Too late now - Help with Intel ICH10-R Raid5


May 18, 2000
Long story short...

Comp wouldnt reboot after moving... reset the Bios.

Raid wouldnt boot (missing two drives)

Check power and sata cables

Reseat everything

Drives recognized but now the two disks are Non-Member

try everything under the sun (disable raid, reenable, intel software, etc, etc)

There is nothing I could do or find out so I decided to just redo the array.

Question is now... is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening again or a suggestion for a controller that could of saved the array (lots of pictures) since the drives work but just dropped from the array for whatever reason.
Just go to
Download the .iso
Burn the .iso
Boot the .iso
click 'try out Ubuntu'
click menu 'Places' and select 'Home'

In the window that opens, you should see "..GB Filesystem" on the left. Click on it and you should see all your data.

If this works, you can think about copying this data over the network to another NTFS filesystem.

After having recovered your files, think about moving away from fakeRAID and unsafe Windows-based RAID5. Also think about backup strategy; since RAID is not a backup and you apparently didn't have a backup.

Good luck!