closer the screen blurs, the enemy gets a little dark and four arrows appear on the bottom right. When the four arrows appear, immediately press shift and Lara will initiate a slow-mo jump and you'll see two-one (two w/pistols, one with shotgun) big reticles appear to center on the enemy's head. When you hear a loud 'blip' shoot and the enemy will be taken down with one shot. Works very well with the annoying raptors and lions later on. Hope the helps some people not get killed as much have fun!
The full version is wonderful. Definitely worthy of all the high reviews it's been getting. The gameplay is actually pretty tight for using a mouse/keyboard. My only gripe is sometimes the camera get's a little bumpy. I mean, it's always pointing in the right direction you want it to, but often it seems to "hit" the walls and it jerks around a bit as it tries to reposition. Nothing game-breaking... but kind of annoying at first.

But the most amazing part is how well it runs. I mean, holy shit, I almost forgot I was playing a PC title. Lately I've just been so used to shitty ports and sub-30 frame rates. But with a 1680 res and everything turned on, this game runs extremely well. I'm impressed.

And the gameplay is there. Very similar to Legend, which I also loved.

I only played it for an hour last night, as I've kind of been sucked into Shadowrun lately, but from what I played I was digging it and can't wait to play more.
Is it just a remake of the first one or all of them?

I think it's a greatest hits game. They nerfed the graphics so everyone can play it. Most folks don't have an HDR capable system.

Still I want the option to crank it at least.
It's a remake of the first one.

And i wouldn't call the graphics nerfed. The shaders have been cut down compared to Legend, but it still looks great.

Besides, every time a graphically demanding game comes out people complain about "inefficient coding" and "shitty programmers." Now that there's a game that's not taxing on a system people complain bout nerfed graphics? :confused:
Besides, every time a graphically demanding game comes out people complain about "inefficient coding" and "shitty programmers." Now that there's a game that's not taxing on a system people complain bout nerfed graphics? :confused:

any mods to make the graphics better?

I have the graphics maxxed out with AA and AF and still get over 100fps average. I think a radeon 9500 can even play this easily.
any mods to make the graphics better?

I have the graphics maxxed out and still get 100fps. I think a radeon 9500 can even play this easily.

I personally find the graphics quite nice, the bloom lighting is well done, and certainly not overdone, the textures could be a touch better, but its really not that bad. there is minor bump mapping i think... can't be sure though...

really loving the game so far. shot gun sucks, i want my 50 cals....
It's not bad but it's not great either. I feel like I'm playing a ps2 version of the game @ higher resolution.
Here's a little tip peeps:

When you shoot an enemy from far away they raise their head up and a little flash occurs. That signifies that that enemy has gone into "enraged" mode and it takes more to kill them. When that enraged enemy gets closer the screen blurs, the enemy gets a little dark and four arrows appear on the bottom right. When the four arrows appear, immediately press shift and Lara will initiate a slow-mo jump and you'll see two-one (two w/pistols, one with shotgun) big reticles appear to center on the enemy's head. When you hear a loud 'blip' shoot and the enemy will be taken down with one shot. Works very well with the annoying raptors and lions later on. Hope the helps some people not get killed as much have fun!

This just doesn't seem to work consistently with me. I initiate the slow-motion bit, and it just cuts out immediately. I think i've got to the "blip" about once in nearly a hundred tries. Very annoying, and it made the T-Rex bit last for ever.
This just doesn't seem to work consistently with me. I initiate the slow-motion bit, and it just cuts out immediately. I think i've got to the "blip" about once in nearly a hundred tries. Very annoying, and it made the T-Rex bit last for ever.

Right after you initiate your slow-mo dodge, are you shooting right away? You should be waiting a second or two (literally) for the giant crosshair to flash red. That's when you shoot. If you shoot too early, that's when the sequence gets aborted I believe.

The T-rex should go down in about 5 or 6 passes.
Right after you initiate your slow-mo dodge, are you shooting right away? You should be waiting a second or two (literally) for the giant crosshair to flash red. That's when you shoot. If you shoot too early, that's when the sequence gets aborted I believe.

The T-rex should go down in about 5 or 6 passes.

There's a easy way. I just killed him. Go near a corner wall. He can't touch you. :D Keep shooting him until it's dead.
I forgotten what a great game the original Tomb Raider was. TR - Anniversary is superb, the level designs are devious and clever. Shame the combat is still so poor, pistols and shotgun are very weak. The new adrenaline dodge move is a nightmare, really fiddly to pull off. The game is great when exploring and figuring out how to move to the next section, but just average when it comes to combat. I wish the game was all exploration and no combat.