Top 5 FPS games

1. Unreal Tournament
2. Unreal Tournament 2004
3. Half Life
4. Quake 3
5. Half Life 2 (single player...)

Top FPS of all time ;)

This is according to how many hours i spent on either of these games. Obviously the longer you play the game the more you have enjoyed it :)

1. Call of Duty: United Offensive(Best COD ever out in my opinion ;))
2. Wolfienstien Enemy Territory or Return to Castle Wolfienstien(singleplayer with multi version)
3. Medal of Honor Spearhead
4. Battlefield 1942 with the Desert Combat Mod
5. Quake 3 + Mods (Urban terror + True Combat + Insta-rail, plus the other mods)

6. Unreal Tournament(1999)
7. GoldenEye OO7
8. Halflife 1+mods(CS 1.5 and dod, and all the mods)
9. Unreal Tournament 2004
10. Fear + Fear Combat
11. Doom 3
12. Call of Duty 2
13. Halflife 2
14. Stalker
Soldier of Fortune 2: Double Helix
16. Farcry
17. Battlefield 2
18. Counter Strike Source
19. Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising
20. Quake 4
21. Day of Defeat Source
22. Halo 1
In the context of how much I dug them when they came out vs everything else I'd played to that point:

1) wolf3d/SoD 'nuff said
1.1) doom/doom2 see above + fragging friends :-D
2) Unreal Tournament (CTF > RA > DM >>> everything else)
3) Unreal (at the time, if you had Glide, it was the most beautiful thing ever made)
4) Half Life 2 (at the time, if you had a 9800XT or equivalent, it was the most beautiful thing ever made. . .ESPECIALLY the facial animations)
5) Quake 1/2 (you could get online and frag strangers. . .completely mind-blowing at the time)

Honorable mentions (in no particular order):
Serious Sam 1/1.1 (pure co-op JOY)
Halo 1/2 (ditto)
Painkiller (WAYYYY underrated game, wish ppl still played it online)
Far Cry
Tribes: Vengeance (again, WAYYYY underrated game, grapple + skiing = teh awesome)
No One Lives Forever 1 & 2
HL 1
Those star wars games. . .cool to have hand-to-hand/force powers but i never got into them b/c UT99 ate my life.

Gold star for trying:
Doom 3
Quake 4
Tribes 2
XIII (WAY too easy but had some COOOOL stylistic stuff going on)
CS/CS:S (rounds? ROUNDS? I still don't understand why people dig this idea. . .. )

Games that I never played through but wish I had:
System shock/SS2
marathon series

I have no clue if the "current" games live up to this stuff. The fear, prey, etc demos looked cool but I don't have time or interest in games these days. I will probably give bioshock and UT3 at least a try.
Ya my All time is a bit diffrent from what I would play now..

All Time
-Battlefield Vietnam (I like the caves tand the ground cover)

I dont play many FPS's now so Ill put what I am playing and enjoying.
-Battlefield 2
-Counterstrike condition Zero
-Supreme Commander
-Test Drive Unlimited
Unreal Tournament (1999)
Descent 1 and Descent 3 (you can comfortabley skip descent2)

And for something totally different, Tomb Raider1 is a fantastic way to kill a LOT of time.
Tomb Raider2 is decent as well, and it's mildly easier to get it to work on XP.


But to be a little more serious

HL Opossing Force

Yeah like my joke with my friends it could be "Half-Life 23 Watching Paint Dry" And i would still buy it. And you HL2 Fans need to check out the mod Minerva if you havent already. Its almost better than HL2 was in my book.

I love AvP2 multiplayer, and Prey was pretty good and i liked Tron 2.0 and im playing Stalker right now (12+ Hours In) but i have my reservation on it. Ill give it a little more time and lay off it for awhile. Most of that play time was consecutive. :p
1: Half Life 2
2: Golden Eye for N64
3: Unreal Tournament (original)
4: Far Cry

5: and the one i loved more than all the others.... Tribes 2

32v32 teams on a really expansive map, only one scan hit weapon, vehicles, base setup, stategy abound. ctf, i loved it all. and all about 6 years ago.
1.) The Chronicles of Riddick (PC Version.. you gotta DL it from the Riddick website.)

2.) Prey

All the old Duke Nuke'em games, haha.
Now, why hasnt anyone mentioned ALIENS VS PREDATOR 2?!
Jedi Knight
Elite Force 1/2
original UT
Tribes (which I've wasted my middle school years playing it..)

forgot one: Red Faction 1
united offensive
counter strike
dod source

dod source

single player is for chumps, i barely ever make it out of the first 20min. before going mp.

Half-Life 2
Quake 4

all time:

Duke Nukem 3D ... how has this not been mentioned yet?
Doom 2 ... this game got me into gaming, co-op mode was fantastic
Half-Life ... HL2 was excellent, but HL started it all
Deus Ex ... they story, ohhh the story!
FEAR ... first horror / shooter that was actually scary
for me it would be...

recent titles:
Battlefield 2
Half-Life 2
Call of Duty/CoD:UO
Quake 4

older titles:
Medal of Honor (the original, and my all-time favorite)
Quake 3 (regular DM, CTF, freeztag, insta-gib, rocket arena and the Urban Terror mod)
Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast
Return to Castle Wolfenstein/Enemy Territory.
Quake 2

much older titles:
Beta Counter-Strike
Beta Day of Defeat
Wolfenstein 3D

with the exception of the "much older titles" ALL these games were great in both single-player and multi-player.