Top 49 Most Influential Men

I don't think Kanye West should be #5 just because he spawned an internet meme with his retardation.
Jon Stewart?! seriously? okay I outgrew that show like 2 years ago. I don't even think he's that funny anymore because he can't make fun of Bush and company.
Did I ever tell you about the time Brasky and I went horseback riding, but there weren't any horses around? Anyway, Brasky throws a saddle on my back and rides me around Wyoming for three days. Well, wouldn't ya know it, my stamina increased with each day, and I develop tremendous leg muscles. So anyway, Brasky decides to enter me into the Breeders Cup under the name Turkish Delight. And Im running in second place, and I'm running, and I break my ankle. So anyway, they're about to shoot me. Then someone from the crowd yells out, God bless him, Dont shoot him, hes a human.

Dude, what the hell? lol.
Did I ever tell you about the time Brasky was in a production of The King and I? Well anyway, before the show, Brasky chloroforms the entire cast, and slowly eats them in front of the audience for two hours. The production got pretty good reviews.

Brasky's family crest is a picture of a barracuda eating Neil Armstrong.
LOL, not all of us are lucky enough to get the Death Princess as our bride dear :D
I know, but there's scraping the barrel, and there is grinding the dumpster...

Well dunno about that...I mean, once you have been graced by the presence of the Death Princess, i.e. perfection, I don't see how there is an difference below that lvl tomayto, tomato I say :D
Well dunno about that...I mean, once you have been graced by the presence of the Death Princess, i.e. perfection, I don't see how there is an difference below that lvl tomayto, tomato I say :D

I know all that. But I mean, you could at least...try for something good? People are too accepting of their lots nowadays!
Well, you know I am groveling but my point stands...I would settle for Katy if I couldn't get the Princess :D Poor Russell is just settling, knowing he can't get you...
Well, you know I am groveling but my point stands...I would settle for Katy if I couldn't get the Princess :D Poor Russell is just settling, knowing he can't get you...

Not without getting tazed in the face and be missing some limbs/head. Seriously I can't think of even one desperate person who likes him...and he's supposed to be popular here. Same with her. Most people think of her as a talentless airhead with a really really irritating face (needs tazing). Which I totally agree! Plus she uses Logic (software) for her music, which makes it much worser!!
Theres plenty of people out there! people shouldn't settle for the "easiest" option all the time! :D There is other steps on the pyramid above "I was on LSD and thought I was riding a unicorn" fodder! Like oprah then...nina kate!
While the Right, specifically far right/conservatives/family values groups have had people like Rush Limbaugh, O'rielly, and Glenn beck as go to's for it seems like since the 1980's. A loud voice in the left leaning media was unheard until Stewart showed up (nobody knows who Al Franken is). I mean there's always been left leaning news communities but nothing as simplistic and easily absorbed as Stewart. I would go as far as to say he had a HUGE impact in the last election.

I am sorry, but are you being serious here? Before Rush Limbaugh and Fox News, the entire media was left leaning and had a very deliberate liberal bias. In fact, that is exactly how Fox became so powerful is that they were really the "only" right leaning network and thus gained a huged audience because of it. There are far more left leaning journalists and spokesmen than there are right leaning. It is just in order to stand out many of the right leaning journalists had to become more outspoken to get noticed in their profession.

As for John Stewart's role in the election, I think you are highly, highly overvaluing it. I really doubt he had that much of an impact at all. Plus as far as influence goes, I just don't see him nearly as influential as many of the other people on that list. How many more people use facebook than watch the daily show for instance? How many more people use a Mac or Windows PC than watch the Daily Show. Just those examples alone can debunct the theory of how influential he is.