Top 12 PC Games of All Time

Set sail for fail. This list is a catastrophe. I think the second comment on the article sums it up well...:p
the sims? reader rabbit? monopoly? come on...

lets try doom, quake, quake 2, system shock 2, etc. since this was written by an idiot, here's my idiot list in no particular order:

1. myst, i can agree with that!
2. doom
3. quake
4. quake 2
5. duke nuke'em 3d
6. system shock 2
7. freespace 2
8. civ games (i dont like them, but i can respect them)
9. diablo/diablo 2 (yes i can agree with those)
10. starcraft (maybe SC2 later...)
11. zork games.....the first one was THE game of its time by far!
12. privateer 1/2 (hey i loved both, cut me some slack)
Reader Rabbit, the top 12 PC games of all time. Its no wonder why people are saying PC gaming is dead :p
Halo? Reader Rabbit? Mafia II? Are they idiots? The rest of the games on that list can at least be argued but those three are not even in the same legue as titles like: DoomII, Duke Nukem 3D, Unreal, UT99, Quake. Quake III, Freespace, or Xwing vs Tie Fighter.
1. Battletech : crescent hawks revenge
2. Freespace 2
3. Starcraft
4. Counter-strike 1.6
5. Aces of the Pacific
6. X-Wing
7. Doom
8. Total War
9. Civilization
10. Sim City
11. Fallout 3
12. Oblivion
Wow i guess forget ultima online?

Compressing the best games of all time to a list of 12 is very hard but this was a sad, sad attempt.
No Doom?
No Unreal?
No Half-Life?

WTF is this bitch thinking?

For me Unreal should be in the top 5 with Doom, and Half-Life.

This women needs to never write an article like this EVER AGAIN!
That list is laughable. No mention of Unreal? That game sent people shopping for vid cards lol!
Better not tell Tryarch that infomationweek just called Call of Duty Black Ops, Modern Warfare 3 LMFAO.
Halo 2? LOL! That article must have been paid for by Microsoft. I have to doubt if they girl who wrote even plays PC games.
Here are some games that are some of my highlights
Farmers Daughter C-64 yes i was like 10 years old but getting a girl naked in a Text only game was awesome
Below the Root
Ultima Series
California Games... LOL
M.U.L.E. If you have never played this you need to, Stategy, Economics, Screw your Neighbor great game
Racing Construction Set
Forbidden Forrest
Tunnels Of DOOM on the Texas Instruments, Ok who has played this game it simply OWNS!!!!!
Diablo Series
Master Of Lamps
Alone in the Dark
Kings Quest
Oregon Trail LOL
[RIP]Zeus;1036223942 said:
This women needs to never write an article like this EVER AGAIN!
oh this was written by a woman? This makes sense.. I cant believe,, and solitaire arent on the list then.
haha I remember playing Reader Rabbit off of a floppy disk as a little kid. That list was absolutely terrible.
The woman that wrote that is a idiot. Half the crap that is stated is completely wrong. Not to mention the list is just plain bad. The 1994 release of WoW made me laugh though. If you dont know the difference between Warcraft and World of Warcraft, maybe you shouldnt be writing articles on games.

That part confused me a great deal, because I'm a huge fan/player of the (MMO) & when she stated 1994, I thought to myself "we get a feat of strength logging in for it's 6th anniversary." 16-6 doesn't = 6 is what I want to tell her, unless she made a huge typo which by now I'm sure readers have noted to her.
So we can make fun of a list like this.

(No Duke Nuken, DOOM, Wolfenstein or Quake on an "of all time" list? Seriously)

Absolutely agree. I jumped to the link just to see what place DooM was on the list...DooM is responsible for more breakthroughs in the software area than just gaming...Playable demo; Multiplayer gaming; online gaming; pseudo-3D; user-mods (WAD files)...much more...
The original Starsiege: Tribes brought many new and innovating features that the FPS market hadn't yet really seen much of before it.

Just about everything you listed about Starsiege: Tribes was done in Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri. The main difference is that Terra Nova is single player, but the AI squadmates respond to player commands in realtime.
Where is Wing Commander?

There are a bunch of others that I'd like to see on the list and I know would make the top 25, but Wing Commander has to be in the top 12.

List fail.

No Ultima games either. No DOOM. No QUAKE. Duke Nukem 3d?

I hate these "top" lists.
No Ultima games either. No DOOM. No QUAKE. Duke Nukem 3d?

I hate these "top" lists.

tops lists are that bad, sometimes if for nothing else than conversation piece.

but a good one is made by people who know their shit, have lived the through it and have the knowledge to back up claims

this article has none of that, its a wiki copy/paste with a few obvious marketing pitches.
No DOOM. No QUAKE. Duke Nukem 3d?

Meh, DOOM should definitely be included, but if we're trying to compile a list of "the greatest games" I wouldn't want to clog it up with lots of similar pure FPS games.

My personal list would look something like this:
1. Thief - The Dark Project
2. Half-Life
4. The Elder Scrolls III - Morrowind
5. Starcraft
6. Hearts of Iron 2 (Latest version is called Arsenal of Democracy)
7. Battlefield 1942
8. Homeworld
9. Kings Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
10. Star Fox 64
11. Simcity 3000
12. The Sims
you cannot put sc2 on an all time list already.. it has no history. sc2 doesnt hold a candle to the original

some games on the list are good games, but best of all time is ridiculous .. and myst at #1, maybe for most unrewarding puzzle game ever.
I stopped reading when I saw the myst graphic. That game was boring and forgetable.
*insert a "this is why women need to stay in the kitchen and make me a sammich" insult here*

Gotcha covered in post the whole thread first next time.:D

I'm surprised no-one else noticed how close her list is the the "top seller" list on wiki. I figure she copied it, added a few personal fav's (especially the reader rabbit and monopoly crap) ,and submitted it for a quick paycheck [also see post 31].
This is why Information Week should stick to publishing more business oriented articles, and stop trying to be different.

I go to them for the latest on insider information, and business oriented tech data. Top lists is not their strong suit, as this article clearly displays.

I will admit to having an addiction to Pogo based Monopoly though. Shitty Java game that it is, it would stay loaded in my browser for so long it would lag up horribly cause its wrote like shit ;)

I wouldn't call it innovative by any means though. Its still just Monopoly, a variant of the original, but fresh lipstick on the same pig doesn't make it a new pig.
...Tunnels Of DOOM on the Texas Instruments, Ok who has played this game it simply OWNS!!!!!

I wanted to put that on my list but figured Parsec was enough representation for the TI99/4A. LOVED that game too, always played as a hero. Dont forget Hunt the Wumpus!! lol
I am disappointed in all of you. No mention of Descent. 1994, multiplayer, full 3d environment(granted, use of 2d sprites, but the environment was 3d). If anything was a pioneer, it was Descent.