Torchlight - Forcing a Specific Refresh Rate


Sep 25, 2006
Is there a way to force a specific refresh rate in Torchlight, e.g., 85hz? The game keeps defaulting to 60hz. I have tried RefreshLock, but it does not seem to work with this game.
It might not be possible depending on how the game is designed. Some will lock/limit their framerates on purpose. It makes some things easier to predict if the frame-rate stays consistent.

So even if you use v-sync, it might just be limited to 60fps...

But I dunno specifically... just putting it out there that it's not always possible.
I have a feeling RefreshLock doesn't work in Win7/Vista (though it may be just DX10 games which cause problems). There are other tools with refresh lock settings which may be more up to date (RadeonPro, ATI Tray Tools, and I think RivaTuner).

And this is a bit of a long shot, but I have the same problem in Just Cause 2, and I can work around it by changing the resolution to something else and back again every time I run the game. It always launches at 60Hz, but when changed in-game it will pick the highest rate available.