Tomorrow is Saturday..


Dec 25, 2004
So what better to do than gain a thorough understanding of the inner workings of GPU's. Does anyone have any articles that explain in some detail how the GPU works, pixel pipelines VTF's and all that? I wouldn't mind something of the kind on CPUs other. The more the merrier! Thanks!
I've broken my hand. As such, my impatience may lead to poorer post readiblity than normal. I apologize for the inconvenience.

I'm looking for articles that explain the architecture in GPU's in some detail. Such as explaining what each thing does to put the picture on your screen.
he has nothing to do on saturday, so hes asking to spend a day reading about gpu
I'd suggest asking this for the folks over at Beyond3D. Those guys'll give you ten earfuls as an introduction to the subject. HardOCP/Forum is primarily for consumers (the way I look at it), whereas B3D seems to be where the programmers/hardware geeks really hang out, and hence would be much more useful to check out.
thanks for this thread and the people that contributed. I'll be reading this on one of those long nights.