Torchlight $10 at D2D

I keep seeing how people compare Torchlight to Diablo but I just don't see them as similar. Torchlight vs Fate are definitely similar though. Same basic gameplay and graphics even down to having pets and being able to fish.

Pets aside, Torchlite is looks to be a clone of diablo. Not that its a bad thing, but it's virtually the same game mechanics. I guess it's just because Diablo defined what the dungeon crawling games should be, and Torchlite has many of the same components...

Pets aside, Torchlite is looks to be a clone of diablo. Not that its a bad thing, but it's virtually the same game mechanics. I guess it's just because Diablo defined what the dungeon crawling games should be, and Torchlite has many of the same components...

It could also be because I have played/seen FATE much more recently and Diablo is so far in the past that I just don't see it beyond the basics of search a random dungeon, kill things, find random treasure. Diablo also had playing OUTSIDE dungeons, right?
back on steam for $10,
Personally I'll take steam > D2D anyday :p
It could also be because I have played/seen FATE much more recently and Diablo is so far in the past that I just don't see it beyond the basics of search a random dungeon, kill things, find random treasure. Diablo also had playing OUTSIDE dungeons, right?

Well since the guy who did Fate is the same who did Torchlight that does make sense to me. Also they were behind Diablo too iirc.

I believe D2 added the outdoors. Diablo was only camp and the dungeon if I am remembering correctly.
Game looks interesting.

I'm afraid to try it, mainly because I know I'll get sucked into it most likely and spend untold hours killing things.
I bought it on Steam for $10... already beat it. You might as well call it Diablo 2.5.. just add in a pet that can make trips back to town to sell your crap and add in a "shared" storage chest that lets you give crap you find to your other characters.

Aside from how quickly I beat it, the game was a complete win.
Grabbed the game @ 9.99 on steam this past weekend. Torchlight is full of awesome. Hell of a lot more addictive than I thought it would be. Every time you say your going to quit.. there's that "epic loot finding" factor that makes you say.. "just one more level... I need to find some better boots/shoulders/helm.."